►Ncx | Namespace for all CustusX production code |
CAbraClass | |
CAbsDoubleLess | |
CAccusurf | |
CAccusurfFilter | |
CAcquisition | |
CAcquisitionData | |
CAcquisitionImplService | Implementation for Acqusition service |
CAcquisitionPlugin | |
CAcquisitionService | Acqusition services abstract interface |
CAcquisitionServiceNull | Null object pattern for Acqusition service |
CAcquisitionServicePluginActivator | |
CAcquisitionServiceProxy | Always provides an AcqusitionService |
CActiveData | Provides the last active data of warious types |
CActiveDataNull | |
CActiveImageProxy | Helper class for connection the active image |
CActiveMeshPropertiesWidget | |
CActiveToolPropertiesWidget | |
CActiveToolProxy | Helper class for connecting to the active tool |
CActiveToolWidget | Widget that contains a select active tool combo box |
CActiveVolumeWidget | Widget that contains a select active image combobox |
CAirwaysFilter | |
CAirwaysFromCenterline | |
CAirwaysFromCenterlineFilter | |
CAlgorithmHelper | Class with helper functions for algorithms |
CAllDataListWidget | |
CAllMeshPropertiesWidget | |
CAngleMetric | Data class that represents an angle between two lines |
CAngleMetricRep | |
CAngleMetricWrapper | |
CApplication | |
CApplicationComponent | |
CApplicationsParser | |
CApplyLUTToImage2DProxy | Helper class for applying sscLUT2D to an image |
CAudio | Interface for playing sounds |
CAudioImpl | |
CAudioInternal | |
CAutomationTab | Automatic execution of actions when applicable |
CAxes3D | Helper for drawing a coordinate axis in 3D |
CAxesRep | Representation for one 3D coordinate axis triplet |
CAxisConnector | |
CBaseWidget | Interface for QWidget which handles widgets uniformly for the system |
CBasicVideoSource | VideoSource controlled by a vtkImageData |
CBinaryThinningImageFilter3DFilter | |
CBinaryThresholdImageFilter | |
CBoolProperty | |
CBoolPropertyBase | |
CBoundingBoxWidget | Widget displays/edits a BoundingBox3D |
CBranch | |
CBranchList | |
CBronchoscopePositionProjection | |
CBronchoscopyImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | Image to image registration for thorax data. Useing airway centerlines for multimodal image registration in bronchoscopy (CT, PET, MR) |
CBronchoscopyNavigationGUIExtenderService | |
CBronchoscopyNavigationPluginActivator | |
CBronchoscopyNavigationWidget | |
CBronchoscopyRegistration | |
CBronchoscopyRegistrationWidget | Register tracked bronchostopy tool path to lung centerline data (from CT) |
CBronchoscopyTool | A tool used during playback |
CBrowserWidget | Shows a treestructure containing the loaded images, meshes and tools |
►CBufferQueue | |
CBufferStore | |
CCachedImageData | |
CCachedImageDataContainer | |
CCachedTreeNode | |
CCalibrationGUIExtenderService | |
CCalibrationMethodsWidget | |
CCalibrationPluginActivator | |
CCameraControl | |
CCameraData | |
CCameraInfo | |
CCameraStyle | |
CCameraStyleData | |
CCameraStyleForView | |
CCameraStyleInteractor | |
CCaptionText3D | Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size, always on top |
CCeetronPluginActivator | |
CCenterlinePointsWidget | Widget for creating a centerline.vtk file from image landmarks |
CCenterlineRegistration | |
CCenterlineRegistrationWidget | Register tracked tool path to centerline data (from CT) |
CCentroidFunctor | |
CCgeoReaderWriter | Write triangular mesh to .cgeo format for Ceetron |
CCheckBoxWidget | Widget for the BoolPropertyBase |
CClippers | Clipper container. Used by ClippersWidget |
CClipperWidget | |
CClippingPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and changing clipper properties |
CClippingWidget | |
CColorProperty | |
CColorPropertyBase | |
CColorSelectButton | Convenience button for chosing color. Will open a color select dialog, and color the button itself in the selected color |
CColorSelectWidget | Widget for the ColorPropertyBase |
CColorVariationFilter | |
CColorWidget | |
CCommandlineImageStreamerFactory | Factory class for creating streamer objects |
CCommandLineStreamer | |
CCommandStringVariables | |
CCompactFilterSetupWidget | Helper widget for displaying the input/output/options part of a Filter. Intended to be included in other Filter widgets |
CCompositeParallelTimedAlgorithm | |
CCompositeSerialTimedAlgorithm | |
CCompositeTimedAlgorithm | |
CConfigToolListWidget | Helper class for tool config list display |
►CConfigurationFileParser | Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool |
CConfiguration | |
CToolStructure | |
CConnectedThresholdImageFilter | Segmenting using region growing |
CConsoleWidget | Widget for displaying status messages |
CConsoleWidgetCollection | |
CContourFilter | |
CControllableSplitter | |
CCoordinateSystem | Identification of a Coordinate system |
CCoreServices | |
CCropBoxCallback | |
CCropBoxEnableCallback | |
CCroppingWidget | |
CCrossHair2D | Helper for drawing a crosshair in 2D |
CCrossHairRep2D | Display the Tool in 2D as a crosshair in the tool tip position |
CctkDICOMThumbnailGenerator | Thumbnail generator class |
CctkDICOMThumbnailGeneratorPrivate | |
CctkPluginBrowser | |
CctkPluginTableModel | |
