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cx Namespace Reference

Namespace for all CustusX production code. More...




class  LogConsole
class  MemHolder
class  MemoryTester
class  ControllableSplitter
class  DataTreeNode
class  GroupTreeNode
class  ReplacableContentWidget
class  ShowDataTreeNodeBase
class  ShowVolumeDataTreeNode
class  ShowSlice2DDataTreeNode
class  ShowSlice3DDataTreeNode
class  SpaceTreeNode
class  ToolTreeNode
class  TopTreeNode
class  TreeItemModel
class  TreeNode
class  CachedTreeNode
class  TreeNodeImpl
class  WidgetTypeRepository
class  TreeRepository
class  ViewGroupPropertiesWidget
class  ViewGroupTreeNode
class  ViewServiceTreeNode
class  LayoutInteractor
class  MainWindow
 This is the main gui class which controls the workflow. More...
class  MainWindowActions
class  MainWindowApplicationComponent
class  SecondaryMainWindow
 Experimental class for IPad usage.This detached main window can be moved onto a secondary screen. The use case was a IPad where scrolling etc could control the CustusX scene. More...
class  SecondaryViewLayoutWindow
 Experimental class for IPad usage. More...
class  ClipperWidget
class  ClippingWidget
class  ColorWidget
class  CroppingWidget
class  AbraClass
class  TestClass
class  DataListWidget
class  AllDataListWidget
class  SelectedDataListWidget
class  DataViewSelectionWidget
class  EraserWidget
 Widget for erasing parts of images/meshes. More...
class  ExportDataDialog
class  ImagePropertiesWidget
 Widget for displaying and manipulating various Image properties. More...
class  ImportDataDialog
class  InfoWidget
class  ClippingPropertiesWidget
 Widget for displaying and changing clipper properties. More...
class  ManageClippersWidget
 Widget for managing clippers. More...
class  ActiveMeshPropertiesWidget
class  MeshInfoWidget
class  OverlayWidget
class  SelectClippersForDataWidget
 Turn clippers on/off for a spesific data structure. More...
class  SelectClippersForImageWidget
class  SelectClippersForMeshWidget
class  ImageRenderPropertiesWidget
class  ShadingWidget
class  SlicePropertiesWidget
class  StreamPropertiesWidget
 Widget for displaying and manipulating TrackedStream properties. More...
class  TransferFunction2DColorWidget
class  TransferFunction2DOpacityWidget
class  TransferFunctionAlphaWidget
class  TransferFunctionColorWidget
class  TransferFunctionPresetWidget
class  DoublePropertyImageTFDataBase
class  DoublePropertyImageTFDataWindow
class  DoublePropertyImageTFDataLevel
class  DoublePropertyImageTFDataLLR
class  DoublePropertyImageTFDataAlpha
class  TransferFunction3DWidget
class  TransferFunction2DWidget
class  TransferFunctionWidget
class  VolumeInfoWidget
 Widget for displaying various volume information. More...
class  ActiveVolumeWidget
 Widget that contains a select active image combobox. More...
class  VolumePropertiesWidget
 Widget for displaying and manipulating various 3D Volume properties. More...
class  FilterSetupWidget
class  FiltersWidget
class  BrowserWidget
 Shows a treestructure containing the loaded images, meshes and tools. More...
class  MetricBase
class  MetricReferenceArgumentListGui
class  PointMetricWrapper
class  PlaneMetricWrapper
class  DistanceMetricWrapper
class  AngleMetricWrapper
class  DonutMetricWrapper
class  SphereMetricWrapper
class  FrameMetricWrapper
class  MetricManager
class  MetricWidget
class  PointSamplingWidget
class  SamplerWidget
class  MessageFilterStatusBar
class  StatusBar
 Statusbar with extended functionality. More...
class  ToolMetricWrapper
class  NavigationWidget
 Widget for controlling camera follow style. More...
class  PlaybackWidget
 Widget interface to PlaybackTime. More...
class  TrackPadWidget
 Widget for controlling the camera in the 3D view.This widget is designed for use on a touchpad device. Example is to use iPad/iPhone as a secondary screen with this widget on. More...
class  ctkPluginBrowser
class  PluginFrameworkWidget
class  ctkPluginTableModel
class  GeneralTab
 Tab for general settings in the system. More...
class  SmallLineEdit
class  LayoutEditorWidget
class  VisualizationTab
class  AutomationTab
 Automatic execution of actions when applicable. More...
class  VideoTab
 Various parameters related to ultrasound acquisition and reconstruction. More...
class  ToolConfigTab
 Interface for selecting a tool configuration. More...
class  PreferencesDialog
 Set application preferences. More...
class  DebugTab
 Debug settings. More...
class  PreferenceTab
class  PerformanceTab
 Configure performance tab in preferences dialog. More...
class  ToolConfigureGroupBox
 Manage tool configurationsA widget for creating/modifying tool configurations. The user can select configs, and set name and which tools that are part of that config. More...
class  ToolFilterGroupBox
 Widget for easily filtering tools based on clinical application and tracking system.Used in conjunction with ToolConfigureGroupBox, it is possible to drag tools from ToolFilterGroupBox and drop them into configurations in ToolConfigureGroupBox. More...
class  ToolListWidget
 Class for displaying tool files that can be dragged and droppedSuperclass, not used directly. More...
class  FilteringToolListWidget
 Helper class for tool list display. More...
class  ConfigToolListWidget
 Helper class for tool config list display. More...
class  DoublePropertyActiveToolOffset
 Interface to the tool offset of the active tool. More...
class  DoublePropertyToolOffset
 Interface to the tool offset of a tool. More...
class  DoublePropertyActiveImageBase
 Superclass for all doubles interacting with the active image. More...
class  DoubleProperty2DWindow
 DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D window value. More...
class  DoubleProperty2DLevel
 DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D level value. More...
class  StringPropertyParentFrame
 Adapter that selects the parent frame of the given Data. More...
class  StringPropertySetParentFrame
 Adapter that force sets the parent frame of the given Data, i.e. overwriting history. Nice for initial definition. More...
class  StringPropertyDataNameEditable
 Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data. More...
class  StringPropertyDataUidEditable
 Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data. More...
class  StringPropertyDataModality
 Adapter that selects the modality of the given Data. More...
class  StringPropertyImageType
 Adapter that selects the image type of the given Data. More...
class  StringPropertyGlyphOrientationArray
 Adapter that selects the glyph orientation array. More...
class  StringPropertyGlyphColorArray
 Adapter that selects the glyph color array. More...
class  StringPropertyGlyphLUT
 Adapter that selects the glyph color LUT. More...
class  DoublePropertyShadingBase
class  DoublePropertyShadingAmbient
class  DoublePropertyShadingDiffuse
class  DoublePropertyShadingSpecular
class  DoublePropertyShadingSpecularPower
class  StringPropertyClipPlane
class  VideoConnectionWidget
 GUI for setting up a connection to a video stream. More...
class  ToolManagerWidget
 Designed as a debugging widget for the cxToolManager. More...
class  ActiveToolPropertiesWidget
class  ToolPropertiesWidget
class  AudioInternal
class  AudioImpl
class  Clippers
 Clipper container. Used by ClippersWidget. More...
class  DynamicMainWindowWidgets
class  ToolImagePreviewWidget
 Widget for displaying a tools image. More...
class  ApplicationComponent
class  LogicManager
 Control the custusx backend. More...
class  PluginFrameworkManager
class  AcquisitionImplService
 Implementation for Acqusition service. More...
class  AcquisitionService
 Acqusition services abstract interface. More...
class  AcquisitionServiceNull
 Null object pattern for Acqusition service. More...
class  AcquisitionServicePluginActivator
class  AcquisitionServiceProxy
 Always provides an AcqusitionService. More...
class  RecordSession
class  AcquisitionPlugin
class  SelectRecordSession
class  RecordSessionWidget
class  RecordTrackingWidget
class  SoundSpeedConverterWidget
class  StringPropertySelectRecordSessionBase
class  StringPropertySelectRecordSession
class  USAcqusitionWidget
class  AcquisitionData
class  Acquisition
class  USAcquisition
 Handles the us acquisition process.The USAcquisition object attaches itself to an input Acquisition object and records ultrasound data when the Acquisiton records. More...
class  USSavingRecorder
 Record and save ultrasound data.Use the start/stop pair to record video from the input streams during that period. A cancel instead of stop will clear the recording. More...
class  CalibrationGUIExtenderService
class  CalibrationPluginActivator
class  CalibrationMethodsWidget
class  LapFrameToolCalibrationWidget
class  LapFrameToolCalibrationCalculator
class  TemporalCalibrationWidget
class  ToolManualCalibrationWidget
class  ToolTipCalibrateWidget
class  ToolTipCalibrationCalculator
class  ToolTipSampleWidget
class  TemporalCalibration
class  NetworkPluginActivator
class  OpenIGTLinkPluginActivator
class  NetworkDataTransfer
class  NetworkDataTransferWidget
struct  WidgetInGroupBox
class  NetworkConnectionsWidget
 GUI for managing network connections. More...
class  NetworkConnectionWidget
class  OpenIGTLinkGuiExtenderService
class  NetworkConnection
 The NetworkConnection class handles incoming OpenIGTLink packages. More...
class  NetworkConnectionHandle
class  NetworkServiceImpl
class  CustusProtocol
class  EncodedPackage
class  igtlEncodedPackage
class  igtlEncodedBodyPackage
class  OpenIGTLinkProtocol
class  PlusProtocol
 The PlusDialect class contains the knowhow on the packages sent from a PlusServer. For this class to function correctly, the Plus configuration file used by the PlusServer needs to set up correctly. More...
class  Protocol
class  RASProtocol
class  OpenIGTLinkStreamer
class  OpenIGTLinkStreamerService
class  OpenIGTLinkTool
 Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize. More...
class  OpenIGTLinkTrackingSystemService
class  DataManager
class  DataManagerImpl
class  PatientData
 Functionality for storing patient data in a folder on the disk and access to these data.Keeps track of a single active patient (patient folder). Only one such patient can be active at a time, since the global managers are updated by this class. More...
class  PatientModelImplService
class  PatientModelPluginActivator
class  SessionStorageServiceImpl
class  ApplicationsParser
class  CustusXWorkflowStateMachine
 State Machine for the Workflow Steps for CustusX. More...
class  PatientDataWorkflowState
class  NavigationWorkflowState
class  RegistrationWorkflowState
class  PreOpPlanningWorkflowState
class  IntraOpImagingWorkflowState
class  PostOpControllWorkflowState
class  StatePluginActivator
class  StateServiceImpl
class  TrackingImplService
 Interface towards the navigation system. More...
class  TrackingPluginActivator
class  TrackingSystemDummyService
 Interface towards a dummy tracking system. More...
class  TrackingSystemPlaybackService
 Interface towards a playback tracking system.Wraps another tracking system, enabling playback of the tools in that system. More...
class  IGSTKTrackingPluginActivator
class  IgstkTool
 Class for controlling the igstk tracking (hardware) interface. More...
class  IgstkToolManager
 Manager for IGSTK interface.The manager exists inside IgstkTrackerThread . More...
class  IgstkTracker
 Class representing the navigation system. More...
class  IgstkTrackerThread
 Thread containing all of IGSTK. More...
class  ToolUsingIGSTK
 Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize. More...
class  TrackingSystemIGSTKService
 Interface towards one tracking system. More...
class  IGTLinkClientStreamer
class  IGTLinkStreamerService
class  ImageFileStreamerService
class  ImageReceiverThread
 Base class for receiving images from a video stream. More...
class  LocalServerStreamerArguments
class  LocalServerStreamer
class  OpenCVStreamerService
class  USAcquisitionVideoPlayback
 Handler for playback of US image data from a US recording session. More...
class  StreamerServiceUtilities
class  VideoConnection
 Represent one video grabber connection. More...
class  VideoImplService
class  VideoPluginActivator
class  VideoServiceBackend
class  Zoom2DHandler
class  AxisConnector
class  CameraStyle
class  CameraStyleInteractor
class  CameraStyleForView
class  DataRepContainer
class  MultiVolume3DRepProducer
class  RenderLoop
class  RepManager
 Rep caching and utilities. More...
class  ViewGroup
class  ViewImplService
class  ViewManager
 Creates a pool of views and offers an interface to them, also handles layouts on a centralwidget. More...
class  VisualizationPluginActivator
class  DataViewPropertiesInteractor
class  ViewWrapper
 Superclass for ViewWrappers. More...
class  ViewWrapper2D
class  ViewWrapper3D
class  ViewWrapperVideo
class  DicomConverter
class  DicomImageReader
class  DicomGUIExtenderService
class  DicomPluginActivator
class  DICOMAppWidgetPrivate
class  DICOMAppWidget
class  DicomImporter
class  DICOMModelPrivate
class  DICOMModel
class  DicomModelNode
class  NullDicomModelNode
class  RootDicomModelNode
class  PatientDicomModelNode
class  StudyDicomModelNode
class  SeriesDicomModelNode
class  ctkDICOMThumbnailGeneratorPrivate
class  ctkDICOMThumbnailGenerator
 thumbnail generator class More...
class  DICOMThumbnailListWidgetPrivate
class  DICOMThumbnailListWidget
class  DicomWidget
class  ExampleGUIExtenderService
class  ExamplePluginActivator
class  ExampleWidget
class  AirwaysFilter
class  FilterAirwaysPluginActivator
class  FilterLevelSetPluginActivator
class  LevelSetFilter
class  FilterRouteToTargetPluginActivator
class  RouteToTarget
class  RouteToTargetFilter
class  FilterTubeSegmentationPluginActivator
class  TSFPresets
class  TubeSegmentationFilter
class  HelpEngine
class  HelpGUIExtenderService
class  HelpPluginActivator
class  HelpBrowser
class  HelpIndexWidget
class  HelpSearchWidget
class  HelpWidget
class  LandmarkTranslationRegistration
class  RegistrationApplicator
class  RegistrationBaseWidget
class  RegistrationImplService
class  RegistrationMethodService
 Registration Method services. More...
class  RegistrationPluginActivator
class  StringPropertyRegistrationFixedImage
class  StringPropertyRegistrationMovingImage
class  RegistrationService
 Registration services. More...
class  RegistrationServiceNull
 Null Object Pattern for Registration service. More...
class  RegistrationServiceProxy
 Always provides a RegistrationService. More...
class  RegServices
class  RegistrationGUIExtenderService
class  RegistrationGUIPluginActivator
class  RegistrationHistoryGUIExtenderService
class  RegistrationHistoryWidget
class  RegistrationTypeWidget
class  RegistrationWidget
class  WirePhantomWidget
 Probe accuracy measurements using the Wire Phantom. More...
class  Branch
class  BranchList
class  BronchoscopyRegistration
