![]() |
An IGT application
►Ncx | Namespace for all CustusX production code |
CAbraClass | |
CAbsDoubleLess | |
CAccusurf | |
CAccusurfFilter | |
CAcquisition | |
CAcquisitionData | |
CAcquisitionImplService | Implementation for Acqusition service |
CAcquisitionPlugin | |
CAcquisitionService | Acqusition services abstract interface |
CAcquisitionServiceNull | Null object pattern for Acqusition service |
CAcquisitionServicePluginActivator | |
CAcquisitionServiceProxy | Always provides an AcqusitionService |
CActiveData | Provides the last active data of warious types |
CActiveDataNull | |
CActiveImageProxy | Helper class for connection the active image.By listening to this class, you will always listen to the active image |
CActiveMeshPropertiesWidget | |
CActiveToolPropertiesWidget | |
CActiveToolProxy | Helper class for connecting to the active tool.By listening to this class, you will always listen to the active tool |
CActiveToolWidget | Widget that contains a select active tool combo box |
CActiveVolumeWidget | Widget that contains a select active image combobox |
CAirwaysFilter | |
CAirwaysFromCenterline | |
CAirwaysFromCenterlineFilter | |
CAlgorithmHelper | Class with helper functions for algorithms |
CAllDataListWidget | |
CAllMeshPropertiesWidget | |
CAngleMetric | Data class that represents an angle between two lines |
CAngleMetricRep | |
CAngleMetricWrapper | |
CApplication | |
CApplicationComponent | |
CApplicationsParser | |
CApplyLUTToImage2DProxy | Helper class for applying sscLUT2D to an image |
CAudio | Interface for playing sounds |
CAudioImpl | |
CAudioInternal | |
CAutomationTab | Automatic execution of actions when applicable |
CAxes3D | Helper for drawing a coordinate axis in 3D |
CAxesRep | Representation for one 3D coordinate axis triplet |
CAxisConnector | |
CBaseWidget | Interface for QWidget which handles widgets uniformly for the system |
CBasicVideoSource | VideoSource controlled by a vtkImageData |
CBinaryThinningImageFilter3DFilter | |
CBinaryThresholdImageFilter | |
CBoolProperty | |
CBoolPropertyBase | |
CBoundingBoxWidget | Widget displays/edits a BoundingBox3D |
CBranch | |
CBranchList | |
CBronchoscopePositionProjection | |
CBronchoscopyImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | Image to image registration for thorax data. Useing airway centerlines for multimodal image registration in bronchoscopy (CT, PET, MR) |
CBronchoscopyNavigationGUIExtenderService | |
CBronchoscopyNavigationPluginActivator | |
CBronchoscopyNavigationWidget | |
CBronchoscopyRegistration | |
CBronchoscopyRegistrationWidget | Register tracked bronchostopy tool path to lung centerline data (from CT) |
CBronchoscopyTool | A tool used during playback |
CBrowserWidget | Shows a treestructure containing the loaded images, meshes and tools |
►CBufferQueue | |
CBufferStore | |
CCachedImageData | |
CCachedImageDataContainer | |
CCachedTreeNode | |
CCalibrationGUIExtenderService | |
CCalibrationMethodsWidget | |
CCalibrationPluginActivator | |
CCameraControl | |
CCameraData | |
CCameraInfo | |
CCameraStyle | |
CCameraStyleData | |
CCameraStyleForView | |
CCameraStyleInteractor | |
CCaptionText3D | Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size, always on top |
CCeetronPluginActivator | |
CCenterlinePointsWidget | Widget for creating a centerline.vtk file from image landmarks |
CCenterlineRegistration | |
CCenterlineRegistrationWidget | Register tracked tool path to centerline data (from CT) |
CCentroidFunctor | |
CCgeoReaderWriter | Write triangular mesh to .cgeo format for Ceetron |
CCheckBoxWidget | Widget for the BoolPropertyBase |
CClippers | Clipper container. Used by ClippersWidget |
CClipperWidget | |
CClippingPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and changing clipper properties |
CClippingWidget | |
CColorProperty | |
CColorPropertyBase | |
CColorSelectButton | Convenience button for chosing color. Will open a color select dialog, and color the button itself in the selected color |
CColorSelectWidget | Widget for the ColorPropertyBase |
CColorVariationFilter | |
CColorWidget | |
CCommandlineImageStreamerFactory | Factory class for creating streamer objects |
CCommandLineStreamer | |
CCommandStringVariables | |
CCompactFilterSetupWidget | Helper widget for displaying the input/output/options part of a Filter. Intended to be included in other Filter widgets |