CCustomMetaImage | Utility class for accessing metaheader files |
CCustomMetric | Data class that represents a custom |
CCustomMetricRep | |
CCustomMetricWrapper | |
CCustusXWorkflowStateMachine | State Machine for the Workflow Steps for CustusX |
CcxSimpleSyntheticVolume | |
CcxSyntheticVolume | |
CCXVBcameraPath | |
CCyclicActionLogger | |
CData | Superclass for all data objects |
CDataFactory | |
CDataListWidget | |
CDataLocations | |
CDataManager | |
CDataManagerImpl | |
CDataMetric | Base class for all Data Metrics |
CDataMetricRep | Base class for all Data Metric reps |
CDataRepContainer | |
CDataSelectWidget | |
CDataTreeNode | |
CDataViewProperties | |
CDataViewPropertiesInteractor | |
CDataViewSelectionWidget | |
CDebugTab | Debug settings |
CDecomposedTransform3D | Helper class for visualizing rotational angles to a human user |
►CDesktop | Data class for CustusX desktop |
CPreset | |
CDetailedLabeledComboBoxWidget | Composite widget for string selection with |
CDetailedLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CDICOMAppWidget | |
CDICOMAppWidgetPrivate | |
CDicomConverter | |
CDicomGUIExtenderService | |
►CDicomImageReader | |
CWindowLevel | |
CDicomImporter | |
CDICOMModel | |
CDicomModelNode | |
CDICOMModelPrivate | |
CDicomPluginActivator | |
CDICOMReader | |
CDICOMThumbnailListWidget | |
CDICOMThumbnailListWidgetPrivate | |
CDicomWidget | |
CDilationFilter | |
CDirectlyLinkedSender | |
CDisplayTextRep | Display a number of text strings |
CDisplayTimerWidget | A second counter widget |
CDistanceMetric | Data class that represents a distance between two points, or a point and a plane |
CDistanceMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a DistanceMetric |
CDistanceMetricRep2D | |
CDistanceMetricWrapper | |
CDonutMetric | Data class that represents a donut |
CDonutMetricRep | |
CDonutMetricWrapper | |
CDoubleBoundingBox3D | Representation of a floating-point bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk.
CDoubleLineEdit | A QLineEdit specialized to deal with double data |
CDoublePairProperty | Implementation of DoublePairPropertyBase |
CDoublePairPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal data structure: A pair of doubles |
CDoubleProperty | |
CDoubleProperty2DLevel | DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D level value |
CDoubleProperty2DWindow | DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D window value |
CDoublePropertyActiveImageBase | Superclass for all doubles interacting with the active image |
CDoublePropertyActiveToolOffset | Interface to the tool offset of the active tool |
CDoublePropertyBase | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataAlpha | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataBase | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataLevel | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataLLR | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataWindow | |
CDoublePropertyNull | |
CDoublePropertyOutputValueParams | |
CDoublePropertyShadingAmbient | |
CDoublePropertyShadingBase | |
CDoublePropertyShadingDiffuse | |
CDoublePropertyShadingSpecular | |
CDoublePropertyShadingSpecularPower | |
CDoublePropertySpacing | |
CDoublePropertyTimeCalibration | |
CDoublePropertyToolOffset | Interface to the tool offset of a tool |
CDoublePropertyXDim | |
CDoublePropertyYDim | |
CDoublePropertyZDim | |
CDoubleRange | Utility class for describing a bounded numeric range |
CDoubleSlider | Custom widget for display of double-valued data |
CDoubleSpanSlider | Custom widget for display of double-valued data |
CDoubleSpanSliderAdapterNull | |
CDummyFilter | |
CDummyImageStreamer | |
CDummyProbe | |
CDummyTool | Implementation of a Tool used for testing |
CDummyToolManager | Implementation of a ToolManager used for testing |
CDummyToolTestUtilities | |
CDummyToolThread | |
CDynamicMainWindowWidgets | |
CEBUSCalibrationCalculator | |
CEBUSCalibrationWidget | |
CElastixEulerTransform | |
CElastixExecuter | ElastiX command-line wrapper |
CElastixManager | Manager for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package |
CElastixParameterFile | |
CElastixParameters | Parameter and preset handling for the ElastiX registration |
CElastixSyntaxHighlighter | |
CElastixWidget | Widget for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package |
CEmbeddedFilepath | |
CEraseDataToolButton | |
CEraserWidget | Widget for erasing parts of images/meshes |
CErrorObserver | |
CEventProcessingThread | |
CExample | Implementation of ThreadedTimedAlgorithm that shows the minimum implementation of this class |
CExampleGUIExtenderService | |
CExamplePluginActivator | |
CExampleWidget | |
CExportDataDialog | |
CExportDataTypeWidget | |
CExportWidget | |
CFastImageRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing landmark based image registration using only the translation part of the matrix |
CFastLandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CFastOrientationRegistrationWidget | Widget for registrating the orientation part of a fast registration |
CFastPatientRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing a fast and aprox landmark based patient registration, using only the matrix translation part |
CFiberBundleRep | Display a DTI Fiber bundle (fiber tracks) in 3D |
CFileInputWidget | |
CFileManagerImpService | |
CFileManagerService | |
CFileManagerServiceBase | |
CFileManagerServiceNull | |
CFileManagerServicePluginActivator | |
CFileManagerServiceProxy | |
CFilenameWidget | Composite widget for filename edit |
CFilePathProperty | |
CFilePathPropertyBase | Base class for properties using a file path |
CFilePreviewProperty | Property that connects to a file. Allows file preview and edit |
CFilePreviewWidget | View a xml document |
CFileReaderWriterImplService | |
CFileReaderWriterService | |
CFileReaderWriterServiceNull | |
CFileReaderWriterServiceProxy | |
CFileSelectWidget | Widget for displaying and selecting a single file |
CFileWatcherWidget | Baseclass for widgets that should watch a file |
CFilter | |
CFilterAccusurfPluginActivator | |
CFilterAirwaysFromCenterlinePluginActivator | |
CFilterAirwaysPluginActivator | |
CFilterGroup | |
CFilterImpl | |
CFilteringToolListWidget | Helper class for tool list display |
CFilterPresetWidget | |
CFilterRouteToTargetPluginActivator | |
CFilterSetupWidget | |
CFiltersWidget | |
CFilterTimedAlgorithm | |
CFollowerText3D | Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size |
CFrame | |
CFrame3D | Defines an axis-angle representation of a position+orientation in 3D space |
CFrameForest | A graph combining Space dependencies between all Data |
CFrameMetric | Data class that represents a single frame (transform) |
CFrameMetricBase | Abstract base class for frame metric |
CFrameMetricRep | |
CFrameMetricWrapper | |
CFramesDataContainer | |
CFrameTreeWidget | Widget for displaying the FrameForest object |
CGeneralTab | Tab for general settings in the system |
CGenericScriptFilter | |
CGeometricRep | Display one Mesh in 3D |
CGeometricRep2D | Display one Mesh in 2D |
CGPUImageBufferRepository | Repository for GPU buffers |
CGPUImageBufferRepositoryInternal | |
CGPUImageDataBuffer | Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts) |
CGPUImageDataBufferImpl | |
CGPUImageLutBuffer | Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts) |
CGPUImageLutBufferImpl | |
CGrabberSenderQTcpSocket | |
CGraphicalArc3D | Helper for rendering a line in 3D |
CGraphicalArrow3D | Helper for rendering an arrow in 3D |
CGraphicalAxes3D | Visualization for one 3D coordinate axis triplet |
CGraphicalBox | |
CGraphicalBoxCallback | |
CGraphicalBoxEnableCallback | |
CGraphicalDisk | |
CGraphicalGeometric | Display one Mesh in 3D |
CGraphicalGeometricBase | |
CGraphicalGlyph3DData | Helper for rendering a a glyph in 3D |
CGraphicalLine3D | Helper for rendering a line in 3D |
CGraphicalObjectWithDirection | Base helper class for rendering objects with a specific direction in 3D |
CGraphicalPoint3D | Helper for rendering a point in 3D |
CGraphicalPolyData3D | Helper for rendering a a polydata in 3D |
CGraphicalTorus3D | Helper for rendering a torus in 3D |
CGroupTreeNode | |
CGuideRep2D | |
►CGUIExtenderService | |
CCategorizedWidget | |
CHelpBrowser | |
CHelpEngine | |
CHelpGUIExtenderService | |
CHelpIndexWidget | |
CHelpPluginActivator | |
CHelpSearchWidget | |
CHelpWidget | |
CHttpRequestHandler | |
CICPRegistrationBaseWidget | |
CICPWidget | |
CIgstkTool | Class for controlling the igstk tracking (hardware) interface |
CIgstkToolManager | Manager for IGSTK interface |
CIgstkTracker | Class representing the navigation system |
CIgstkTrackerThread | Thread containing all of IGSTK |
CIGSTKTrackingPluginActivator | |
CIGTLinkClientStreamer | |
CIGTLinkConversion | |
CIGTLinkConversionBase | |
CIGTLinkConversionImage | |
CIGTLinkConversionPolyData | |
CIGTLinkConversionSonixCXLegacy | |
CIGTLinkStreamerService | |
CIGTLinkUSStatusMessage | IGTLink Message content: |
►CImage | A volumetric data set |
CShadingStruct | |
CImage2DProxy | Slice volumes using a SliceProxy |
CImage2DRep3D | Display a 2D Volume in 3D |
CImageDataContainer | |
CImageDefaultTFGenerator | |
CImageEnveloper | |
CImageFileStreamerService | |
CImageLandmarksSource | |
CImageLandmarksWidget | |
CImageLUT2D | Handling of color and opacity for 2D slices |
CImageMapperMonitor | |
CImageParameters | |
CImagePreviewWidget | Widget for displaying images |
CImagePropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating various Image properties |
CImageReceiverThread | Base class for receiving images from a video stream |
CImageRenderPropertiesWidget | |
CImageServer | ImageServer |
CImageStreamerDummyArguments | |
CImageStreamerOpenCV | |
CImageStreamerOpenCVArguments | |
CImageTestData | |
CImageTF3D | Handler for the transfer functions used in 3d image volumes |
CImageTFData | Data class for Transfer Function info, either 2D or 3D |
CImportDataDialog | |
CImportDataTypeWidget | |
CImportExportGuiExtenderService | |
CImportWidget | |
CIndent | Formatting class for debug printing of the ssc library |
CInfoWidget | |
CInsideMaskFunctor | |
CIntBoundingBox3D | Representation of an integer bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk.