class  BronchoscopyRegistrationWidget
 Register tracked bronchostopy tool path to lung centerline data (from CT) More...
class  RegistrationMethodBronchoscopyPluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodBronchoscopyImageToPatientService
class  RegistrationMethodCommandLinePluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodCommandLineService
class  ElastixSyntaxHighlighter
class  ElastixWidget
 Widget for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package. More...
class  ElastixExecuter
 ElastiX command-line wrapper. More...
class  ElastixParameterFile
class  ElastixEulerTransform
class  ElastixManager
 Manager for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package. More...
class  ElastixParameters
 Parameter and preset handling for the ElastiX registration. More...
class  ImageLandmarksWidget
class  LandmarkImage2ImageRegistrationWidget
class  LandmarkListener
class  LandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget
class  LandmarkRegistrationWidget
class  PatientLandMarksWidget
 Widget used as a tab in the ContexDockWidget for patient registration. More...
class  RegistrationMethodLandmarkPluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToImageService
class  RegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToPatientService
class  RegistrationMethodFastLandmarkImageToPatientService
class  FastImageRegistrationWidget
 Widget for performing landmark based image registration using only the translation part of the matrix. More...
class  FastLandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget
class  FastOrientationRegistrationWidget
 Widget for registrating the orientation part of a fast registration. More...
class  FastPatientRegistrationWidget
 Widget for performing a fast and aprox landmark based patient registration, using only the matrix translation part. More...
class  ManualImage2ImageRegistrationWidget
class  ManualImageTransformRegistrationWidget
class  ManualPatientRegistrationWidget
class  ManualImageRegistrationWidget
class  PatientOrientationWidget
 Widget for setting reference space to current tool orientation, without changing absolute position of data. More...
class  RegistrationMethodManualImageToImageService
class  RegistrationMethodManualImageToPatientService
class  RegistrationMethodManualImageTransformService
class  RegistrationMethodManualPatientOrientationService
class  RegistrationMethodManualPluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodManualService
class  PlateImageRegistrationWidget
class  PlateRegistrationWidget
 Widget for performing registration between a (dyna-CT) volume and a predefined aurora tool with ct markers. More...
class  RegistrationMethodPlatePluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodPlateImageToPatientService
class  RMPCFromPointerImageToPatientService
class  RMPCFromPointerWidget
 Register a point cloud to a surface. More...
class  RMPCPluginActivator
class  RMPCImageToPatientService
class  RMPCWidget
class  ICPRegistrationBaseWidget
class  ICPWidget
class  MeshInView
class  PrepareVesselsWidget
 Widget for extracting a segment from a image and finding a centerline from that segment. More...
class  RegisterI2IWidget
 Widget for performing the registration between two vessel segments. More...
class  RegistrationMethodVesselPluginActivator
class  RegistrationMethodVesselImageToImageService
class  SeansVesselRegistrationWidget
 I2I (image2image) ICP registration. More...
class  ReconstructCore
 Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes. More...
class  OutputVolumeParams
 Helper struct for sending and controlling output volume properties. More...
class  ReconstructionExecuter
class  ReconstructionMethodService
 Abstract interface for reconstruction algorithm. More...
class  ReconstructionWidget
class  DoublePropertyOutputValueParams
class  DoublePropertySpacing
class  DoublePropertyXDim
class  DoublePropertyYDim
class  DoublePropertyZDim
class  ReconstructParams
 Collection of reconstruction parameters. More...
struct  RemoveDataType
class  ReconstructPreprocessor
 Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes. More...
class  ThreadedTimedReconstructPreprocessor
 Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm. More...
class  ThreadedTimedReconstructCore
 Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm. More...
class  UsReconstructionGUIExtenderService
 Us Reconstruction framework with widgets. More...
class  UsReconstructionImplService
 Manager for the us reconstruction process. More...
class  UsReconstructionPluginActivator
class  UsReconstructionService
class  UsReconstructionServiceNull
class  UsReconstructionServiceProxy
class  PNNReconstructionMethodService
class  PNNReconstructionPluginActivator
class  VNNclAlgorithm
class  VNNclPluginActivator
class  VNNclReconstructionMethodService
class  HttpRequestHandler
class  LayoutVideoSource
class  RemoteAPI
class  ScreenVideoProvider
class  AlgorithmHelper
 Class with helper functions for algorithms. More...
class  CompositeTimedAlgorithm
class  CompositeSerialTimedAlgorithm
class  CompositeParallelTimedAlgorithm
class  ThreadedTimedAlgorithm
 Base class for algorithms that wants to thread and time their execution. T is the return type of the calculated data in the thread. More...
class  Example
 Implementation of ThreadedTimedAlgorithm that shows the minimum implementation of this class. More...
class  TimedBaseAlgorithm
 Base class for algorithms that wants to time their execution. More...
class  CoreServices
class  ActiveDataNull
class  ActiveData
 Provides the last active data of warious types. More...
class  ActiveImageProxy
 Helper class for connection the active image.By listening to this class, you will always listen to the active image. More...
class  AngleMetric
 Data class that represents an angle between two lines. More...
struct  TimeInfo
class  Data
 Superclass for all data objects. More...
class  DataFactory
class  DataMetric
 Base class for all Data Metrics. More...
class  ErrorObserver
class  StaticMutexVtkLocker
class  DataReader
 Interface for Data file readers. More...
class  MetaImageReader
 Reader for metaheader .mhd files. More...
class  PNGImageReader
 Reader for portable network graphics .png files. More...
class  PolyDataMeshReader
 Reader for .vtk files. More...
class  StlMeshReader
 Reader for STL files. More...
class  DataReaderWriter
class  DistanceMetric
 Data class that represents a distance between two points, or a point and a plane. More...
class  FrameForest
 A graph combining Space dependencies between all Data.Relations between coordinate spaces among Data are created by this class. More...
class  FrameMetric
 Data class that represents a single frame (transform). More...
class  FrameMetricBase
 Abstract base class for frame metric. More...
class  GPUImageDataBufferImpl
class  GPUImageLutBufferImpl
class  BufferQueue
class  GPUImageBufferRepositoryInternal
class  GPUImageDataBuffer
 Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts). More...
class  GPUImageLutBuffer
 Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts). More...
class  GPUImageBufferRepository
 Repository for GPU buffers. More...
class  Image
 A volumetric data set. More...
class  ImageDefaultTFGenerator
class  ImageLUT2D
 Handling of color and opacity for 2D slices. More...
class  ImageParameters
class  ImageTF3D
 Handler for the transfer functions used in 3d image volumes. More...
class  ImageTFData
 Data class for Transfer Function info, either 2D or 3D. More...
class  Landmark
 One landmark, or fiducial, coordinate. More...
class  Landmarks
class  LandmarkProperty
class  Mesh
 A mesh data set. More...
class  MetricReferenceArgumentList
 Collection of Metric arguments that refer to another metric. More...
class  NavigatedVideoImage
 Image subclass for live updated 2D images tied to a tool. More...
class  PlaneMetric
 Data class representing a plane. More...
class  PointMetric
 Data class that represents a single point. More...
class  Presets
 Base class for a group of presets in the system. More...
class  RegistrationHistoryNull
class  RegistrationTransform
 A registration event and its transform. More...
class  ParentSpace
 Definition of a parent space event. More...
class  RegistrationHistory
 A history of registration events. More...
class  DonutMetric
 Data class that represents a donut. More...
class  SphereMetric
 Data class that represents a donut. More...
class  ToolMetric
class  TrackedStream
 A data set for video streams (2D/3D). More...
class  TransferFunctions3DPresets
 Handles transfer function presets. More...
class  UnsignedDerivedImage
 Class that holds an unsigned version of a base Image. More...
class  Audio
 Interface for playing sounds. More...
class  EventProcessingThread
class  Log
class  LogFileWatcher
class  MessageLoggerInternalData
class  MessageLogger
class  Message
class  MessageFilter
class  MessageFilterConsole
class  MessageListener
class  Reporter
class  LogFile
class  LogFileWatcherThread
class  MyStreamBuf
class  SingleStreamerImpl
class  ThreadMethodInvoker
class  LogThread
class  MessageObserver
class  MessageRepository
class  ReporterThread
class  IntBoundingBox3D
 Representation of an integer bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk. More...
class  DoubleBoundingBox3D
 Representation of a floating-point bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk. More...
class  DecomposedTransform3D
 Helper class for visualizing rotational angles to a human user. More...
class  Frame3D
 Defines an axis-angle representation of a position+orientation in 3D space. More...
class  NetworkService
class  PatientModelService
 The virtual patient. More...
class  PatientModelServiceNull
 Null Object Pattern for Registration service. More...
class  PatientModelServiceProxy
 Always provides a PatientModelService. More...
class  BoolProperty
class  BoolPropertyBase
class  ColorProperty
class  ColorPropertyBase
class  DoublePairProperty
 Implementation of DoublePairPropertyBase. More...
class  DoublePairPropertyBase
 Abstract interface for interaction with internal data structure: A pair of doubles. More...
class  DoubleSpanSliderAdapterNull
class  DoubleProperty
class  DoublePropertyBase
class  DoublePropertyNull
class  DoublePropertyTimeCalibration
class  EmbeddedFilepath
class  FilePathProperty
class  Property
 Superclass for all data adapters. More...
class  PropertyNull
class  StringPropertyActiveData
class  StringPropertyActiveImage
class  StringPropertySelectImage
class  StringPropertySelectData
class  StringPropertySelectMesh
class  StringPropertySelectTrackedStream
class  SelectDataStringPropertyBase
class  SpaceProperty
class  SpacePropertyBase
class  StringListProperty
 Represents one collection of strings. More...
class  StringProperty
 Represents one option of the string type. The data are stored within a xml document. More...
class  StringPropertyBase
 Abstract interface for interaction with internal string-valued data. More...
class  StringPropertySelectCoordinateSystemBase
class  StringPropertySelectCoordinateSystem
 Adapter that selects and stores a coordinate systems. The coordinatesystem is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it. More...
class  StringPropertySelectPointMetric
class  StringPropertySelectTool
 Adapter that selects and stores a tool. The tool is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it. More...
class  StringPropertyActiveTool
class  StringPropertyActiveProbeConfiguration
class  Vector3DComponentProperty
class  Vector3DProperty
 Represents one option of the double type. More...
class  Vector3DPropertyBase
 Abstract interface for interaction with internal Vector3D-valued data. More...
class  Vector3DPropertyNull
class  DataLocations
class  PatientStorage
 Helper class for storing variables in the patient file. More...
class  Profile
class  ProfileManager
struct  RequestEnterStateEvent
 Utility class for StateService states. More...
class  RequestEnterStateTransition
 Utility class for StateService states. More...
class  SessionStorageServiceNull
class  SessionStorageService
class  SessionStorageServiceProxy
class  Settings
 Customized interface for setting values in QSettings. More...
struct  Desktop
 Data class for CustusX desktop. More...
class  StateService
 Workflow states for CustusX. More...
class  StateServiceNull
class  StateServiceProxy
class  WorkflowState
 State in a WorkflowStateMachine. More...
class  ParentWorkflowState
class  WorkflowStateMachine
 State Machine for the Workflow Steps. More...
class  ActiveToolProxy
 Helper class for connecting to the active tool.By listening to this class, you will always listen to the active tool. More...
class  DummyProbe
class  DummyToolThread
struct  DummyToolTestUtilities
class  DummyTool
 Implementation of a Tool used for testing. More...
class  DummyToolManager
 Implementation of a ToolManager used for testing. More...
class  ManualTool
 A manual tool that is unconnected to any hardware. More...
class  ManualToolAdapter
 Adapter class for ManualTool.A ManualToolAdapter inherits from manual tool, but also contains a cx::Tool that is requests shape and probe info from. More...
class  PlaybackTool
 A tool used during playback. More...
class  Probe
 US Probe interface. More...
class  ProbeAdapterRTSource
 VideoSource that applies the parameters from a Probe to the VideoSource. More...
class  ProbeDefinition
 Definition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector. More...
class  ProbeImpl
class  InsideMaskFunctor
class  ProbeSector
 Utility functions for drawing an US Probe sector. More...
class  ApplyLUTToImage2DProxy
 Helper class for applying sscLUT2D to an image. More...
class  SlicedImageProxy
 Helper class for slicing an image given a SliceProxy and an image. More...
class  SliceProxyInterface
class  SimpleSliceProxy
class  SliceProxy
 Provides a slice matrix based on definition and tool. More...
struct  ToolPositionMetadata
class  Tool
 Interface to a tool, i.e. a pointer, US probe or similar. More...
class  ConfigurationFileParser
 Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool. More...
class  ToolFileParser
 Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool. More...
class  ToolImpl
 Common functionality for Tool subclasses. More...
class  ToolNull
class  ToolProxy
class  Tracker
class  TrackerConfiguration
class  TrackerConfigurationImpl
class  TrackerConfigurationNull
class  TrackingPositionFilter
class  TrackingService
 Service providing tools and tracking systems. More...
class  TrackingServiceNull
class  TrackingServiceProxy
class  TrackingSystemService
 Tracking System Service. More...
class  VideoRecorderSaveThread
class  SavingVideoRecorder
 Recorder for a VideoSource. More...
class  ProcessedUSInputData
class  USFrameData
 Helper class encapsulating a 2S US data set. More...
class  TimedPosition