CCompositeParallelTimedAlgorithm | |
CCompositeSerialTimedAlgorithm | |
CCompositeTimedAlgorithm | |
CConfigToolListWidget | Helper class for tool config list display |
►CConfigurationFileParser | Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool |
CConfiguration | |
CToolStructure | |
CConnectedThresholdImageFilter | Segmenting using region growing |
CConsoleWidget | Widget for displaying status messages |
CConsoleWidgetCollection | |
CContourFilter | |
CControllableSplitter | |
CCoordinateSystem | Identification of a Coordinate system |
CCoreServices | |
CCropBoxCallback | |
CCropBoxEnableCallback | |
CCroppingWidget | |
CCrossHair2D | Helper for drawing a crosshair in 2D |
CCrossHairRep2D | Display the Tool in 2D as a crosshair in the tool tip position |
CctkDICOMThumbnailGenerator | Thumbnail generator class |
CctkDICOMThumbnailGeneratorPrivate | |
CctkPluginBrowser | |
CctkPluginTableModel | |
CCustomMetaImage | Utility class for accessing metaheader files |
CCustomMetric | Data class that represents a custom |
CCustomMetricRep | |
CCustomMetricWrapper | |
CCustusXWorkflowStateMachine | State Machine for the Workflow Steps for CustusX |
CcxSimpleSyntheticVolume | |
CcxSyntheticVolume | |
CCXVBcameraPath | |
CCyclicActionLogger | |
CData | Superclass for all data objects |
CDataFactory | |
CDataListWidget | |
CDataLocations | |
CDataManager | |
CDataManagerImpl | |
CDataMetric | Base class for all Data Metrics |
CDataMetricRep | Base class for all Data Metric reps |
CDataRepContainer | |
CDataSelectWidget | |
CDataTreeNode | |
CDataViewProperties | |
CDataViewPropertiesInteractor | |
CDataViewSelectionWidget | |
CDebugTab | Debug settings |
CDecomposedTransform3D | Helper class for visualizing rotational angles to a human user |
►CDesktop | Data class for CustusX desktop |
CPreset | |
CDetailedLabeledComboBoxWidget | Composite widget for string selection with |
CDetailedLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CDICOMAppWidget | |
CDICOMAppWidgetPrivate | |
CDicomConverter | |
CDicomGUIExtenderService | |
►CDicomImageReader | |
CWindowLevel | |
CDicomImporter | |
CDICOMModel | |
CDicomModelNode | |
CDICOMModelPrivate | |
CDicomPluginActivator | |
CDICOMReader | |
CDICOMThumbnailListWidget | |
CDICOMThumbnailListWidgetPrivate | |
CDicomWidget | |
CDilationFilter | |
CDirectlyLinkedSender | |
CDisplayTextRep | Display a number of text strings |
CDisplayTimerWidget | A second counter widget |
CDistanceMetric | Data class that represents a distance between two points, or a point and a plane |
CDistanceMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a DistanceMetric |
CDistanceMetricRep2D | |
CDistanceMetricWrapper | |
CDonutMetric | Data class that represents a donut |
CDonutMetricRep | |
CDonutMetricWrapper | |
CDoubleBoundingBox3D | Representation of a floating-point bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk |
CDoubleLineEdit | A QLineEdit specialized to deal with double data |
CDoublePairProperty | Implementation of DoublePairPropertyBase |
CDoublePairPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal data structure: A pair of doubles |
CDoubleProperty | |
CDoubleProperty2DLevel | DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D level value |
CDoubleProperty2DWindow | DataInterface implementation for the LUT 2D window value |
CDoublePropertyActiveImageBase | Superclass for all doubles interacting with the active image |
CDoublePropertyActiveToolOffset | Interface to the tool offset of the active tool |
CDoublePropertyBase | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataAlpha | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataBase | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataLevel | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataLLR | |
CDoublePropertyImageTFDataWindow | |
CDoublePropertyNull | |
CDoublePropertyOutputValueParams | |
CDoublePropertyShadingAmbient | |
CDoublePropertyShadingBase | |
CDoublePropertyShadingDiffuse | |
CDoublePropertyShadingSpecular | |
CDoublePropertyShadingSpecularPower | |
CDoublePropertySpacing | |
CDoublePropertyTimeCalibration | |
CDoublePropertyToolOffset | Interface to the tool offset of a tool |
CDoublePropertyXDim | |
CDoublePropertyYDim | |
CDoublePropertyZDim | |
CDoubleRange | Utility class for describing a bounded numeric range |
CDoubleSlider | Custom widget for display of double-valued data |