CInteractiveClipper | |
CInteractiveCropper | |
CIntraOpImagingWorkflowState | |
CJitterFilter | |
CLabeledComboBoxWidget | Composite widget for string selection |
CLabeledLineEditWidget | Composite widget for string edit |
CLandmark | One landmark, or fiducial, coordinate |
CLandmarkImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | |
CLandmarkListener | |
CLandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CLandmarkProperty | |
CLandmarkRegistrationWidget | |
►CLandmarkRep | |
CLandmarkGraphics | |
CLandmarks | |
CLandmarksSource | |
CLandmarkTranslationRegistration | |
CLapFrameToolCalibrationCalculator | |
CLapFrameToolCalibrationWidget | |
CLayoutData | |
►CLayoutEditorWidget | |
CGridElement | |
CLayoutInteractor | |
CLayoutPosition | |
CLayoutRegion | |
CLayoutRepository | |
CLayoutVideoSource | |
CLayoutViewData | |
CLayoutWidgetUsingViewWidgets | |
CLineSegment | Helper for drawing a line in 2D |
CLocalServerStreamer | |
CLocalServerStreamerArguments | |
CLog | |
CLogConsole | |
CLogFile | |
CLogFileWatcher | |
CLogFileWatcherThread | |
CLogicManager | Control the custusx backend |
CLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CLogThread | |
CMainWindow | This is the main gui class which controls the workflow |
CMainWindowActions | |
CMainWindowApplicationComponent | |
CManageClippersWidget | Widget for managing clippers |
CManualImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | |
CManualImageRegistrationWidget | |
CManualImageTransformRegistrationWidget | |
CManualPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CManualTool | A manual tool that is unconnected to any hardware |
CManualToolAdapter | Adapter class for ManualTool |
CMassFunctor | |
CMatrixTextEdit | |
CMehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepBase | |
CMehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepImageMapperMonitor | |
►CMemHolder | |
CBlock | |
CMemoryTester | |
CMesh | A mesh data set |
CMeshGlyphsWidget | Widget for displaying glyps information about meshes |
CMeshInfoWidget | Widget for displaying information about meshes |
CMeshInView | |
CMeshPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying glyps information about meshes |
CMeshPropertyData | |
CMeshTextureData | |
CMeshTextureWidget | |
CMessage | |
CMessageFilter | |
CMessageFilterConsole | |
CMessageFilterStatusBar | |
CMessageListener | |
CMessageLogger | |
CMessageLoggerInternalData | |
CMessageObserver | |
CMessageRepository | |
CMetaImageReader | |
CMetricBase | |
►CMetricManager | |
CImportMNIuserSettings | |
CMetricNamesRep | |
CMetricReferenceArgumentList | Collection of Metric arguments that refer to another metric |
CMetricReferenceArgumentListGui | |
CMetricUtilities | |
CMetricWidget | |
CMNIReaderWriter | |
CMousePadWidget | A touchpad-friendly area for performing 1D/2D scroll operations |
CMousePadWidgetInternal | |
CMultiFileInputWidget | |
CMultiViewCache | |
CMultiVolume3DRepProducer | |
CMyStreamBuf | |
CMyTableWidget | |
CNavigatedVideoImage | Image subclass for live updated 2D images tied to a tool |
CNavigation | |
CNavigationAlgorithms | |
CNavigationWidget | Widget for controlling camera follow style |
CNavigationWorkflowState | |
CNetworkHandler | |
CNetworkPluginActivator | |
CNetworkService | |
CNeuroTrainingWidget | |
CNIfTIReader | Reader for NIfTI files |
Cnull_deleter | |
CNullDicomModelNode | |
COffsetPoint | Helper for drawing a point in 2D |
COpenCLPrinter | Utilities for printing information about OpenCL |
COpenCVStreamerService | |
COpenIGTLink3GuiExtenderService | |
COpenIGTLinkPluginActivator | |
COpenIGTLinkStreamer | |
COpenIGTLinkStreamerService | |
COpenIGTLinkTool | Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize |
COpenIGTLinkTrackingSystemService | |
COperatingTable | The OperatingTable class |
COperatingTableTab | |
COperatingTableWidget | |
COptimizedUpdateWidget | Interface for all classes following the modified/prepaint paradigm |
COptionalValue | |
COptionsWidget | |
COrientationAnnotation | |
COrientationAnnotation3DRep | Class for display of an orientation annotation cube in 3D |
COrientationAnnotationRep | Display direction annotations in a 2D view |
COrientationAnnotationSmartRep | A class that annotated 2D views with otientation information |
COutputVariables | |
COutputVolumeParams | Helper struct for sending and controlling output volume properties |
COverlayWidget | |
CPackage | |
CParentSpace | Definition of a parent space event |
CParentWorkflowState | |
CPatientData | Functionality for storing patient data in a folder on the disk and access to these data |
CPatientDataWorkflowState | |
CPatientDicomModelNode | |
CPatientLandmarksSource | |
CPatientLandMarksWidget | Widget used as a tab in the ContexDockWidget for patient registration |
CPatientModelImplService | |
CPatientModelPluginActivator | |
CPatientModelService | The virtual patient |
CPatientModelServiceNull | Null Object Pattern for Registration service |
CPatientModelServiceProxy | Always provides a PatientModelService |
CPatientOrientationWidget | Widget for setting reference space to current tool orientation, without changing absolute position of data |
CPatientStorage | Helper class for storing variables in the patient file |
CPerformanceTab | Configure performance tab in preferences dialog |
CPickerRep | Picking of points in an image |
CPipeline | |
CPipelineWidget | |
CPipelineWidgetFilterLine | |
CPlaneMetric | Data class representing a plane |
CPlaneMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a PlaneMetric |
CPlaneMetricWrapper | |
CPlaneTypeCollection | |
CPlateImageRegistrationWidget | |
CPlateRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing registration between a (dyna-CT) volume and a predefined aurora tool with ct markers |