 One position with timestamp. More...
struct  USReconstructInputData
struct  USReconstructInputDataAlgorithm
class  UsReconstructionFileMaker
 Handles writing files in the format the us reconstruction algorithm wants them. More...
class  UsReconstructionFileReader
 Reader class for the US Acquisition files. More...
class  Application
struct  CoordinateSystem
 Identification of a Coordinate system. More...
class  CustomMetaImage
 utility class for accessing metaheader files. More...
class  CyclicActionLogger
struct  DoubleRange
 Utility class for describing a bounded numeric range. More...
class  CachedImageData
class  ImageDataContainer
class  CachedImageDataContainer
class  SplitFramesContainer
class  FramesDataContainer
class  Indent
 Formatting class for debug printing of the ssc library. More...
struct  null_deleter
class  OpenCLPrinter
 Utilities for printing information about OpenCL. More...
class  OptionalValue
class  PlaneTypeCollection
struct  TemporaryPausePlay
class  PlaybackTime
 Controller for historic time, playback etc. More...
class  TimelineEvent
 Description of one event in time. More...
class  PositionStorageReader
 Reader class for the position file. More...
class  PositionStorageWriter
 Writer class for the position file. More...
class  ProcessReporter
class  ProcessWrapper
struct  shm_header
class  SharedMemoryServer
 Shared Memory Server. More...
class  SharedMemoryClient
 Shared Memory Client. More...
class  SlicePlane
 A 2D slice plane in 3D. i,j are perpendicular unit vectors. More...
class  SliceComputer
 Calculates a slice plane given a definition. More...
class  SingleConnectionTcpServer
class  SocketConnector
class  SocketClientConnector
class  SocketServerConnector
class  SocketConnection
class  SpaceListener
 Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes. More...
class  SpaceListenerImpl
 Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes. More...
class  SpaceProvider
class  SpaceProviderImpl
class  AbsDoubleLess
class  StreamedTimestampSynchronizer
class  SyncedValue
class  TimeKeeper
class  TransformFile
 File format for storing a 4x4 matrix.The read/write methods emit error messages if you dont use the ok flag. More...
class  ViewportObserverPrivate
class  ViewportListenerBase
 Base class for listening to a vtkRenderer. More...
class  ViewportListener
 Listens to changes in viewport and camera matrix. More...
class  ViewportPreRenderListener
 Listens to the start render event in a vtkRenderer. More...
class  VLCRecorder
 Lets you use the third party application VLC to record a video of the screen. More...
class  XMLNodeAdder
class  XMLNodeParser
class  SharedDocuments
class  XmlOptionItem
 Helper class for storing one string value in an xml document. More...
class  XmlOptionFile
 Helper class for xml files used to store ssc/cx data. More...
class  SeansVesselReg
class  BasicVideoSource
 VideoSource controlled by a vtkImageData. More...
class  StreamerService
 Abstract class. Interface to Streamers. More...
class  StreamerServiceNull
 Null implementation of the StreamerService. More...
class  StreamerServiceProxy
 Proxy for StreamerServices. More...
class  StringPropertyActiveVideoSource
 Property for controlling the active video source in cx::VideoService. More...
class  TestVideoSource
 test video source generator More...
class  VideoRecorder
 Recorder for a VideoSource. More...
class  VideoService
 Provides access to all video sources in the system, and connection stuff for the sources. More...
class  VideoServiceNull
class  VideoServiceProxy
class  VideoSource
 video source interface. More...
class  VideoSourceSHM
 VideoSource for connecting to shared memory. More...
class  Filter
class  FilterGroup
class  FilterImpl
class  FilterTimedAlgorithm
class  StringPropertyFusedInputOutputSelectData
class  Pipeline
class  BinaryThinningImageFilter3DFilter
class  BinaryThresholdImageFilter
class  ConnectedThresholdImageFilter
 Segmenting using region growing. More...
class  ContourFilter
class  DilationFilter
class  DummyFilter
class  ResampleImageFilter
class  SmoothingImageFilter
class  GUIExtenderService
class  IGTLinkConversion
class  IGTLinkConversionBase
class  IGTLinkConversionImage
class  IGTLinkConversionPolyData
class  IGTLinkConversionSonixCXLegacy
class  IGTLinkUSStatusMessage
 IGTLink Message content: More...
class  RegisteredService
class  ServiceTrackerCustomizer
 Notify changes in a service lifecycle. More...
class  ServiceTrackerListener
 Helper class for listening to services being added, modified and removed. More...
class  cxSimpleSyntheticVolume
struct  MassFunctor
struct  CentroidFunctor
class  cxSyntheticVolume
class  CommandlineImageStreamerFactory
 Factory class for creating streamer objects. More...
class  DirectlyLinkedSender
class  Frame
class  GrabberSenderQTcpSocket
class  ImageServer
 ImageServer. More...
class  ImageStreamerOpenCVArguments
class  ImageStreamerOpenCV
class  ImageTestData
class  ImageStreamerDummyArguments
class  DummyImageStreamer
struct  Package
class  Sender
class  SenderImpl
class  SonixProbeFileReader
class  Streamer
class  CommandLineStreamer
class  CameraData
class  CameraControl
class  InteractiveClipper
class  CropBoxCallback
class  CropBoxEnableCallback
class  InteractiveCropper
class  LayoutRepository
class  Navigation
class  RepContainer
class  DataViewProperties
class  ViewGroupData
 Container for data shared between all members of a view group. More...
class  ViewService
 Visualization services. More...
class  ViewServiceNull
class  ViewServiceProxy
class  VisServices
class  GraphicalAxes3D
 Visualization for one 3D coordinate axis triplet. More...
class  GraphicalDisk
class  GraphicalGeometricBase
class  GraphicalPolyData3D
 Helper for rendering a a polydata in 3D. More...
class  GraphicalGlyph3DData
 Helper for rendering a a glyph in 3D. More...
class  GraphicalPoint3D
 Helper for rendering a point in 3D. More...
class  GraphicalLine3D
 Helper for rendering a line in 3D. More...
class  GraphicalArc3D
 Helper for rendering a line in 3D. More...
class  GraphicalArrow3D
 Helper for rendering an arrow in 3D. More...
class  Rect3D
 Helper for drawing a rectangle in 3D. More...
class  FollowerText3D
 Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size. More...
class  CaptionText3D
 Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size, always on top. More...
class  GraphicalTorus3D
 Helper for rendering a torus in 3D. More...
class  ImageEnveloper
class  ImageMapperMonitor
class  SlicePlaneClipper
 Clip several 3D volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  Texture3DSlicerProxy
 Helper class for GPU-based slicing. More...
class  Texture3DSlicerProxyImpl
 Slice volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  SingleVolumePainterHelper
class  TextureSlicePainter
 Helper class for GPU rendering of slices. More...
class  ToolTracer
 3D Graphics class for displaying the trace path traversed by a tool. More...
class  VideoGraphics
 Wrap vtkActor displaying a video image, possibly clipped by a sector. More...
class  VideoSourceGraphics
 Helper class for displaying a VideoSource. More...
class  ViewFollower
class  VolumeProperty
class  RGBColor
 RGB color data. More...
class  OffsetPoint
 Helper for drawing a point in 2D. More...
class  LineSegment
 Helper for drawing a line in 2D. More...
class  TextDisplay
 Helper for drawing text in 2D. More...
class  CrossHair2D
 Helper for drawing a crosshair in 2D. More...
class  Axes3D
 Helper for drawing a coordinate axis in 3D. More...
class  DataMetricRep
 Base class for all Data Metric reps. More...
class  DisplayTextRep
 Display a number of text strings. More...
class  Rep
 Abstract interface for entities that can be added to a View. More...
class  RepImpl
 Default implementation of Rep. More...
class  CrossHairRep2D
 Display the Tool in 2D as a crosshair in the tool tip position. More...
class  GeometricRep2D
 Display one Mesh in 2D. More...
class  GuideRep2D
class  OrientationAnnotationSmartRep
 A class that annotated 2D views with otientation information.The slice proxy is used to find the orientation of a slice in space r, which is assumed to be a valid DICOM space, and combinations of the letters Anterior - Posterior Left - Right Superior - Inferior are used. Combinations of the letters are used for oblique angles. More...
class  OrientationAnnotation
class  OrientationAnnotationRep
 Display direction annotations in a 2D view. More...
class  PointMetricRep2D
class  SliceRepSW
 Display an image slice in 2D. More...
class  SphereMetricRep2D
class  ToolRep2D
 Display a Tool in 2D. More...
class  AngleMetricRep
class  AxesRep
 Representation for one 3D coordinate axis triplet. More...
class  DistanceMetricRep
 Rep for visualizing a DistanceMetric. More...
class  DonutMetricRep
class  FiberBundleRep
 Display a DTI Fiber bundle (fiber tracks) in 3D. More...
class  FrameMetricRep
class  GeometricRep
 Display one Mesh in 3D. More...
class  Image2DProxy
 Slice volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  Image2DRep3D
 Display a 2D Volume in 3D. More...
class  LandmarksSource
class  PatientLandmarksSource
class  ImageLandmarksSource
class  LandmarkRep
class  MehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepImageMapperMonitor
class  MehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepBase
class  MetricNamesRep
class  OrientationAnnotation3DRep
 Class for display of an orientation annotation cube in 3D. More...
class  PickerRep
 Picking of points in an image. More...
class  PlaneMetricRep
 Rep for visualizing a PlaneMetric. More...
class  PointMetricRep
class  SlicePlanesProxy
 Helper class for managing a set of slice planes. More...
class  SlicePlanes3DRep
 Display a set of planes in 3D. More...
class  SlicePlanes3DMarkerIn2DRep
 Display annotations for the SlicePlanesProxy planes in 2D. More...
class  Slices3DRep
 Display several slices through volumes in 3D. More...
class  SphereMetricRep
class  Stream2DRep3D
 Display a stream as 2D in 3D. More...
class  StreamRep3D
 Display a 3D stream in 3D. More...
class  Texture3DSlicerRep
 Display overlayed image slices in 2D. More...
class  ToolMetricRep
class  ToolRep3D
 Display a Tool in 3D. More...
class  VolumetricBaseRep
 Display a volume in 3D. More...
class  VolumetricRep
 Display a volume in 3D. More...
class  VideoFixedPlaneRep
 Display a VideoSource in a View. More...
struct  LayoutPosition
struct  LayoutRegion
struct  LayoutViewData
class  LayoutData
class  ScreenShotImageWriter
class  View
class  ViewCollectionImageWriter
class  ViewCollectionWidget
class  ViewRepCollection
class  ViewCollectionWidgetUsingViewContainer
class  ViewContainer
class  ViewItem
class  ViewLinkingViewContainerItem
class  ViewCollectionWidgetMixed
class  ViewCache
class  LayoutWidgetUsingViewWidgets
class  ViewLinkingViewWidget
class  ViewWidget
class  ActiveToolWidget
 Widget that contains a select active tool combo box. More...
class  BaseWidget
 Interface for QWidget which handles widgets uniformly for the system. More...
class  BoundingBoxWidget
 Widget displays/edits a BoundingBox3D. More...
class  CheckBoxWidget
 Widget for the BoolPropertyBase. More...
class  ColorSelectButton
 Convenience button for chosing color. Will open a color select dialog, and color the button itself in the selected color. More...
class  ColorSelectWidget
 Widget for the ColorPropertyBase. More...
class  CompactFilterSetupWidget
 Helper widget for displaying the input/output/options part of a Filter. Intended to be included in other Filter widgets. More...
class  MyTableWidget
class  LogMessageDisplayWidget
class  DetailedLogMessageDisplayWidget
class  SimpleLogMessageDisplayWidget
class  ConsoleWidget
 Widget for displaying status messages. More...
class  ConsoleWidgetCollection
class  DataSelectWidget
class  EraseDataToolButton
class  DetailedLabeledComboBoxWidget
 Composite widget for string selection with . More...
class  DisplayTimerWidget
 A second counter widget. More...
class  DoubleSpanSlider
 Custom widget for display of double-valued data.Use the double-named methods instead of qslider's int-based ones. More...
class  SliderRangeGroupWidget
class  DoubleSlider
 Custom widget for display of double-valued data. More...
class  DoubleLineEdit
 A QLineEdit specialized to deal with double data. More...
class  ScalarInteractionWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  SliderGroupWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  SpinBoxGroupWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  SpinBoxAndSliderGroupWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  SpinBoxAndDialGroupWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  SpinBoxInfiniteSliderGroupWidget
 Composite widget for scalar data manipulation. More...
class  FileInputWidget
class  FilenameWidget
 Composite widget for filename edit. More...
class  FilePreviewWidget
 View a xml document. More...
class  FileSelectWidget
 Widget for displaying and selecting a single file. More...
class  FileWatcherWidget
 Baseclass for widgets that should watch a file. More...
class  FilterPresetWidget
class  FrameTreeWidget
 Widget for displaying the FrameForest object. More...
class  sscFloatingWidget
 A widget that floats above the other windows. Used as basis for the floating controls. More...
class  ImagePreviewWidget
 Widget for displaying images. More...
class  LabeledComboBoxWidget
 Composite widget for string selection. More...
class  LabeledLineEditWidget
 Composite widget for string edit. More...
class  MousePadWidgetInternal
class  MousePadWidget
 A touchpad-friendly area for performing 1D/2D scroll operations. More...
class  MultiFileInputWidget
class  OptimizedUpdateWidget
 Interface for all classes following the modified/prepaint paradigm. More...
class  OptionsWidget
class  PipelineWidgetFilterLine
class  PipelineWidget
class  PopupButton
class  PopupToolbarWidget
class  PresetWidget
 Base class for preset handling. Takes care of making a uniform preset system. Contains a preset selector, functionality for resetting to a default preset, saving new presets and deleting presets. More...
class  ProbeConfigWidget
 Widget that displays/edits a probe configuration. More...
class  SelectionGroupBox
class  SpaceEditWidget
 Composite widget for string selection. More...
class  StringListSelectWidget
 Composite widget for string list selection. More...
class  TabbedWidget
 Interface for making widgets with a hierarchy of tabs. More...
class  TimedAlgorithmProgressBar
 Show progress for a TimedBaseAlgorithm. More...
class  TimelineWidget
 widget for displaying a timeline for events. More...
class  MatrixTextEdit
class  Transform3DWidget
 Widget for displaying and manipulating an affine matrix, i.e. a rotation+translation matrix. More...
class  Vector3DWidget
 Widget for displaying a Vector3D. More...
class  WidgetObscuredListener