CDoubleSpanSlider | Custom widget for display of double-valued data.Use the double-named methods instead of qslider's int-based ones |
CDoubleSpanSliderAdapterNull | |
CDummyFilter | |
CDummyImageStreamer | |
CDummyProbe | |
CDummyTool | Implementation of a Tool used for testing |
CDummyToolManager | Implementation of a ToolManager used for testing |
CDummyToolTestUtilities | |
CDummyToolThread | |
CDynamicMainWindowWidgets | |
CEBUSCalibrationCalculator | |
CEBUSCalibrationWidget | |
CElastixEulerTransform | |
CElastixExecuter | ElastiX command-line wrapper |
CElastixManager | Manager for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package |
CElastixParameterFile | |
CElastixParameters | Parameter and preset handling for the ElastiX registration |
CElastixSyntaxHighlighter | |
CElastixWidget | Widget for interfacing to the ElastiX registration package |
CEmbeddedFilepath | |
CEraseDataToolButton | |
CEraserWidget | Widget for erasing parts of images/meshes |
CErrorObserver | |
CEventProcessingThread | |
CExample | Implementation of ThreadedTimedAlgorithm that shows the minimum implementation of this class |
CExampleGUIExtenderService | |
CExamplePluginActivator | |
CExampleWidget | |
CExportDataDialog | |
CExportDataTypeWidget | |
CExportWidget | |
CFastImageRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing landmark based image registration using only the translation part of the matrix |
CFastLandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CFastOrientationRegistrationWidget | Widget for registrating the orientation part of a fast registration |
CFastPatientRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing a fast and aprox landmark based patient registration, using only the matrix translation part |
CFiberBundleRep | Display a DTI Fiber bundle (fiber tracks) in 3D |
CFileInputWidget | |
CFileManagerImpService | |
CFileManagerService | |
CFileManagerServiceBase | |
CFileManagerServiceNull | |
CFileManagerServicePluginActivator | |
CFileManagerServiceProxy | |
CFilenameWidget | Composite widget for filename edit |
CFilePathProperty | |
CFilePathPropertyBase | Base class for properties using a file path |
CFilePreviewProperty | Property that connects to a file. Allows file preview and edit |
CFilePreviewWidget | View a xml document |
CFileReaderWriterImplService | |
CFileReaderWriterService | |
CFileReaderWriterServiceNull | |
CFileReaderWriterServiceProxy | |
CFileSelectWidget | Widget for displaying and selecting a single file |
CFileWatcherWidget | Baseclass for widgets that should watch a file |
CFilter | |
CFilterAccusurfPluginActivator | |
CFilterAirwaysFromCenterlinePluginActivator | |
CFilterAirwaysPluginActivator | |
CFilterGroup | |
CFilterImpl | |
CFilteringToolListWidget | Helper class for tool list display |
CFilterPresetWidget | |
CFilterRouteToTargetPluginActivator | |
CFilterSetupWidget | |
CFiltersWidget | |
CFilterTimedAlgorithm | |
CFollowerText3D | Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size |
CFrame | |
CFrame3D | Defines an axis-angle representation of a position+orientation in 3D space |
CFrameForest | A graph combining Space dependencies between all Data.Relations between coordinate spaces among Data are created by this class |
CFrameMetric | Data class that represents a single frame (transform) |
CFrameMetricBase | Abstract base class for frame metric |
CFrameMetricRep | |
CFrameMetricWrapper | |
CFramesDataContainer | |
CFrameTreeWidget | Widget for displaying the FrameForest object |
CGeneralTab | Tab for general settings in the system |
CGenericScriptFilter | |
CGeometricRep | Display one Mesh in 3D |
CGeometricRep2D | Display one Mesh in 2D |
CGPUImageBufferRepository | Repository for GPU buffers |
CGPUImageBufferRepositoryInternal | |
CGPUImageDataBuffer | Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts) |
CGPUImageDataBufferImpl | |
CGPUImageLutBuffer | Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts) |
CGPUImageLutBufferImpl | |
CGrabberSenderQTcpSocket | |
CGraphicalArc3D | Helper for rendering a line in 3D |
CGraphicalArrow3D | Helper for rendering an arrow in 3D |
CGraphicalAxes3D | Visualization for one 3D coordinate axis triplet |
CGraphicalBox | |
CGraphicalBoxCallback | |
CGraphicalBoxEnableCallback | |
CGraphicalDisk | |
CGraphicalGeometric | Display one Mesh in 3D |
CGraphicalGeometricBase | |
CGraphicalGlyph3DData | Helper for rendering a a glyph in 3D |