CPlaybackTime | Controller for historic time, playback etc |
CPlaybackTool | A tool used during playback |
CPlaybackWidget | Widget interface to PlaybackTime |
CPluginFrameworkManager | |
CPluginFrameworkWidget | |
CPlusConnectWidget | |
CPNGImageReader | Reader for portable network graphics .png files |
CPNNReconstructionMethodService | |
CPNNReconstructionPluginActivator | |
CPointMetric | Data class that represents a single point |
CPointMetricRep | |
CPointMetricRep2D | |
CPointMetricWrapper | |
CPolyDataMeshReader | Reader for .vtk files |
CPopupButton | |
CPopupToolbarWidget | |
CPositionFilter | |
CPositionStorageReader | Reader class for the position file |
CPositionStorageWriter | Writer class for the position file |
CPostOpControllWorkflowState | |
CPreferencesDialog | Set application preferences |
CPreferenceTab | |
CPreOpPlanningWorkflowState | |
CPrepareVesselsWidget | Widget for extracting a segment from a image and finding a centerline from that segment |
CPresets | Base class for a group of presets in the system |
CPresetWidget | Base class for preset handling. Takes care of making a uniform preset system. Contains a preset selector, functionality for resetting to a default preset, saving new presets and deleting presets |
CProbe | US Probe interface |
CProbeAdapterRTSource | VideoSource that applies the parameters from a Probe to the VideoSource |
CProbeConfigWidget | Widget that displays/edits a probe configuration |
CProbeDefinition | Definition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector |
CProbeDefinitionFromStringMessages | |
CProbeImpl | |
CProbeSector | Utility functions for drawing an US Probe sector |
CProcessedUSInputData | |
CProcessReporter | |
CProcessWrapper | |
CProfile | |
CProfileManager | |
CProperty | Superclass for all data adapters |
CPropertyNull | |
CQ_OBJECTExportDataTypeWidget | |
CReadFbgsMessage | |
►CReconstructCore | Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes |
CInputParams | |
CReconstructionExecuter | |
CReconstructionMethodService | Abstract interface for reconstruction algorithm |
CReconstructionWidget | |
CReconstructParams | Collection of reconstruction parameters |
CReconstructPreprocessor | Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes |
CRecordSession | |
CRecordSessionWidget | |
CRecordTrackingWidget | |
CRect3D | Helper for drawing a rectangle in 3D |
CRegionOfInterest | |
CRegionOfInterestMetric | |
CRegionOfInterestMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a RegionOfInterestMetric |
CRegionOfInterestMetricWrapper | |
CRegisteredService | |
CRegisterI2IWidget | Widget for performing the registration between two vessel segments |
CRegistrationApplicator | |
CRegistrationBaseWidget | |
CRegistrationGUIExtenderService | |
CRegistrationGUIPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationHistory | A history of registration events |
CRegistrationHistoryGUIExtenderService | |
CRegistrationHistoryNull | |
CRegistrationHistoryWidget | |
CRegistrationImplService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCenterlineImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodCenterlinePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCommandLinePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCommandLineService | |
CRegistrationMethodFastLandmarkImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageTransformService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualPatientOrientationService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodManualService | |
CRegistrationMethodPlateImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodPlatePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodService | Registration Method services |
CRegistrationMethodVesselImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodVesselPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationService | Registration services |
CRegistrationServiceNull | Null Object Pattern for Registration service |
CRegistrationServiceProxy | Always provides a RegistrationService |
CRegistrationTransform | A registration event and its transform |
CRegistrationTypeWidget | |
CRegistrationWidget | |
CRegistrationWorkflowState | |
CRegServices | |
CRemoteAPI | |
CRemoveDataType | |
CRenderLoop | |
CRenderWindowFactory | Use to create all vtkRenderWindows, and store a single shared render window |
CRep | Abstract interface for entities that can be added to a View |
CRepContainer | |
CRepImpl | Default implementation of Rep |
CReplacableContentWidget | |
CRepManager | Rep caching and utilities |
CReporter | |
CReporterThread | |
CRequestEnterStateEvent | Utility class for StateService states |
CRequestEnterStateTransition | Utility class for StateService states |
CResampleImageFilter | |
CRGBColor | RGB color data |
CRMPCFromPointerImageToPatientService | |
CRMPCFromPointerWidget | Register a point cloud to a surface |
CRMPCImageToPatientService | |
CRMPCPluginActivator | |
CRMPCWidget | |
CRootDicomModelNode | |
CRouteToTarget | |
CRouteToTargetFilter | |
CSamplerWidget | |
CSavingVideoRecorder | Recorder for a VideoSource |
CScalarInteractionWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CScreenShotImageWriter | |
CScreenVideoProvider | |
►CSeansVesselReg | |
CContext | |
CSeansVesselRegistrationWidget | I2I (image2image) ICP registration |
CSecondaryMainWindow | Experimental class for IPad usage |
CSecondaryViewLayoutWindow | Experimental class for IPad usage |
CSectorInfo | |
CSelectClippersForDataWidget | Turn clippers on/off for a spesific data structure |
CSelectClippersForImageWidget | |
CSelectClippersForMeshWidget | |
CSelectColorSettingButton | |