typedef boost::weak_ptr< TreeNodeTreeNodeWeakPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TreeNode
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StringListProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TreeRepository
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class WidgetTypeRepository
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LayoutRepository
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LayoutInteractor
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraControl
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VisServices
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProcessWrapper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ScreenShotImageWriter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ActiveData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class InteractiveCropper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Clippers
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ShadingWidget
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackedStream
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DoublePropertyImageTFDataBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class WidgetObscuredListener
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MetricBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MetricManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DataFactory
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ActiveToolProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MessageFilterStatusBar
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ActiveImageProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StringPropertyGlyphLUT
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoConnectionManager > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StringProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Tool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SpaceProvider
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackingService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PatientModelService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StateService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AcquisitionService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SessionStorageService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PluginFrameworkManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ApplicationComponent
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Acquisition
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AcquisitionData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class USAcquisition
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< AcquisitionImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RecordSession
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RegisteredService
typedef std::map< double,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AcquisitionPlugin
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolRep3D
typedef std::map< QString,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SelectRecordSession
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RecordSessionWidget
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
ThreadedTimedReconstructer > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SavingVideoRecorder
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class USSavingRecorder
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CalibrationGUIExtenderService
typedef unsigned char uchar
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef std::map< double, double > TimeSeriesType
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TemporalCalibration
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class NetworkService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class NetworkServiceImpl
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class BoolProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class NetworkDataTransfer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OpenIGTLinkGuiExtenderService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class NetworkConnection
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< EncodedPackage
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Protocol
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OpenIGTLinkStreamer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OpenIGTLinkStreamerService
typedef std::vector< double > DoubleVector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DoubleVector
typedef std::vector
< Transform3DPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Transform3DVector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class IgstkTool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProbeImpl
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< OpenIGTLinkTool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RegistrationHistory
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DataManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DataManagerImpl
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PatientData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PatientModelImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CustusXWorkflowStateMachine
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
ApplicationStateMachine > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class WorkflowStateMachine
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackingImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ManualToolAdapter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PlaybackTime
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackingSystemService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PlaybackTool
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< IgstkTool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< IgstkToolManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< IgstkTracker
typedef boost::weak_ptr
< IgstkTracker
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< IgstkTrackerThread
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ToolUsingIGSTK
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class IGTLinkClientStreamer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StringPropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DoublePropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class BoolPropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CyclicActionLogger
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Streamer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StreamerService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DirectlyLinkedSender
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProbeDefinition
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageReceiverThread
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Property
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FilePathProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LocalServerStreamer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class BasicVideoSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoServiceBackend
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< USAcquisitionVideoPlayback
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VideoConnection
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VideoImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Zoom2DHandler
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SpaceListener
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AxisConnector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraStyle
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CoreServices
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraStyleInteractor
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraStyleForView
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SphereMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DataRepContainer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< RenderLoop
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Rep
typedef std::map< QString, RepPtrRepMap
typedef std::map< QString,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewGroupData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SyncedValue
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Navigation
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ViewImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewFollower
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ViewWrapper2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Slices3DRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DataMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MetricNamesRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageLandmarkRep > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PatientLandmarkRep > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolAxisConnector > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ViewWrapper3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ViewWrapperVideo
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DicomImageReader
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DicomGUIExtenderService
typedef DICOMModel ctkDICOMModel
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DicomModelNode
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Image
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ExampleGUIExtenderService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AirwaysFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LevelSetFilter
typedef std::vector
< Eigen::Matrix4d > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RouteToTarget
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class BranchList
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Branch
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RouteToTargetFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TSFPresets
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TubeSegmentationFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HelpEngine
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< HelpGUIExtenderService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Data
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< RegistrationImplService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RegistrationService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RegServices
typedef std::vector< BranchPtrbranchVector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ElastixExecuter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ElastixManager
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ElastixParameters
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageLandmarksSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LandmarkListener
typedef Transform3D Transform3D
 Transform3D is a representation of an affine 3D transform. More...
typedef std::map< QString,
class Landmark
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RegistrationManager > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SeansVesselReg
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MeshInView
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
SeansVesselRegistrationDebugger > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GeometricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ReconstructCore
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TimedBaseAlgorithm
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ReconstructionExecuter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DoubleProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProcessedUSInputData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ReconstructParams
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ReconstructionManager > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VNNclAlgorithm
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RemoteAPI
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LayoutVideoSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class HttpRequestHandler
typedef short PixelType
typedef itk::Image< PixelType,
< itkImageType
< itkImageType
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CompositeSerialTimedAlgorithm
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CompositeParallelTimedAlgorithm
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ManualTool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DummyTool
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class NavigatedVideoImage
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Mesh
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageTF3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageLUT2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageTFData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class InteractiveClipper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GPUImageDataBuffer
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GPUImageLutBuffer
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProbeSector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FiberBundle > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Axes3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AxesRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CrossHair2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CrossHairRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DisplayTextRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FiberBundleRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GeometricRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GraphicalLine3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GraphicalPoint3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GuideRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LandmarkRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LineSegment
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class OffsetPoint
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PickerRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PointMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PointMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PointMetricRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Rect3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SlicedImageProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SlicePlaneClipper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SlicePlaneRep > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SlicePlanes3DRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SlicePlanesProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SliceProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SliceRepSW
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Stream2DRep3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class StreamRep3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SurfaceRep > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TestVideoSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TextDisplay
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Texture3DSlicerRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolTracer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoFixedPlaneRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class View
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VolumetricBaseRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VolumetricRep
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ColorPropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ColorProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DoublePairProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Presets
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class USFrameData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewportListener
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewGroup
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewGroup2D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewGroup3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewWrapper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Filter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PatientStorage
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AngleMetric
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Landmarks
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DataReader
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DistanceMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FrameMetric
typedef std::map< int, int > IntIntMap
typedef std::map< int, QColor > ColorMap
typedef std::pair< double, double > double_pair
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< IntIntMap
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ColorMap
typedef std::map< QString,
typedef Eigen::Hyperplane
< double, 3 > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PlaneMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DonutMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolMetric
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr< AudioAudioPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MessageObserver
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MessageListener
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LogThread
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Log
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class LogFileWatcher
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MessageFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Reporter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class MessageRepository
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Transform3D
typedef Eigen::Vector3d Vector3D
 Vector3D is a representation of a point or vector in 3D. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Vector3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< DoublePairPropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SpaceProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SpacePropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Vector3DComponentProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Vector3DProperty
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Vector3DPropertyBase
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class QSettings > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Settings
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Profile
typedef boost::shared_ptr< ProbeProbePtr
typedef boost::weak_ptr< ProbeProbeWeakPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ProbeAdapterRTSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SliceProxyInterface
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ApplyLUTToImage2DProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SimpleSliceProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< TimedTransformMap
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackingPositionFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ToolImpl
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TrackerConfiguration
typedef std::map< ToolPtr,
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageDataContainer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class TimedPosition
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< QTextStream > 
typedef CoordinateSystem Space
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CustomMetaImage
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CachedImageData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< PositionStorageReader
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ProcessReporter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SocketConnector
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VLCRecorder
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Receiver > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VideoRecorder
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VideoSourceSHM
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FilterGroup
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FilterTimedAlgorithm
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< Pipeline
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ContourFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DilationFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ResampleImageFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SmoothingImageFilter
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GUIExtenderService
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< cxSyntheticVolume
typedef std::map< QString,
QString > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< cv::VideoCapture > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< struct Package
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageTestData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DummyImageStreamer
typedef boost::shared_ptr< SenderSenderPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CommandLineStreamer
typedef vtkSmartPointer< class
typedef vtkSmartPointer< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class RepContainer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GraphicalAxes3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalDisk
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalPolyData3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalGlyph3DData
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalArc3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalArrow3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FollowerText3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CaptionText3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalTorus3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageEnveloper
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageMapperMonitor
typedef vtkSmartPointer< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Texture3DSlicerProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VideoSourceGraphics
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< VideoGraphics
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class VolumeProperty
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class
typedef vtkSmartPointer< class
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SphereMetricRep2D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class AngleMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DistanceMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class DonutMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class FrameMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Image2DProxy
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Image2DRep3D
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< LandmarksSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PatientLandmarksSource
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class
MehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRep > 
typedef vtkSmartPointer< class
vtkDataSet > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PlaneMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SphereMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ToolMetricRep
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewRepCollection
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< ViewContainer
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SpinBoxAndSliderGroupWidget
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< SpinBoxAndDialGroupWidget




