Fraxinus  22.09
An IGT application
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 Ccx::AlgorithmHelperClass with helper functions for algorithms
 Ccx::TransferFunctionAlphaWidget::AlphaPointInternal placeholder for a function point
 Ccx::AudioInterface for playing sounds
 Ccx::Axes3DHelper for drawing a coordinate axis in 3D
 Ccx::BufferQueue< DATA_PTR, BUFFER >
 Ccx::BufferQueue< vtkImageDataPtr, cx::GPUImageDataBuffer >
 Ccx::BufferQueue< vtkUnsignedCharArrayPtr, cx::GPUImageLutBuffer >
 Ccx::BufferQueue< DATA_PTR, BUFFER >::BufferStore
 Ccx::CaptionText3DHelper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size, always on top
 Ccx::TransferFunctionColorWidget::ColorPointInternal placeholder for a color point
 Ccx::CommandlineImageStreamerFactoryFactory class for creating streamer objects
 CProbeXmlConfigParser::Configuration< a easy-to-work-with struct for a specific xml configuration
 Ccx::ConfigurationFileParserClass for reading the files defining a CustusX tool
 Ccx::CoordinateSystemIdentification of a Coordinate system
 Ccx::CrossHair2DHelper for drawing a crosshair in 2D
 Ccx::CustomMetaImageUtility class for accessing metaheader files
 Ccx::DecomposedTransform3DHelper class for visualizing rotational angles to a human user
 Ccx::DesktopData class for CustusX desktop
 CDockWidgetsHandles dock widgets for main window
 Ccx::DoubleRangeUtility class for describing a bounded numeric range
 CEnumConverter< ENUM, COUNT >Class for easy conversion between an enum and a QString
 Ccx::FollowerText3DHelper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size
 Ccx::Frame3DDefines an axis-angle representation of a position+orientation in 3D space
 Ccx::FrameForestA graph combining Space dependencies between all Data.Relations between coordinate spaces among Data are created by this class
 Ccx::GPUImageBufferRepositoryRepository for GPU buffers
 Ccx::GPUImageDataBufferHelper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts)
 Ccx::GPUImageLutBufferHelper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts)
 Ccx::GraphicalArc3DHelper for rendering a line in 3D
 Ccx::GraphicalArrow3DHelper for rendering an arrow in 3D
 Ccx::GraphicalAxes3DVisualization for one 3D coordinate axis triplet
 Ccx::GraphicalLine3DHelper for rendering a line in 3D
 Ccx::GraphicalObjectWithDirectionBase helper class for rendering objects with a specific direction in 3D
 Ccx::GraphicalPoint3DHelper for rendering a point in 3D
 Ccx::IndentFormatting class for debug printing of the ssc library
 Ccx::LandmarkOne landmark, or fiducial, coordinate
 CLandmarkImageRegistrationWidgetWidget for adding image landmarks, used by landmark based image registration methods
 Ccx::LineSegmentHelper for drawing a line in 2D
 Ccx::OffsetPointHelper for drawing a point in 2D
 Ccx::OpenCLPrinterUtilities for printing information about OpenCL
 Ccx::OperatingTableThe OperatingTable class
 Ccx::OptionalValue< T >
 Ccx::OptionalValue< std::vector< Vector3D > >
 Ccx::OptionalValue< Vector3D >
 Ccx::OutputVolumeParamsHelper struct for sending and controlling output volume properties
 Ccx::ParentSpaceDefinition of a parent space event
 Ccx::PositionStorageReaderReader class for the position file
 Ccx::PositionStorageWriterWriter class for the position file
 Ccx::ProbeDefinitionDefinition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector
 Ccx::ProbeSectorUtility functions for drawing an US Probe sector
 CProbeXmlConfigParserClass that works as a interface to a ProbeCalibConfigs.xml
 Ccx::ReconstructCoreAlgorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes
 Ccx::ReconstructPreprocessorAlgorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes
 Ccx::Rect3DHelper for drawing a rectangle in 3D
 Ccx::RegistrationTransformA registration event and its transform
 Ccx::ServiceTrackerListener< T >Helper class for listening to services being added, modified and removed
 Ccx::SharedMemoryClientShared Memory Client
 Ccx::SharedMemoryServerShared Memory Server
 Ccx::SharedOpenGLContextShared OpenGL context
 Ccx::SliceComputerCalculates a slice plane given a definition
 Ccx::SlicePlaneA 2D slice plane in 3D. i,j are perpendicular unit vectors
 Ccx::TextDisplayHelper for drawing text in 2D
 Ccx::TimedPositionOne position with timestamp
 Ccx::TimelineEventDescription of one event in time
 Ccx::ToolFileParserClass for reading the files defining a CustusX tool
 Ccx::ToolFileParser::ToolInternalStructureA tools internal structure
 Ccx::TransformFileFile format for storing a 4x4 matrix.The read/write methods emit error messages if you dont use the ok flag
 Ccx::USFrameDataHelper class encapsulating a 2S US data set
 Ccx::UsReconstructionFileMakerHandles writing files in the format the us reconstruction algorithm wants them
 Ccx::UsReconstructionFileReaderReader class for the US Acquisition files
 Ccx::VideoGraphicsWrap vtkActor displaying a video image, possibly clipped by a sector
 Ccx::ViewCache< VIEW_TYPE >
 Ccx::ViewportListenerBaseBase class for listening to a vtkRenderer
 Ccx::XmlFileHandlerHelper class for reading and writing an XML file
 Ccx::XmlOptionFileHelper class for xml files used to store ssc/cx data
 Ccx::XmlOptionItemHelper class for storing one string value in an xml document