CSelectDataStringPropertyBase | |
CSelectedDataListWidget | |
CSelectionGroupBox | |
CSelectRecordSession | |
CSender | |
CSenderImpl | |
CSeriesDicomModelNode | |
CServiceTrackerCustomizer | Notify changes in a service lifecycle |
CServiceTrackerListener | Helper class for listening to services being added, modified and removed |
CSessionStorageService | |
CSessionStorageServiceImpl | |
CSessionStorageServiceNull | |
CSessionStorageServiceProxy | |
CSettings | Customized interface for setting values in QSettings |
►CShaderCallback | Used to update information sent to our custom OpenGL shaders |
CShaderItem | |
CShadingWidget | |
CShapeSensorWidget | |
CSharedContextCreatedCallback | |
CSharedDocuments | |
CSharedMemoryClient | Shared Memory Client |
CSharedMemoryServer | Shared Memory Server |
CSharedOpenGLContext | Shared OpenGL context |
Cshm_header | |
CShowDataTreeNodeBase | |
CShowSlice2DDataTreeNode | |
CShowSlice3DDataTreeNode | |
CShowVolumeDataTreeNode | |
CSimpleImportDataDialog | |
CSimpleLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CSimpleSliceProxy | |
CSimulatedStreamerService | Abstract class. Interface to Simulated Streamers |
CSingleConnectionTcpServer | |
CSingleMetricWidget | |
CSingleStreamerImpl | |
CSingleVolumePainterHelper | |
►CSliceAutoViewportCalculator | |
CReturnType | |
CSliceComputer | Calculates a slice plane given a definition |
CSlicedImageProxy | Helper class for slicing an image given a SliceProxy and an image |
CSlicePlane | A 2D slice plane in 3D. i,j are perpendicular unit vectors |
CSlicePlaneClipper | Clip several 3D volumes using a SliceProxy |
CSlicePlanes3DMarkerIn2DRep | Display annotations for the SlicePlanesProxy planes in 2D |
CSlicePlanes3DRep | Display a set of planes in 3D |
►CSlicePlanesProxy | Helper class for managing a set of slice planes |
CDataType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CSlicePropertiesWidget | |
CSliceProxy | Provides a slice matrix based on definition and tool |
CSliceProxyInterface | |
CSliceRepSW | Display an image slice in 2D |
CSlices3DRep | Display several slices through volumes in 3D |
CSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSliderRangeGroupWidget | |
CSmallLineEdit | |
CSmoothingImageFilter | |
CSocketClientConnector | |
►CSocketConnection | |
CConnectionInfo | |
CSocketConnector | |
CSocketServerConnector | |
CSonixProbeFileReader | |
CSoundSpeedConverterWidget | |
CSpaceEditWidget | Composite widget for string selection |
CSpaceListener | Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes |
CSpaceListenerImpl | Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes |
CSpaceProperty | |
CSpacePropertyBase | |
CSpaceProvider | |
CSpaceProviderImpl | |
CSpaceProviderNull | |
CSpaceTreeNode | |
CSphereMetric | Data class that represents a donut |
CSphereMetricRep | |
CSphereMetricRep2D | |
CSphereMetricWrapper | |
CSpinBoxAndDialGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxAndSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxInfiniteSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSplitFramesContainer | |
CsscFloatingWidget | A widget that floats above the other windows. Used as basis for the floating controls |
CStatePluginActivator | |
CStateService | Workflow states for CustusX |
CStateServiceImpl | |
CStateServiceNull | |
CStateServiceProxy | |
CStaticMutexVtkLocker | |
CStatusBar | Statusbar with extended functionality |
CStlMeshReader | Reader for STL files |
CStream2DRep3D | Display a stream as 2D in 3D |
CStreamedTimestampSynchronizer | |
CStreamer | |
CStreamerService | Abstract class. Interface to Streamers |
CStreamerServiceNull | Null implementation of the StreamerService |
CStreamerServiceProxy | Proxy for StreamerServices |
CStreamerServiceUtilities | |
CStreamPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating TrackedStream properties |
CStreamRep3D | Display a 3D stream in 3D |
CStringListProperty | Represents one collection of strings |
CStringListSelectWidget | Composite widget for string list selection |
CStringProperty | Represents one option of the string type. The data are stored within a xml document |
CStringPropertyActiveData | |
CStringPropertyActiveImage | |
CStringPropertyActiveProbeConfiguration | |
CStringPropertyActiveTool | |
CStringPropertyActiveVideoSource | Property for controlling the active video source in cx::VideoService |
CStringPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal string-valued data |
CStringPropertyClipPlane | |
CStringPropertyDataModality | Adapter that selects the modality of the given Data |
CStringPropertyDataNameEditable | Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data |
CStringPropertyDataUidEditable | Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data |
CStringPropertyFusedInputOutputSelectData | |
CStringPropertyGlyphColorArray | Adapter that selects the glyph color array |
CStringPropertyGlyphLUT | Adapter that selects the glyph color LUT |
CStringPropertyGlyphOrientationArray | Adapter that selects the glyph orientation array |
CStringPropertyImageType | Adapter that selects the image type of the given Data |
CStringPropertyParentFrame | Adapter that selects the parent frame of the given Data |
CStringPropertyRegistrationFixedImage | |
CStringPropertyRegistrationMovingImage | |
CStringPropertySelectCoordinateSystem | Adapter that selects and stores a coordinate systems. The coordinatesystem is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it |
CStringPropertySelectCoordinateSystemBase | |
CStringPropertySelectData | |
CStringPropertySelectImage | |
CStringPropertySelectMesh | |
CStringPropertySelectPointMetric | |
CStringPropertySelectRecordSession | |
CStringPropertySelectRecordSessionBase | |