void print (QString header, QRect r)
spaceProvider ()
trackingService ()
patientService ()
videoService ()
stateService ()
viewService ()
acquisitionService ()
sessionStorageService ()
LogicManagerlogicManager ()
QString getStringForctkPluginState (const ctkPlugin::State state)
ctkPlugin::State getctkPluginStateForString (QString text)
void correlate (double *x, double *y, double *corr, int maxdelay, int n)
std::vector< ToolPtrtoVector (std::map< QString, OpenIGTLinkToolPtr > map)
bool toolTypeSort (const ToolPtr tool1, const ToolPtr tool2)
 function for sorting tools by type More...
void sampleInfo2xml (const igstk::NDITracker::TrackingSampleInfo &info, QDomElement &node)
bool isViewWrapper2D (ViewWrapperPtr wrapper)
int * getImageSize (DataPtr inputImage)
double findDistance (Eigen::MatrixXd p1, Eigen::MatrixXd p2)
Eigen::MatrixXd sortMatrix (int rowNumber, Eigen::MatrixXd matrix)
Eigen::MatrixXd eraseCol (int removeIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index,
double > 
dsearch (Eigen::Vector3d p, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
std::pair< std::vector
< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index >
, Eigen::VectorXd > 
dsearchn (Eigen::MatrixXd p1, Eigen::MatrixXd p2)
std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd,
Eigen::MatrixXd > 
findConnectedPointsInCT (int startIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd positionsNotUsed)
M4Vector excludeClosePositions (M4Vector Tnavigation)
Eigen::VectorXd sortVector (Eigen::VectorXd v)
Eigen::VectorXd findMedian (Eigen::MatrixXd matrix)
std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd,
Eigen::MatrixXd > 
findPositionsWithSmallesAngleDifference (int percentage, Eigen::VectorXd DAngle, Eigen::MatrixXd trackingPositions, Eigen::MatrixXd nearestCTPositions)
vtkPointsPtr convertTovtkPoints (Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
Eigen::Matrix4d performLandmarkRegistration (vtkPointsPtr source, vtkPointsPtr target)
< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index > 
dsearch2n (Eigen::MatrixXd pos1, Eigen::MatrixXd pos2, Eigen::MatrixXd ori1, Eigen::MatrixXd ori2)
std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd,
Eigen::MatrixXd > 
RemoveInvalidData (Eigen::MatrixXd positionData, Eigen::MatrixXd orientationData)
M4Vector RemoveInvalidData (M4Vector T_vector)
Eigen::Matrix4d registrationAlgorithm (BranchListPtr branches, M4Vector Tnavigation, Transform3D old_rMpr)
M4Vector excludeClosePositions ()
Eigen::Matrix4d registrationAlgorithm (BranchListPtr branches, M4Vector Tnavigation)
Eigen::Matrix4d performLandmarkRegistration (vtkPointsPtr source, vtkPointsPtr target, bool *ok)
void optimizedCoordTransform (Vector3D *p, boost::array< double, 16 > tt)
ImagePtr resampleImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image, Transform3D qMd)
ImagePtr resampleImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image, const Vector3D spacing, QString uid, QString name)
ImagePtr duplicateImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image)
vtkImageDataPtr cropImage (vtkImageDataPtr input, IntBoundingBox3D cropbox)
ImagePtr cropImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image)
QDateTime extractTimestamp (QString text)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > sortOnAcquisitionTime (std::map< QString, T > input)
template<class T >
std::vector< T > sortOnGroupsAndAcquisitionTime (std::map< QString, T > input)
GPUImageDataBufferPtr createGPUImageDataBuffer (vtkImageDataPtr volume)
GPUImageLutBufferPtr createGPUImageLutBuffer (vtkUnsignedCharArrayPtr lut)
template<class BUFFER , class DATA_PTR >
boost::shared_ptr< BUFFER > createGPUImageBuffer (DATA_PTR val)
< GPUImageDataBuffer
createGPUImageBuffer< GPUImageDataBuffer > (vtkImageDataPtr val)
< GPUImageLutBuffer
createGPUImageBuffer< GPUImageLutBuffer > (vtkUnsignedCharArrayPtr val)
< GPUImageDataBuffer
createGPUImageBuffer< GPUImageDataBuffer, vtkImageDataPtr > (vtkImageDataPtr val)
bool operator< (const Landmark &lhs, const Landmark &rhs)
bool operator< (const RegistrationTransform &lhs, const RegistrationTransform &rhs)
bool operator== (const RegistrationTransform &lhs, const RegistrationTransform &rhs)
bool operator< (const ParentSpace &lhs, const ParentSpace &rhs)
bool operator== (const ParentSpace &lhs, const ParentSpace &rhs)
void reportDebug (QString msg)
void report (QString msg)
void reportWarning (QString msg)
void reportError (QString msg)
void reportSuccess (QString msg)
void reportVolatile (QString msg)
ReporterPtr reporter ()
void convertQtMessagesToCxMessages (QtMsgType type, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &msg)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const IntBoundingBox3D &data)
bool similar (const DoubleBoundingBox3D &a, const DoubleBoundingBox3D &b, double tol)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const DoubleBoundingBox3D &data)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const Frame3D &t)
double roundAwayFromZero (double val)
bool similar (const Transform3D &a, const Transform3D &b, double tol)
DoubleBoundingBox3D transform (const Transform3D &m, const DoubleBoundingBox3D &bb)
Transform3D createTransformScale (const Vector3D &scale_)
Transform3D createTransformTranslate (const Vector3D &translation)
Transform3D createTransformRotateX (const double angle)
Transform3D createTransformRotateY (const double angle)
Transform3D createTransformRotateZ (const double angle)
Transform3D createTransformNormalize (const DoubleBoundingBox3D &in, const DoubleBoundingBox3D &out)
Transform3D createTransformIJC (const Vector3D &ivec, const Vector3D &jvec, const Vector3D &center)
cxResource_EXPORT Transform3D createTransformLPS2RAS ()
cxResource_EXPORT Transform3D createTransformFromReferenceToExternal (PATIENT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM external)
cxResource_EXPORT Transform3D createTransformRotationBetweenVectors (Vector3D from, Vector3D to)
bool similar (double a, double b, double tol=1.0E-6)
 check for equality with a tolerance: |b-a|<tol More...
Vector3D multiply_elems (const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
 perform element-wise multiplication of a and b. More...
Vector3D divide_elems (const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
 perform element-wise division of a and b. More...
Vector3D cross (const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
 compute cross product of a and b. More...
double dot (const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
 compute inner product (or dot product) of a and b. More...
bool similar (const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b, double tol=1.0E-6)
 check for equality with a tolerance: |b-a|<tol More...
Vector3D unitVector (double thetaXY, double thetaZ=0.0)
 compute a unit vector given angles xy in the xy plane and z meaning the elevation from the xy plane. More...
double getThetaXY (Vector3D v)
 get thetaXY, meaning the angle of v projected onto the xy plane More...
double getThetaZ (Vector3D v)
 get thetaZ, z meaning the elevation from the xy plane More...
Vector3D round (const Vector3D &a)
Vector3D ceil (const Vector3D &a)
bool similar (const Eigen::Array3i &a, const Eigen::Array3i &b)
 identical to the equality operator, exists for symmetry with Vector3D. More...
QString prettyFormat (Vector3D val, int decimals, int fieldWidth)
Eigen::Vector2d fromString (const QString &text)
cxResource_EXPORT ProfilePtr profile ()
Settingssettings ()
 Shortcut for accessing the settings instance. More...
ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration createConfigurationFromProbeDefinition (ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration basis, ProbeDefinition data)
ProbeDefinition createProbeDefinitionFromConfiguration (ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration config)
cxResource_EXPORT bool operator< (const TimedPosition &lhs, const TimedPosition &rhs)
void bringWindowToFront (QWidget *window)
bool operator== (const CoordinateSystem &lhs, const CoordinateSystem &rhs)
bool copyRecursively (const QString &srcFilePath, const QString &tgtFilePath)
bool removeNonemptyDirRecursively (const QString &dirName)
QFileInfoList getDirs (QString path)
QStringList getAbsolutePathToFiles (QString path, QStringList nameFilters, bool includeSubDirs)
QStringList getAbsolutePathToXmlFiles (QString path, bool includeSubDirs)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const Indent &val)
vtkPolyDataPtr polydataFromTransforms (TimedTransformMap transformMap_prMt, Transform3D rMpr)
void loadMeshFromToolTransforms (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, TimedTransformMap transforms_prMt)
std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
getDisplayFriendlyInfo (MeshPtr mesh)
void requireUnique (int use_count, QString objectName)
template<class T >
void requireUnique (const boost::shared_ptr< T > &object, QString objectName)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const SlicePlane &val)
bool similar (const SlicePlane &a, const SlicePlane &b)
QStringList splitStringContaingQuotes (QString line)
int convertStringWithDefault (QString text, int def)
QString timestampSecondsFormat ()
QString timestampMilliSecondsFormat ()
QString timestampSecondsFormatNice ()
QString timestampMilliSecondsFormatNice ()
double getMicroSecondsSinceEpoch ()
double getMilliSecondsSinceEpoch ()
QString toMillisecondsFormatNice (double secondsSinceEpoch)
double constrainValue (double val, double min, double max)
int sign (double x)
QString changeExtension (QString name, QString ext)
void sleep_ms (int ms)
template<class ITER >
std::ostream & stream_range (std::ostream &s, ITER begin, ITER end, char separator=' ')
VLCRecordervlc ()
 Shortcut for accessing the vlc recorder. More...
vtkImageDataPtr generateVtkImageData (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const unsigned char initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr generateVtkImageDataUnsignedShort (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const unsigned short initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr generateVtkImageDataSignedShort (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const short initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr generateVtkImageDataDouble (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, double initValue)
void fillShortImageDataWithGradient (vtkImageDataPtr data, int maxValue)
ImagePtr createDerivedImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, QString uid, QString name, vtkImageDataPtr raw, ImagePtr parent)
ImagePtr convertImageToUnsigned (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image, vtkImageDataPtr suggestedConvertedVolume, bool verbose)
std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
getDisplayFriendlyInfo (ImagePtr image)
std::map< std::string,
std::string > 
getDisplayFriendlyInfo (vtkImageDataPtr image)
void printDisplayFriendlyInfo (std::map< std::string, std::string > map)
int calculateNumVoxelsWithMaxValue (ImagePtr image)
 Find number of voxels containing max scalar value. More...
int calculateNumVoxelsWithMinValue (ImagePtr image)
 Find number of voxels containing min scalar value. More...
DoubleBoundingBox3D findEnclosingBoundingBox (std::vector< DataPtr > data, Transform3D qMr)
DoubleBoundingBox3D findEnclosingBoundingBox (std::vector< ImagePtr > images, Transform3D qMr)
vtkImageDataPtr convertImageDataToGrayScale (vtkImageDataPtr image)
vtkImageDataPtr convertImageDataTo8Bit (vtkImageDataPtr image, double windowWidth, double windowLevel)
 Have never been used or tested. Create a test for it. More...
void setDeepModified (vtkImageDataPtr image)
double calculateRMSError (vtkImageDataPtr a, vtkImageDataPtr b)
template<class FUNCTOR >
void applyFunctor (cx::ImagePtr image, FUNCTOR &func)
cx::Vector3D calculateCentroid (cx::ImagePtr image)
double calculateMass (cx::ImagePtr image)
StringMap extractCommandlineOptions (QStringList cmdline)
vtkLookupTablePtr createLookupTable (int numberOfTableValues)
vtkImageDataPtr applyLUTToImage (vtkImageDataPtr input, vtkLookupTablePtr lut)
vtkImageDataPtr convertToTestColorImage (vtkImageDataPtr image)
vtkImageDataPtr loadImage (QString filename)
bool dataTypeSort (const DataPtr data1, const DataPtr data2)
int getPriority (DataPtr data)
 vtkStandardNewMacro (TextureSlicePainter)
void setColorAndOpacity (vtkPropertyPtr property, QColor color)
Vector3D getColorAsVector3D (QColor color)
LayoutRegion merge (LayoutRegion a, LayoutRegion b)
QWidget * createDataWidget (ViewServicePtr viewService, PatientModelServicePtr patientModelService, QWidget *parent, cx::PropertyPtr data, QGridLayout *gridLayout=0, int row=0)
 Create a widget capable of displaying the input data. More...
QWidget * sscCreateDataWidget (QWidget *parent, PropertyPtr data, QGridLayout *gridLayout=0, int row=0)
 Create a widget capable of displaying the input data. More...
QWidget * addDummyMargin (QWidget *widget)
QHBoxLayout * mergeWidgetsIntoHBoxLayout (QWidget *first, QWidget *second)