CStringPropertySelectTool | Adapter that selects and stores a tool. The tool is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it |
CStringPropertySelectTrackedStream | |
CStringPropertySetParentFrame | Adapter that force sets the parent frame of the given Data, i.e. overwriting history. Nice for initial definition |
CStudyDicomModelNode | |
CSyncedValue | |
CTabbedWidget | Interface for making widgets with a hierarchy of tabs |
CTemporalCalibration | |
CTemporalCalibrationWidget | |
CTemporaryPausePlay | |
CTestClass | |
CTestVideoSource | Test video source generator |
CTextDisplay | Helper for drawing text in 2D |
CTexture3DSlicerProxy | Helper class for GPU-based slicing |
CTexture3DSlicerProxyImpl | Slice volumes using a SliceProxy |
CTexture3DSlicerRep | Display overlayed image slices in 2D |
CTextureSlicePainter | Helper class for GPU rendering of slices |
CThreadedTimedAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that wants to thread and time their execution. T is the return type of the calculated data in the thread |
CThreadedTimedReconstructCore | Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm |
CThreadedTimedReconstructPreprocessor | Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm |
CThreadMethodInvoker | |
CTimedAlgorithmProgressBar | Show progress for a TimedBaseAlgorithm |
CTimedBaseAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that wants to time their execution |
CTimedPosition | One position with timestamp |
CTimeInfo | |
CTimeKeeper | |
CTimelineEvent | Description of one event in time |
CTimelineWidget | Widget for displaying a timeline for events |
CTool | Interface to a tool, i.e. a pointer, US probe or similar |
CToolConfigTab | Interface for selecting a tool configuration |
CToolConfigureGroupBox | Manage tool configurations |
►CToolFileParser | Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool |
CToolInternalStructure | A tools internal structure |
CTrackerInternalStructure | |
CToolFilterGroupBox | Widget for easily filtering tools based on clinical application and tracking system |
CToolImagePreviewWidget | Widget for displaying a tools image |
CToolImpl | Common functionality for Tool subclasses |
CToolListWidget | Class for displaying tool files that can be dragged and dropped |
CToolManagerWidget | Designed as a debugging widget for the cxToolManager |
CToolManualCalibrationWidget | |
CToolMetric | |
CToolMetricRep | |
CToolMetricWrapper | |
CToolNull | |
CToolPositionMetadata | |
CToolPropertiesWidget | |
CToolProxy | |
CToolRep2D | Display a Tool in 2D |
CToolRep3D | Display a Tool in 3D |
CToolTipCalibrateWidget | |
CToolTipCalibrationCalculator | |
CToolTipSampleWidget | |
CToolTracer | 3D Graphics class for displaying the trace path traversed by a tool |
CToolTreeNode | |
CToolUsingIGSTK | Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize |
CTopTreeNode | |
CTrackedStream | A data set for video streams (2D/3D) |
CTracker | |
►CTrackerConfiguration | |
CConfiguration | |
CTool | |
CTrackerConfigurationImpl | |
CTrackerConfigurationNull | |
CTrackingImplService | Interface towards the navigation system |
CTrackingPluginActivator | |
CTrackingPositionFilter | |
CTrackingService | Service providing tools and tracking systems |
CTrackingServiceNull | |
CTrackingServiceProxy | |
CTrackingShapeGUIExtenderService | |
CTrackingShapePluginActivator | |
CTrackingSystemBronchoscopyService | Interface towards a bronchoscopy navigation tracking system |
CTrackingSystemDummyService | Interface towards a dummy tracking system |
CTrackingSystemIGSTKService | Interface towards one tracking system |
CTrackingSystemPlaybackService | Interface towards a playback tracking system |
CTrackingSystemService | Tracking System Service |
CTrackPadWidget | Widget for controlling the camera in the 3D view |
CTrainingGUIExtenderService | |
CTrainingPluginActivator | |
CTrainingWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DColorWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DOpacityWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DWidget | |
CTransferFunction3DWidget | |
►CTransferFunctionAlphaWidget | |
CAlphaPoint | |
►CTransferFunctionColorWidget | |
CColorPoint | |
CTransferFunctionPresetWidget | |
CTransferFunctions3DPresets | Handles transfer function presets |
CTransferFunctionWidget | |
CTransform3DWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating an affine matrix, i.e. a rotation+translation matrix |
CTransformFile | File format for storing a 4x4 matrix |
CTreeItemModel | |
CTreeNode | |
CTreeNodeImpl | |
CTreeRepository | |
CUnsignedDerivedImage | Class that holds an unsigned version of a base Image |
CUSAcquisition | Handles the us acquisition process |
CUSAcquisitionVideoPlayback | Handler for playback of US image data from a US recording session |
CUSAcqusitionWidget | |
CUSFrameData | Helper class encapsulating a 2S US data set |
CUSReconstructInputData | |
CUSReconstructInputDataAlgorithm | |
CUsReconstructionFileMaker | Handles writing files in the format the us reconstruction algorithm wants them |
CUsReconstructionFileReader | Reader class for the US Acquisition files |
CUsReconstructionGUIExtenderService | Us Reconstruction framework with widgets |
CUsReconstructionImplService | Manager for the us reconstruction process |
CUsReconstructionPluginActivator | |
CUsReconstructionService | |
CUsReconstructionServiceNull | |
CUsReconstructionServiceProxy | |
CUSSavingRecorder | Record and save ultrasound data |
CVBGUIExtenderService | |
CVBPluginActivator | |
CVBWidget | |
CVector3DComponentProperty | |
CVector3DProperty | Represents one option of the double type |
CVector3DPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal Vector3D-valued data |