std::map< QString, VideoSourcePtrmStreams
const unsigned int Dimension = 3

Detailed Description

Namespace for all CustusX production code.


Dec 16, 2010
Janne Beate Bakeng, SINTEF
Ole Vegard Solberg, SINTEF


Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 95 of file cxAcquisitionImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class AcquisitionPlugin> cx::AcquisitionPluginPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxAcquisitionPlugin.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ActiveData > cx::ActiveDataPtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxColorWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class AirwaysFilter> cx::AirwaysFilterPtr

Definition at line 94 of file cxAirwaysFilterService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class AngleMetricRep> cx::AngleMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxAngleMetricRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ApplicationStateMachine> cx::ApplicationStateMachinePtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxStateServiceImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ApplyLUTToImage2DProxy > cx::ApplyLUTToImage2DProxyPtr

Definition at line 52 of file cxSlicedImageProxy.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Audio> cx::AudioPtr

Definition at line 68 of file cxAudio.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Axes3D > cx::Axes3DPtr

Definition at line 82 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class AxesRep > cx::AxesRepPtr

Definition at line 83 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class AxisConnector > cx::AxisConnectorPtr

Definition at line 70 of file cxAxisConnector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class BoolPropertyBase > cx::BoolPropertyBasePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxImageFileStreamerService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class BoolProperty > cx::BoolPropertyPtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxNetworkDataTransfer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class BranchList > cx::BranchListPtr

Definition at line 13 of file cxRouteToTarget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Branch > cx::BranchPtr

Definition at line 14 of file cxRouteToTarget.h.

typedef std::vector<BranchPtr> cx::branchVector

Definition at line 49 of file cxBranch.h.

Definition at line 52 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistrationWidget.h.

Definition at line 64 of file cxCalibrationGUIExtenderService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CameraControl > cx::CameraControlPtr

Definition at line 58 of file cxMainWindow.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class CameraStyleForView> cx::CameraStyleForViewPtr

Definition at line 51 of file cxCameraStyleForView.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CameraStyle > cx::CameraStylePtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxCameraStyle.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Clippers > cx::ClippersPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxManageClippersWidget.h.

typedef std::map< int, QColor > cx::ColorMap

Definition at line 57 of file cxImage.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ColorMap> cx::ColorMapPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxImageTFData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ColorPropertyBase > cx::ColorPropertyBasePtr

Definition at line 154 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ColorProperty > cx::ColorPropertyPtr

Definition at line 159 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<CommandLineStreamer> cx::CommandLineStreamerPtr

Definition at line 124 of file cxStreamer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CompositeTimedAlgorithm > cx::CompositeTimedAlgorithmPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxUsReconstructionService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ContourFilter> cx::ContourFilterPtr

Definition at line 107 of file cxContourFilter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CoreServices > cx::CoreServicesPtr

Definition at line 59 of file cxCameraStyle.h.

typedef vtkSmartPointer<class CropBoxCallback> cx::CropBoxCallbackPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxInteractiveCropper.h.

typedef vtkSmartPointer<class CropBoxEnableCallback> cx::CropBoxEnableCallbackPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxInteractiveCropper.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CrossHair2D > cx::CrossHair2DPtr

Definition at line 84 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CrossHairRep2D > cx::CrossHairRep2DPtr

Definition at line 85 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 81 of file cxDICOMAppWidget.cpp.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class CustomMetaImage> cx::CustomMetaImagePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxCustomMetaImage.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<cxSyntheticVolume> cx::cxSyntheticVolumePtr

Definition at line 139 of file cxSyntheticVolume.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ToolImpl> cx::cxToolPtr

Definition at line 83 of file cxToolImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< DataFactory > cx::DataFactoryPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxMetricManager.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DataManagerImpl > cx::DataManagerImplPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxDataManagerImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DataMetricRep > cx::DataMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 60 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Data > cx::DataPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxRegistrationApplicator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DataManager > cx::DataServicePtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxDataManagerImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DicomGUIExtenderService > cx::DicomGUIExtenderServicePtr

Definition at line 62 of file cxDicomGUIExtenderService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DicomImageReader > cx::DicomImageReaderPtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxDicomConverter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class DilationFilter> cx::DilationFilterPtr

Definition at line 70 of file cxDilationFilter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< DirectlyLinkedSender > cx::DirectlyLinkedSenderPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxImageReceiverThread.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DisplayTextRep > cx::DisplayTextRepPtr

Definition at line 86 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class DistanceMetricRep> cx::DistanceMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 51 of file cxDistanceMetricRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class DonutMetricRep> cx::DonutMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxDonutMetricRep.h.

typedef std::pair<double,double> cx::double_pair

Definition at line 43 of file cxImageDefaultTFGenerator.h.

Definition at line 107 of file cxDoublePairPropertyBase.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DoublePairProperty > cx::DoublePairPropertyPtr

Definition at line 160 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DoublePropertyBase > cx::DoublePropertyBasePtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxIGTLinkStreamerService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DoubleProperty > cx::DoublePropertyPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxReconstructionMethodService.h.

Definition at line 57 of file cxToolPropertiesWidget.h.

typedef std::vector< double > cx::DoubleVector

Definition at line 48 of file cxOpenIGTLinkTool.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< DoubleVector > cx::DoubleVectorPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxOpenIGTLinkTool.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class DummyImageStreamer> cx::DummyImageStreamerPtr

Definition at line 135 of file cxMHDImageStreamer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DummyTool > cx::DummyToolPtr

Definition at line 64 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<EncodedPackage> cx::EncodedPackagePtr

Definition at line 77 of file cxEncodedPackage.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ExampleGUIExtenderService > cx::ExampleGUIExtenderServicePtr

Definition at line 64 of file cxExampleGUIExtenderService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class FiberBundle> cx::FiberBundlePtr

Definition at line 79 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class FiberBundleRep> cx::FiberBundleRepPtr

Definition at line 87 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class FilePathProperty > cx::FilePathPropertyPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxLocalServerStreamerServer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<FilterGroup> cx::FilterGroupPtr

Definition at line 86 of file cxFilterGroup.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Filter > cx::FilterPtr

Definition at line 178 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class FilterTimedAlgorithm> cx::FilterTimedAlgorithmPtr

Definition at line 74 of file cxFilterTimedAlgorithm.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class FrameMetric> cx::FrameMetricPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxFrameMetric.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class FrameMetricRep> cx::FrameMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxFrameMetricRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GeometricRep2D > cx::GeometricRep2DPtr

Definition at line 88 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GeometricRep > cx::GeometricRepPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GraphicalAxes3D > cx::GraphicalAxes3DPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxGraphicalAxes3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GraphicalDisk > cx::GraphicalDiskPtr

Definition at line 100 of file cxGraphicalDisk.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GraphicalTorus3D > cx::GraphicalTorus3DPtr

Definition at line 79 of file cxGraphicalTorus3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GuideRep2D > cx::GuideRep2DPtr

Definition at line 94 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class GUIExtenderService> cx::GUIExtenderServicePtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxGUIExtenderService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class HelpEngine > cx::HelpEnginePtr

Definition at line 83 of file cxHelpEngine.h.

Definition at line 65 of file cxHelpGUIExtenderService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class HttpRequestHandler> cx::HttpRequestHandlerPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxWebServerPluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class IGTLinkClientStreamer> cx::IGTLinkClientStreamerPtr

Definition at line 102 of file cxIGTLinkClientStreamer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Image2DProxy> cx::Image2DProxyPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxImage2DRep3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Image2DRep3D> cx::Image2DRep3DPtr

Definition at line 95 of file cxImage2DRep3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageEnveloper > cx::ImageEnveloperPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxImageEnveloper.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ImageLandmarkRep> cx::ImageLandmarkRepPtr

Definition at line 68 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageLUT2D > cx::ImageLUT2DPtr

Definition at line 71 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageMapperMonitor > cx::ImageMapperMonitorPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxImageMapperMonitor.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Image > cx::ImagePtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxDicomWidget.h.

Definition at line 59 of file cxShadingWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ImageTestData> cx::ImageTestDataPtr

Definition at line 75 of file cxMHDImageStreamer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageTF3D > cx::ImageTF3DPtr

Definition at line 70 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageTFData > cx::ImageTFDataPtr

Definition at line 72 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef std::map< int, int > cx::IntIntMap

Definition at line 56 of file cxImage.h.

typedef itk::Image< PixelType, Dimension > cx::itkImageType

Definition at line 51 of file cxAlgorithmHelpers.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class LandmarkListener > cx::LandmarkListenerPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxLandmarkListener.h.

typedef std::map< QString, Landmark > cx::LandmarkMap

Definition at line 49 of file cxLandmarkRegistrationWidget.h.

typedef std::map<QString, LandmarkProperty> cx::LandmarkPropertyMap

Definition at line 129 of file cxLandmark.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class LandmarkRep > cx::LandmarkRepPtr

Definition at line 97 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Landmarks > cx::LandmarksPtr

Definition at line 61 of file cxData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class LayoutInteractor > cx::LayoutInteractorPtr

Definition at line 91 of file cxLayoutInteractor.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class LayoutRepository > cx::LayoutRepositoryPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxLayoutInteractor.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class LayoutVideoSource> cx::LayoutVideoSourcePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxRemoteAPI.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class LevelSetFilter > cx::LevelSetFilterPtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxFilterLevelSetPluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class LineSegment> cx::LineSegmentPtr

Definition at line 98 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class LocalServerStreamer> cx::LocalServerStreamerPtr

Definition at line 99 of file cxLocalServerStreamerServer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class LogFileWatcher> cx::LogFileWatcherPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxLogFileWatcher.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Log > cx::LogPtr

Definition at line 68 of file cxLog.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class LogThread> cx::LogThreadPtr

Definition at line 67 of file cxLog.h.

typedef std::vector< Eigen::Matrix4d > cx::M4Vector

Definition at line 11 of file cxRouteToTarget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ManualTool > cx::ManualToolPtr

Definition at line 63 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class MehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRep> cx::MehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxMehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MeshInView > cx::MeshInViewPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxRMPCFromPointerWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Mesh > cx::MeshPtr

Definition at line 68 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MessageFilter > cx::MessageFilterPtr

Definition at line 71 of file cxLogMessageFilter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class MessageFilterStatusBar> cx::MessageFilterStatusBarPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxStatusBar.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MessageListener > cx::MessageListenerPtr

Definition at line 66 of file cxLog.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MessageObserver > cx::MessageObserverPtr

Definition at line 65 of file cxLog.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MessageRepository > cx::MessageRepositoryPtr

Definition at line 71 of file cxLogThread.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MetricManager > cx::MetricManagerPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxMetricManager.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class MetricNamesRep > cx::MetricNamesRepPtr

Definition at line 61 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

Definition at line 45 of file cxMetricManager.h.

Definition at line 70 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class MultiVolume3DRepProducer> cx::MultiVolume3DVisualizerPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxMultiVolume3DRepProducer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class NavigatedVideoImage> cx::NavigatedVideoImagePtr

Definition at line 66 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Navigation > cx::NavigationPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxViewGroup.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class NetworkConnectionHandle > cx::NetworkConnectionHandlePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxOpenIGTLinkPluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class NetworkConnection > cx::NetworkConnectionPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxNetworkConnection.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class NetworkDataTransfer > cx::NetworkDataTransferPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxNetworkDataTransferWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class NetworkServiceImpl > cx::NetworkServiceImplPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxOpenIGTLinkPluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class NetworkService> cx::NetworkServicePtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxNetworkPluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class DicomModelNode> cx::NodePtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxDicomModelNode.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< OffsetPoint > cx::OffsetPointPtr

Definition at line 99 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<IntIntMap> cx::OpacityMapPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxImageTFData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<OpenIGTLinkStreamer> cx::OpenIGTLinkStreamerPtr

Definition at line 84 of file cxOpenIGTLinkStreamer.h.

Definition at line 100 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef vtkSmartPointer< class OrientationAnnotation > cx::OrientationAnnotationPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxOrientationAnnotation2DRep.h.

Definition at line 101 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 58 of file cxViewWrapper2D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PatientData > cx::PatientDataPtr

Definition at line 100 of file cxPatientData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class PatientLandmarkRep> cx::PatientLandmarkRepPtr

Definition at line 69 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

Definition at line 128 of file cxPatientModelImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PatientStorage > cx::PatientStoragePtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxActiveData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< PickerRep > cx::PickerRepPtr

Definition at line 102 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Pipeline> cx::PipelinePtr

Definition at line 167 of file cxPipeline.h.

typedef short cx::PixelType

Definition at line 50 of file cxAlgorithmHelpers.h.

typedef Eigen::Hyperplane<double, 3> cx::Plane3D

Definition at line 47 of file cxPlaneMetric.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class PlaneMetricRep> cx::PlaneMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxPlaneMetricRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PlaybackTool > cx::PlaybackToolPtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxTrackingSystemPlaybackService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PointMetricRep2D > cx::PointMetricRep2DPtr

Definition at line 105 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PointMetricRep > cx::PointMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 104 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 97 of file cxPositionStorageFile.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Presets > cx::PresetsPtr

Definition at line 163 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 56 of file cxDataManager.h.