CVector3DPropertyNull | |
CVector3DWidget | Widget for displaying a Vector3D |
CVideoConnection | Represent one video grabber connection |
CVideoConnectionWidget | GUI for setting up a connection to a video stream |
CVideoFixedPlaneRep | Display a VideoSource in a View |
CVideoGraphics | Wrap vtkActor displaying a video image, possibly clipped by a sector |
CVideoImplService | |
CVideoPluginActivator | |
CVideoRecorder | Recorder for a VideoSource |
►CVideoRecorderSaveThread | |
CDataType | |
CVideoService | Provides access to all video sources in the system, and connection stuff for the sources |
CVideoServiceBackend | |
CVideoServiceNull | |
CVideoServiceProxy | |
CVideoSource | Video source interface |
CVideoSourceGraphics | Helper class for displaying a VideoSource |
CVideoSourceSHM | VideoSource for connecting to shared memory |
CVideoTab | Various parameters related to ultrasound acquisition and reconstruction |
CView | |
CViewCache | |
CViewCollectionImageWriter | |
CViewCollectionWidget | |
CViewCollectionWidgetMixed | |
CViewCollectionWidgetUsingViewContainer | |
CViewContainer | |
CViewFollower | |
CViewGroup | |
►CViewGroupData | Container for data shared between all members of a view group |
COptions | |
CViewGroupPropertiesWidget | |
CViewGroupTreeNode | |
CViewImplService | Creates a pool of views and offers an interface to them, also handles layouts on a centralwidget |
CViewItem | |
CViewLinkingViewContainerItem | |
CViewLinkingViewWidget | |
CViewportListener | Listens to changes in viewport and camera matrix |
CViewportListenerBase | Base class for listening to a vtkRenderer |
CViewportObserverPrivate | |
CViewportPreRenderListener | Listens to the start render event in a vtkRenderer |
CViewRepCollection | |
CViewService | Visualization services |
CViewServiceNull | |
CViewServiceProxy | |
CViewServiceTreeNode | |
CViewWidget | |
CViewWrapper | Superclass for ViewWrappers |
CViewWrapper2D | |
CViewWrapper3D | |
CViewWrapperVideo | |
CVirtualCameraRotationWidget | |
CVisServices | |
CVisualizationPluginActivator | |
CVisualizationTab | |
CVLCRecorder | Lets you use the third party application VLC to record a video of the screen |
►CVNNclAlgorithm | |
C__frameBlock_t | |
CVNNclPluginActivator | |
CVNNclReconstructionMethodService | |
CVolumeInfoWidget | Widget for displaying various volume information |
CVolumePropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating various 3D Volume properties |
CVolumeProperty | |
CVolumetricBaseRep | Display a volume in 3D |
CVolumetricRep | Display a volume in 3D |
CWebServerGUIExtenderService | |
CWebServerWidget | |
CWebServerWidgetBase | |
CWidgetObscuredListener | |
CWidgetTypeRepository | |
CWirePhantomWidget | Probe accuracy measurements using the Wire Phantom |
CWorkflowState | State in a WorkflowStateMachine |
CWorkflowStateMachine | State Machine for the Workflow Steps |
CXmlFileHandler | Helper class for reading and writing an XML file |
CXMLNodeAdder | |
CXMLNodeParser | |
CXmlOptionFile | Helper class for xml files used to store ssc/cx data |
CXmlOptionItem | Helper class for storing one string value in an xml document |
CXMLPolyDataMeshReader | Reader for .vtp files |
CZoom2DHandler | |
►Ncxtest | |
CDirectSignalListener | Listen for signals using Qt::DirectConnection |
CJenkinsMeasurement | |
CProbeFixture | |
CQueuedSignalListener | Object that waits for a signal to arrive from a given QObject. If this takes longer than a given time, it will time out. The signal connection is of type Qt::QueuedConnection |
CSphereSyntheticVolume | |
CSyntheticReconstructInput | |
CSyntheticVolumeComparer | |
CTestSender | |
CTestUtilities | |
CUtilities | |
►Nitk | |
CBinaryThinningImageFilter3D | This filter computes one-pixel-wide skeleton of a 3D input image |
CImageToVTKImageFilter | Converts an ITK image into a VTK image and plugs a itk data pipeline to a VTK datapipeline.
CVTKImageToImageFilter | Converts a VTK image into an ITK image and plugs a vtk data pipeline to an ITK datapipeline.
►Nsnw | |
CSyntaxHighlighter | Provides syntax highlighting for sonowand log files |
C_close_plane | |
C_output_volume_type | |
CAngular_less | |
CcisstTestParameters | |
CCommandIterationUpdate | |
Ccstring_cast_Placeholder | |
CCXFrame | |
CCXNoBorderToolButton | |
CCXQVTKWidget | QVTKWidget displays a VTK window in a Qt window |
CCXSmallToolButton | |
CCXToolButton | |
CcxViewCollectionVideoSource | |
CcxViewServicePropertiesWidget | |
CDockWidgets | Handles dock widgets for main window |
CEnumConverter | Class for easy conversion between an enum and a QString |
CHackTPSTransform | |
Cigtl_sonix_status_message | |
Cigtl_us_status_message | |
CLandmarkImageRegistrationWidget | Widget for adding image landmarks, used by landmark based image registration methods |
CLandmarkTranslation | |
COrderedQDomDocument | |
►CProbeXmlConfigParser | Class that works as a interface to a ProbeCalibConfigs.xml |
CConfiguration | < a easy-to-work-with struct for a specific xml configuration |
CProbeXmlConfigParserImpl | Implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser Interface to ProbeCalibConfigs.xml |
CProbeXmlConfigParserMock | Moc implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser All function return dummy values |
CQVTKWidget3 | |
CShaderCallback | |
CSonixHelper | Support Qt support for vtkSonixVideoSource |
CSoundSpeedConversionWidget | |
CUltrasoundSectorSource | Source for an Ultrasound sector. The output vtkPolyData contains a polygon plus texture coordinates. The output is given in space u: a xy vtk image space with origin in the lower-left corner, |
Cvtkfixture | |
CvtkSonixVideoSource | |
CvtkSonixVideoSourceCleanup | |