Definition at line 96 of file cxProbeAdapterRTSource.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Probe> cx::ProbePtr

Definition at line 93 of file cxProbe.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ProbeSector > cx::ProbeSectorPtr

Definition at line 78 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr<Probe> cx::ProbeWeakPtr

Definition at line 94 of file cxProbe.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ProcessReporter> cx::ProcessReporterPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxProcessReporter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Profile> cx::ProfilePtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxProfile.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Property > cx::PropertyPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxLocalServerStreamerServer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Protocol> cx::ProtocolPtr

Definition at line 87 of file cxProtocol.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<QTextStream> cx::QTextStreamPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxUsReconstructionFileMaker.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Receiver> cx::ReceiverPtr

Definition at line 53 of file cxStreamerService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ReconstructCore > cx::ReconstructCorePtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxReconstructCore.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ReconstructionExecuter > cx::ReconstructionExecuterPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxReconstructionExecuter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ReconstructionManager> cx::ReconstructionManagerPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxUsReconstructionService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ReconstructPreprocessor > cx::ReconstructPreprocessorPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxReconstructPreprocessor.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RegisteredService > cx::RegisteredServicePtr

Definition at line 52 of file cxAcquisitionServicePluginActivator.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RegistrationHistory > cx::RegistrationHistoryPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxDataManager.h.

Definition at line 121 of file cxRegistrationImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class RegistrationManager> cx::RegistrationManagerPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxLandmarkRegistrationWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class RegServices> cx::RegServicesPtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxRegServices.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RemoteAPI > cx::RemoteAPIPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxHttpRequestHandler.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RenderLoop > cx::RenderLoopPtr

Definition at line 108 of file cxRenderLoop.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RepContainer > cx::RepContainerPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxRepContainer.h.

typedef std::map< QString, RepPtr > cx::RepMap

Definition at line 51 of file cxRepManager.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Reporter> cx::ReporterPtr

Definition at line 67 of file cxReporter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Rep > cx::RepPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxRepManager.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr< class Rep > cx::RepWeakPtr

Definition at line 58 of file cxData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ResampleImageFilter> cx::ResampleImageFilterPtr

Definition at line 74 of file cxResampleImageFilter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class RouteToTargetFilter> cx::RouteToTargetFilterPtr

Definition at line 84 of file cxRouteToTargetFilterService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RouteToTarget > cx::RouteToTargetPtr

Filter to calculates the route to a selected target in navigated bronchocopy. The rout starts at the top of trachea and ends at the most adjacent airway centerline from the target.

Jan 29, 2015
Erlend Fagertun Hofstad

Definition at line 12 of file cxRouteToTarget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SavingVideoRecorder > cx::SavingVideoRecorderPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxUSAcquisition.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ScreenShotImageWriter > cx::ScreenShotImageWriterPtr

Definition at line 21 of file cxMainWindowActions.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SeansVesselRegistrationDebugger > cx::SeansVesselRegistrationDebuggerPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SeansVesselReg > cx::SeansVesselRegPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxRMPCFromPointerWidget.h.

Definition at line 48 of file cxMeshInfoWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SelectRecordSession > cx::SelectRecordSessionPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxRecordSessionSelector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SessionStorageService > cx::SessionStorageServicePtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxLegacySingletons.h.

Definition at line 52 of file cxTrackingService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Settings> cx::SettingsPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxProfile.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ShadingWidget> cx::ShadingWidgetPtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxStreamPropertiesWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SlicedImageProxy > cx::SlicedImageProxyPtr

Definition at line 108 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SlicePlaneClipper > cx::SlicePlaneClipperPtr

Definition at line 109 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SlicePlaneRep > cx::SlicePlaneRepPtr

Definition at line 110 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 112 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SlicePlanes3DRep > cx::SlicePlanes3DRepPtr

Definition at line 113 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SlicePlanesProxy > cx::SlicePlanesProxyPtr

Definition at line 114 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SliceProxyInterface > cx::SliceProxyInterfacePtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxSlicedImageProxy.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SliceRepSW> cx::SliceRepSWPtr

Definition at line 116 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Slices3DRep > cx::Slices3DRepPtr

Definition at line 59 of file cxViewWrapper3D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SmoothingImageFilter> cx::SmoothingImageFilterPtr

Definition at line 75 of file cxSmoothingImageFilter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SocketConnector> cx::SocketConnectorPtr

Definition at line 73 of file cxSocketConnection.h.

Definition at line 67 of file cxCoordinateSystemHelpers.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SpaceListener > cx::SpaceListenerPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxAxisConnector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<SpacePropertyBase> cx::SpacePropertyBasePtr

Definition at line 104 of file cxSpacePropertyBase.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SpaceProperty> cx::SpacePropertyPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxSpaceProperty.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SpaceProvider > cx::SpaceProviderPtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxLegacySingletons.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr<class SpaceProvider> cx::SpaceProviderWeakPtr

Definition at line 146 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SphereMetricRep2D> cx::SphereMetricRep2DPtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxSphereMetricRep2D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SphereMetricRep> cx::SphereMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 53 of file cxSphereMetricRep.h.

Definition at line 249 of file cxDoubleWidgets.h.

Definition at line 232 of file cxDoubleWidgets.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StateService > cx::StateServicePtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxLegacySingletons.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr<class StateService> cx::StateServiceWeakPtr

Definition at line 147 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Stream2DRep3D> cx::Stream2DRep3DPtr

Definition at line 117 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

Definition at line 49 of file cxProtocol.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Streamer > cx::StreamerPtr

Definition at line 52 of file cxImageReceiverThread.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class StreamRep3D> cx::StreamRep3DPtr

Definition at line 118 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringListProperty > cx::StringListPropertyPtr

Definition at line 21 of file cxTreeItemModel.h.

typedef std::map< QString, QString > cx::StringMap

Definition at line 49 of file cxCommandlineImageStreamerFactory.h.

Definition at line 39 of file cxSelectDataStringProperty.h.

Definition at line 63 of file cxSelectDataStringProperty.h.

Definition at line 62 of file cxVideoConnectionWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertyBase > cx::StringPropertyBasePtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxIGTLinkStreamerService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertyClipPlane > cx::StringPropertyClipPlanePtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxClipperWidget.h.

Definition at line 260 of file cxDataInterface.h.

Definition at line 208 of file cxDataInterface.h.

Definition at line 235 of file cxDataInterface.h.

Definition at line 346 of file cxDataInterface.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class StringPropertyGlyphLUT> cx::StringPropertyGlyphLUTPtr

Definition at line 376 of file cxDataInterface.h.

Definition at line 317 of file cxDataInterface.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class StringPropertyImageType> cx::StringPropertyImageTypePtr

Definition at line 288 of file cxDataInterface.h.

Definition at line 161 of file cxDataInterface.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringProperty > cx::StringPropertyPtr

Definition at line 63 of file cxVideoConnectionWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertySelectData > cx::StringPropertySelectDataPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxClippingWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertySelectImage > cx::StringPropertySelectImagePtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxRegisterI2IWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertySelectMesh > cx::StringPropertySelectMeshPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxRecordSessionSelector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class StringPropertySelectTool > cx::StringPropertySelectToolPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxClipperWidget.h.

Definition at line 40 of file cxStreamPropertiesWidget.h.

Definition at line 190 of file cxDataInterface.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SurfaceRep> cx::SurfaceRepPtr

Definition at line 119 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< TestVideoSource > cx::TestVideoSourcePtr

Definition at line 120 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TextDisplay > cx::TextDisplayPtr

Definition at line 121 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Texture3DSlicerProxy > cx::Texture3DSlicerProxyPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxTexture3DSlicerProxy.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Texture3DSlicerRep> cx::Texture3DSlicerRepPtr

Definition at line 122 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef vtkSmartPointer<class TextureSlicePainter> cx::TextureSlicePainterPtr

Definition at line 53 of file cxTexture3DSlicerProxy.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TimedBaseAlgorithm > cx::TimedAlgorithmPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxReconstructionExecuter.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<TimedTransformMap> cx::TimedTransformMapPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxTool.h.

typedef std::map< QString, ToolPtr > cx::ToolMap

Definition at line 53 of file cxRecordSessionSelector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ToolMetric> cx::ToolMetricPtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxToolMetric.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ToolMetricRep> cx::ToolMetricRepPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxToolMetricRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Tool > cx::ToolPtr

Definition at line 64 of file cxVideoConnectionWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ToolRep2D> cx::ToolRep2DPtr

Definition at line 123 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ToolRep3D > cx::ToolRep3DPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxRecordSessionSelector.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ToolTracer > cx::ToolTracerPtr

Definition at line 125 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< TrackedStream > cx::TrackedStreamPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxStreamPropertiesWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TrackerConfiguration > cx::TrackerConfigurationPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxTrackerConfiguration.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class TrackingImplService> cx::TrackingImplServicePtr

Definition at line 52 of file cxTrackingImplService.h.

Definition at line 58 of file cxTool.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TrackingService > cx::TrackingServicePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxLegacySingletons.h.

Definition at line 58 of file cxTrackingImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TrackingSystemService > cx::TrackingSystemServicePtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxTrackingImplService.h.

Definition at line 41 of file cxStreamPropertiesWidget.h.

Definition at line 52 of file cxTransferFunctions3DPresets.h.

typedef std::vector< Transform3DPtr > cx::Transform3DVector

Definition at line 50 of file cxOpenIGTLinkTool.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< Transform3DVector > cx::Transform3DVectorPtr

Definition at line 51 of file cxOpenIGTLinkTool.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TreeNode > cx::TreeNodePtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxDataTreeNode.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr< TreeNode > cx::TreeNodeWeakPtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxDataTreeNode.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TreeRepository > cx::TreeRepositoryPtr

Definition at line 22 of file cxTreeItemModel.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr< class TreeRepository > cx::TreeRepositoryWeakPtr

Definition at line 51 of file cxTreeNode.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class TSFPresets > cx::TSFPresetsPtr

Definition at line 79 of file cxTSFPresets.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class TubeSegmentationFilter> cx::TubeSegmentationFilterPtr

Definition at line 148 of file cxTubeSegmentationFilterService.h.

typedef unsigned char cx::uchar

Definition at line 63 of file cxTemporalCalibrationWidget.cpp.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class UsReconstructionService > cx::UsReconstructionServicePtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxAcquisitionImplService.h.

Definition at line 105 of file cxVector3DPropertyBase.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class Vector3DProperty> cx::Vector3DPropertyPtr

Definition at line 47 of file cxVector3DProperty.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<cv::VideoCapture> cx::VideoCapturePtr

Definition at line 66 of file cxImageStreamerOpenCV.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VideoConnectionManager > cx::VideoConnectionManagerPtr

Definition at line 60 of file cxVideoConnectionWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VideoFixedPlaneRep > cx::VideoFixedPlaneRepPtr

Definition at line 127 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VideoGraphics > cx::VideoGraphicsPtr

Definition at line 126 of file cxVideoGraphics.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<VideoImplService> cx::VideoImplServicePtr

Definition at line 122 of file cxVideoImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<VideoRecorder> cx::VideoRecorderPtr

Definition at line 90 of file cxVideoRecorder.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VideoService > cx::VideoServicePtr

Definition at line 45 of file cxLegacySingletons.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VideoSourceGraphics > cx::VideoSourceGraphicsPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxVideoGraphics.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< VideoSource > cx::VideoSourcePtr

Definition at line 128 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<VideoSourceSHM> cx::VideoSourceSHMPtr

Definition at line 134 of file cxVideoSourceSHM.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ViewContainer> cx::ViewContainerPtr

Definition at line 101 of file cxViewContainer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ViewFollower > cx::ViewFollowerPtr

Definition at line 59 of file cxViewWrapper2D.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ViewGroup2D> cx::ViewGroup2DPtr

Definition at line 170 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ViewGroup3D> cx::ViewGroup3DPtr

Definition at line 171 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ViewGroup> cx::ViewGroupPtr

Definition at line 169 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<ViewImplService> cx::ViewImplServicePtr

Definition at line 105 of file cxViewImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ViewManager > cx::ViewManagerPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cxViewImplService.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ViewportListener > cx::ViewportListenerPtr

Definition at line 166 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ViewportPreRenderListener > cx::ViewportPreRenderListenerPtr

Definition at line 48 of file cxCameraStyleForView.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< View > cx::ViewPtr

Definition at line 129 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ViewRepCollection> cx::ViewRepCollectionPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxViewRepCollection.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr<class ViewManager> cx::ViewServiceWeakPtr

Definition at line 148 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::weak_ptr<class View> cx::ViewWeakPtr

Definition at line 49 of file cxRepImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class ViewWrapper> cx::ViewWrapperPtr

Definition at line 172 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VisServices > cx::VisServicesPtr

Definition at line 62 of file cxMainWindow.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<VNNclAlgorithm> cx::VNNclAlgorithmPtr

Definition at line 209 of file cxVNNclAlgorithm.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VolumeProperty > cx::VolumePropertyPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxVolumeProperty.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class VolumetricBaseRep> cx::VolumetricBaseRepPtr

Definition at line 130 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef std::map< QString, VolumetricBaseRepPtr > cx::VolumetricRepMap

Definition at line 52 of file cxRepManager.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class VolumetricRep> cx::VolumetricRepPtr

Definition at line 131 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef vtkSmartPointer<class vtkDataSet> cx::vtkDataSetPtr

Definition at line 160 of file cxPickerRep.cpp.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class WidgetObscuredListener> cx::WidgetObscuredListenerPtr

Definition at line 44 of file cxFilterSetupWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class WidgetTypeRepository> cx::WidgetTypeRepositoryPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxTreeRepository.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< WorkflowStateMachine > cx::WorkflowStateMachinePtr

Definition at line 42 of file cxStateServiceImpl.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Zoom2DHandler > cx::Zoom2DHandlerPtr

Definition at line 43 of file cx2DZoomHandler.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 43 of file cxSocketConnection.h.

Function Documentation

cxLogicManager_EXPORT AcquisitionServicePtr cx::acquisitionService ( )
template<class FUNCTOR >
void cx::applyFunctor ( cx::ImagePtr  image,
FUNCTOR &  func 

Definition at line 332 of file cxSyntheticVolume.cpp.

vtkImageDataPtr cx::applyLUTToImage ( vtkImageDataPtr  input,
vtkLookupTablePtr  lut 

Definition at line 135 of file cxMHDImageStreamer.cpp.

void cxResource_EXPORT cx::bringWindowToFront ( QWidget *  window)

Definition at line 118 of file cxApplication.cpp.

CXTESTUTILITIES_EXPORT cx::Vector3D cx::calculateCentroid ( cx::ImagePtr  image)

Definition at line 351 of file cxSyntheticVolume.cpp.

CXTESTUTILITIES_EXPORT double cx::calculateMass ( cx::ImagePtr  image)

Definition at line 363 of file cxSyntheticVolume.cpp.

CXTESTUTILITIES_EXPORT double cx::calculateRMSError ( vtkImageDataPtr  a,
vtkImageDataPtr  b 

Definition at line 246 of file cxSyntheticVolume.cpp.

void cx::convertQtMessagesToCxMessages ( QtMsgType  type,
const QMessageLogContext &  ,
const QString &  msg 

Definition at line 41 of file cxLogQDebugRedirecter.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT int cx::convertStringWithDefault ( QString  text,
int  def 

Definition at line 75 of file cxStringHelpers.cpp.

vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertToTestColorImage ( vtkImageDataPtr  image)

Definition at line 145 of file cxMHDImageStreamer.cpp.

vtkPointsPtr cx::convertTovtkPoints ( Eigen::MatrixXd  positions)

Definition at line 140 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

void cx::correlate ( double *  x,
double *  y,
double *  corr,
int  maxdelay,
int  n 

Found this on Slightly modified.

x: first input series, size n y: second input series, size n corr: correlation result, size maxdelay*2 (zero shif is found at corr[maxdelay]

Definition at line 74 of file cxTemporalCalibration.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration cx::createConfigurationFromProbeDefinition ( ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration  basis,
ProbeDefinition  data 
template<class BUFFER , class DATA_PTR >
boost::shared_ptr<BUFFER> cx::createGPUImageBuffer ( DATA_PTR  val)

Definition at line 405 of file cxGPUImageBuffer.cpp.

Definition at line 410 of file cxGPUImageBuffer.cpp.

vtkLookupTablePtr cx::createLookupTable ( int  numberOfTableValues)

Definition at line 123 of file cxMHDImageStreamer.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ProbeDefinition cx::createProbeDefinitionFromConfiguration ( ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration  config)

Convert from ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration to ProbeDefinition

Notes about the conversion: The xml format contains redundant data. The following list defines which values in ProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration that are actually used:

  int                     mImageWidth;      ///< Width of the used image format (x dim)
  int                     mImageHeight;     ///< Height of the used image format (y dim)
  double                  mPixelWidth; ///<  Pixel width
  double                  mPixelHeight;///<  Pixel height
  float                   mOriginCol;  ///<  Origin.Col
  float                   mOriginRow;  ///<  Origin.Row
  QString                 mNotes; ///< useful information
  double                  mTemporalCalibration; ///< delay in timestamping in grabber source relative to master clock.

  int                     mNCorners;   ///<  number of corners
  std::vector<ColRowPair> mCorners;    ///<  corners <col,row>
  int                     mHorizontalOffset; ///< parameter for the grabber


The linear probe defines a rectangle in pixels. Width/Depth are ignored in
the file format, and created based on the edges:

  int                     mLeftEdge;   ///<  LeftEdge
  int                     mRightEdge;  ///<  RightEdge
  int                     mTopEdge;    ///<  TopEdge
  int                     mBottomEdge; ///<  BottomEdge


The sector probe defines a sector AND a rectangle. The actual
sector is the intersection between these entities.

  float                   mWidthDeg;   ///<  width in degrees
  float                   mDepth;      ///<  depth
  float                   mOffset;     ///<  Offset
  int                     mLeftEdge;   ///<  LeftEdge
  int                     mRightEdge;  ///<  RightEdge
  int                     mTopEdge;    ///<  TopEdge
  int                     mBottomEdge; ///<  BottomEdge
See Also

Definition at line 84 of file cxCreateProbeDefinitionFromConfiguration.cpp.

std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double > cx::dsearch ( Eigen::Vector3d  p,
Eigen::MatrixXd  positions 

Definition at line 354 of file cxBranchList.cpp.

std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index > cx::dsearch2n ( Eigen::MatrixXd  pos1,
Eigen::MatrixXd  pos2,
Eigen::MatrixXd  ori1,
Eigen::MatrixXd  ori2 

Definition at line 197 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

std::pair< std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index >, Eigen::VectorXd > cx::dsearchn ( Eigen::MatrixXd  p1,
Eigen::MatrixXd  p2 

Definition at line 364 of file cxBranchList.cpp.

Eigen::MatrixXd cx::eraseCol ( int  removeIndex,
Eigen::MatrixXd  positions 

Definition at line 347 of file cxBranchList.cpp.

M4Vector cx::excludeClosePositions ( M4Vector  Tnavigation)

Definition at line 56 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

M4Vector cx::excludeClosePositions ( )
cxGrabber_EXPORT StringMap cx::extractCommandlineOptions ( QStringList  cmdline)

Definition at line 44 of file cxCommandlineImageStreamerFactory.cpp.

std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd > cx::findConnectedPointsInCT ( int  startIndex,
Eigen::MatrixXd  positionsNotUsed 

Definition at line 379 of file cxBranchList.cpp.

double cx::findDistance ( Eigen::MatrixXd  p1,
Eigen::MatrixXd  p2 

Definition at line 187 of file cxRouteToTarget.cpp.

Eigen::VectorXd cx::findMedian ( Eigen::MatrixXd  matrix)

Definition at line 102 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd , Eigen::MatrixXd> cx::findPositionsWithSmallesAngleDifference ( int  percentage,
Eigen::VectorXd  DAngle,
Eigen::MatrixXd  trackingPositions,
Eigen::MatrixXd  nearestCTPositions 

Definition at line 118 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

Vector3D cx::getColorAsVector3D ( QColor  color)

Convert a QColor to Vector3D using 0..1 scale, ignoring alpha.

Definition at line 67 of file cxVtkHelperClasses.cpp.

cxLogicManager_EXPORT ctkPlugin::State cx::getctkPluginStateForString ( QString  text)

Definition at line 62 of file cxPluginFrameworkUtilities.cpp.

int* cx::getImageSize ( DataPtr  inputImage)

Definition at line 115 of file cxLevelSetFilterService.cpp.

cxLogicManager_EXPORT QString cx::getStringForctkPluginState ( const ctkPlugin::State  state)

Definition at line 48 of file cxPluginFrameworkUtilities.cpp.

vtkImageDataPtr cx::loadImage ( QString  filename)
cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator< ( const Landmark &  lhs,
const Landmark &  rhs 

Definition at line 94 of file cxLandmark.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator< ( const RegistrationTransform &  lhs,
const RegistrationTransform &  rhs 

Definition at line 165 of file cxRegistrationTransform.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator< ( const ParentSpace &  lhs,
const ParentSpace &  rhs 

Definition at line 214 of file cxRegistrationTransform.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::ostream & cx::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const SlicePlane &  val 

Definition at line 45 of file cxSliceComputer.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ostream & cx::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const Indent &  val 

Definition at line 63 of file cxIndent.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator== ( const CoordinateSystem &  lhs,
const CoordinateSystem &  rhs 

Definition at line 63 of file cxCoordinateSystemHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator== ( const RegistrationTransform &  lhs,
const RegistrationTransform &  rhs 

Definition at line 170 of file cxRegistrationTransform.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::operator== ( const ParentSpace &  lhs,
const ParentSpace &  rhs 

Definition at line 219 of file cxRegistrationTransform.cpp.

void cx::optimizedCoordTransform ( Vector3D *  p,
boost::array< double, 16 >  tt 

Definition at line 74 of file cxPNNReconstructionMethodService.cpp.

PatientModelServicePtr cx::patientService ( )

Definition at line 68 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

Eigen::Matrix4d cx::performLandmarkRegistration ( vtkPointsPtr  source,
vtkPointsPtr  target,
bool *  ok 
Eigen::Matrix4d cx::performLandmarkRegistration ( vtkPointsPtr  source,
vtkPointsPtr  target 

Perform a landmark registration between the data sets source and target. Return transform from source to target.

Definition at line 154 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

void cx::print ( QString  header,
QRect  r 

Definition at line 56 of file cxSecondaryViewLayoutWindow.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ProfilePtr cx::profile ( )

Definition at line 176 of file cxProfile.cpp.

Eigen::Matrix4d cx::registrationAlgorithm ( BranchListPtr  branches,
M4Vector  Tnavigation 
Eigen::Matrix4d cx::registrationAlgorithm ( BranchListPtr  branches,
M4Vector  Tnavigation,
Transform3D  old_rMpr 

Definition at line 293 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd > cx::RemoveInvalidData ( Eigen::MatrixXd  positionData,
Eigen::MatrixXd  orientationData 

Definition at line 242 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

M4Vector cx::RemoveInvalidData ( M4Vector  T_vector)

Definition at line 266 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::report ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 90 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::reportDebug ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 89 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ReporterPtr cx::reporter ( )

Shortcut for accessing the message manager instance.

Definition at line 59 of file cxReporter.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::reportError ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 92 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::reportSuccess ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 93 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::reportVolatile ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 94 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::reportWarning ( QString  msg)

Definition at line 91 of file cxLogger.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT double cx::roundAwayFromZero ( double  val)

Definition at line 35 of file cxMathUtils.cpp.

SessionStorageServicePtr cx::sessionStorageService ( )

Definition at line 84 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

void cx::setColorAndOpacity ( vtkPropertyPtr  property,
QColor  color 

Set the RGB and alpha components of QColor into a vtkProperty

Definition at line 61 of file cxVtkHelperClasses.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::similar ( const SlicePlane &  a,
const SlicePlane &  b 

Definition at line 53 of file cxSliceComputer.cpp.

Eigen::MatrixXd cx::sortMatrix ( int  rowNumber,
Eigen::MatrixXd  matrix 

Definition at line 333 of file cxBranchList.cpp.

Eigen::VectorXd cx::sortVector ( Eigen::VectorXd  v)

Definition at line 89 of file cxBronchoscopyRegistration.cpp.

SpaceProviderPtr cx::spaceProvider ( )
23.02.2014, 2014

Definition at line 64 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QStringList cx::splitStringContaingQuotes ( QString  line)

given a text line containing fex [alpha beta "gamm ma" delta] split into a list of ["alpha", "beta" ,"gamm ma", "delta"]

30 Aug 2013, 2013
Christian Askeland, SINTEF
Ole Vegard Solberg, SINTEF given a text line containing fex [alpha beta "gamm ma" delta] split into a list of ["alpha", "beta" ,"gamm ma", "delta"]

Definition at line 42 of file cxStringHelpers.cpp.

StateServicePtr cx::stateService ( )

Definition at line 76 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

std::vector<ToolPtr> cx::toVector ( std::map< QString, OpenIGTLinkToolPtr >  map)

Definition at line 43 of file cxOpenIGTLinkTrackingSystemService.cpp.

TrackingServicePtr cx::trackingService ( )

Definition at line 60 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

VideoServicePtr cx::videoService ( )

Definition at line 72 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

ViewServicePtr cx::viewService ( )

Definition at line 80 of file cxLogicManager.cpp.

cx::vtkStandardNewMacro ( TextureSlicePainter  )

Variable Documentation

class org_custusx_registration_method_bronchoscopy_EXPORT cx::Branch

Definition at line 47 of file cxBranch.h.

const unsigned int cx::Dimension = 3

Definition at line 48 of file cxAlgorithmHelpers.h.

std::map<QString, VideoSourcePtr> cx::mStreams

Definition at line 154 of file cxDataManagerImpl.cpp.