CGraphicalLine3D | Helper for rendering a line in 3D |
CGraphicalObjectWithDirection | Base helper class for rendering objects with a specific direction in 3D |
CGraphicalPoint3D | Helper for rendering a point in 3D |
CGraphicalPolyData3D | Helper for rendering a a polydata in 3D |
CGraphicalTorus3D | Helper for rendering a torus in 3D |
CGroupTreeNode | |
CGuideRep2D | |
►CGUIExtenderService | |
CCategorizedWidget | |
CHelpBrowser | |
CHelpEngine | |
CHelpGUIExtenderService | |
CHelpIndexWidget | |
CHelpPluginActivator | |
CHelpSearchWidget | |
CHelpWidget | |
CHttpRequestHandler | |
CICPRegistrationBaseWidget | |
CICPWidget | |
CIgstkTool | Class for controlling the igstk tracking (hardware) interface |
CIgstkToolManager | Manager for IGSTK interface.The manager exists inside IgstkTrackerThread |
CIgstkTracker | Class representing the navigation system |
CIgstkTrackerThread | Thread containing all of IGSTK |
CIGSTKTrackingPluginActivator | |
CIGTLinkClientStreamer | |
CIGTLinkConversion | |
CIGTLinkConversionBase | |
CIGTLinkConversionImage | |
CIGTLinkConversionPolyData | |
CIGTLinkConversionSonixCXLegacy | |
CIGTLinkStreamerService | |
CIGTLinkUSStatusMessage | IGTLink Message content: |
►CImage | A volumetric data set |
CShadingStruct | |
CImage2DProxy | Slice volumes using a SliceProxy |
CImage2DRep3D | Display a 2D Volume in 3D |
CImageDataContainer | |
CImageDefaultTFGenerator | |
CImageEnveloper | |
CImageFileStreamerService | |
CImageLandmarksSource | |
CImageLandmarksWidget | |
CImageLUT2D | Handling of color and opacity for 2D slices |
CImageMapperMonitor | |
CImageParameters | |
CImagePreviewWidget | Widget for displaying images |
CImagePropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating various Image properties |
CImageReceiverThread | Base class for receiving images from a video stream |
CImageRenderPropertiesWidget | |
CImageServer | ImageServer |
CImageStreamerDummyArguments | |
CImageStreamerOpenCV | |
CImageStreamerOpenCVArguments | |
CImageTestData | |
CImageTF3D | Handler for the transfer functions used in 3d image volumes |
CImageTFData | Data class for Transfer Function info, either 2D or 3D |
CImportDataDialog | |
CImportDataTypeWidget | |
CImportExportGuiExtenderService | |
CImportWidget | |
CIndent | Formatting class for debug printing of the ssc library |
CInfoWidget | |
CInsideMaskFunctor | |
CIntBoundingBox3D | Representation of an integer bounding box in 3D. The data are stored as {xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax}, in order to simplify communication with vtk |
CInteractiveClipper | |
CInteractiveCropper | |
CIntraOpImagingWorkflowState | |
CJitterFilter | |
CLabeledComboBoxWidget | Composite widget for string selection |
CLabeledLineEditWidget | Composite widget for string edit |
CLandmark | One landmark, or fiducial, coordinate |
CLandmarkImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | |
CLandmarkListener | |
CLandmarkPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CLandmarkProperty | |
CLandmarkRegistrationWidget | |
►CLandmarkRep | |
CLandmarkGraphics | |
CLandmarks | |
CLandmarksSource | |
CLandmarkTranslationRegistration | |
CLapFrameToolCalibrationCalculator | |
CLapFrameToolCalibrationWidget | |
CLayoutData | |
►CLayoutEditorWidget | |
CGridElement | |
CLayoutInteractor | |
CLayoutPosition | |
CLayoutRegion | |
CLayoutRepository | |
CLayoutVideoSource | |
CLayoutViewData | |
CLayoutWidgetUsingViewWidgets | |
CLineSegment | Helper for drawing a line in 2D |
CLocalServerStreamer | |
CLocalServerStreamerArguments | |
CLog | |
CLogConsole | |
CLogFile | |
CLogFileWatcher | |
CLogFileWatcherThread | |
CLogicManager | Control the custusx backend |
CLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CLogThread | |
CMainWindow | This is the main gui class which controls the workflow |
CMainWindowActions | |
CMainWindowApplicationComponent | |
CManageClippersWidget | Widget for managing clippers |
CManualImage2ImageRegistrationWidget | |
CManualImageRegistrationWidget | |
CManualImageTransformRegistrationWidget | |
CManualPatientRegistrationWidget | |
CManualTool | A manual tool that is unconnected to any hardware |
CManualToolAdapter | Adapter class for ManualTool.A ManualToolAdapter inherits from manual tool, but also contains a cx::Tool that is requests shape and probe info from |
CMassFunctor | |
CMatrixTextEdit | |
CMehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepBase | |
CMehdiGPURayCastMultiVolumeRepImageMapperMonitor | |
►CMemHolder | |
CBlock | |
CMemoryTester | |
CMesh | A mesh data set |
CMeshGlyphsWidget | Widget for displaying glyps information about meshes |
CMeshInfoWidget | |
CMeshInView | |
CMeshPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying glyps information about meshes |
CMeshPropertyData | |
CMeshTextureData | |
CMeshTextureWidget | |
CMessage | |
CMessageFilter | |
CMessageFilterConsole | |
CMessageFilterStatusBar | |
CMessageListener | |
CMessageLogger | |
CMessageLoggerInternalData | |
CMessageObserver | |
CMessageRepository | |
CMetaImageReader | |
CMetricBase | |
►CMetricManager | |
CImportMNIuserSettings | |
CMetricNamesRep | |
CMetricReferenceArgumentList | Collection of Metric arguments that refer to another metric |
CMetricReferenceArgumentListGui | |
CMetricUtilities | |
CMetricWidget | |
CMNIReaderWriter | |
CMousePadWidget | A touchpad-friendly area for performing 1D/2D scroll operations |
CMousePadWidgetInternal | |
CMultiFileInputWidget | |
CMultiViewCache | |
CMultiVolume3DRepProducer | |
CMyStreamBuf | |
CMyTableWidget | |
CNavigatedVideoImage | Image subclass for live updated 2D images tied to a tool |
CNavigation | |
CNavigationAlgorithms | |
CNavigationWidget | Widget for controlling camera follow style |
CNavigationWorkflowState | |
CNetworkHandler | |
CNetworkPluginActivator | |
CNetworkService | |
CNeuroTrainingWidget | |
CNIfTIReader | Reader for NIfTI files |
Cnull_deleter | |
CNullDicomModelNode | |
COffsetPoint | Helper for drawing a point in 2D |
COpenCLPrinter | Utilities for printing information about OpenCL |
COpenCVStreamerService | |
COpenIGTLink3GuiExtenderService | |
COpenIGTLinkPluginActivator | |
COpenIGTLinkStreamer | |
COpenIGTLinkStreamerService | |
COpenIGTLinkTool | Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize |
COpenIGTLinkTrackingSystemService | |
COperatingTable | The OperatingTable class |
COperatingTableTab | |
COperatingTableWidget | |
COptimizedUpdateWidget | Interface for all classes following the modified/prepaint paradigm |
COptionalValue | |
COptionsWidget | |
COrientationAnnotation | |
COrientationAnnotation3DRep | Class for display of an orientation annotation cube in 3D |
COrientationAnnotationRep | Display direction annotations in a 2D view |
COrientationAnnotationSmartRep | A class that annotated 2D views with otientation information.The slice proxy is used to find the orientation of a slice in space r, which is assumed to be a valid DICOM space, and combinations of the letters Anterior - Posterior Left - Right Superior - Inferior are used. Combinations of the letters are used for oblique angles |
COutputVariables | |
COutputVolumeParams | Helper struct for sending and controlling output volume properties |
COverlayWidget | |
CPackage | |
CParentSpace | Definition of a parent space event |
CParentWorkflowState | |
CPatientData | Functionality for storing patient data in a folder on the disk and access to these data.Keeps track of a single active patient (patient folder). Only one such patient can be active at a time, since the global managers are updated by this class |
CPatientDataWorkflowState | |
CPatientDicomModelNode | |
CPatientLandmarksSource | |
CPatientLandMarksWidget | Widget used as a tab in the ContexDockWidget for patient registration |
CPatientModelImplService | |
CPatientModelPluginActivator | |
CPatientModelService | The virtual patient |
CPatientModelServiceNull | Null Object Pattern for Registration service |
CPatientModelServiceProxy | Always provides a PatientModelService |
CPatientOrientationWidget | Widget for setting reference space to current tool orientation, without changing absolute position of data |
CPatientStorage | Helper class for storing variables in the patient file |
CPerformanceTab | Configure performance tab in preferences dialog |
CPickerRep | Picking of points in an image |
CPipeline | |
CPipelineWidget | |
CPipelineWidgetFilterLine | |
CPlaneMetric | Data class representing a plane |
CPlaneMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a PlaneMetric |
CPlaneMetricWrapper | |
CPlaneTypeCollection | |
CPlateImageRegistrationWidget | |
CPlateRegistrationWidget | Widget for performing registration between a (dyna-CT) volume and a predefined aurora tool with ct markers |
CPlaybackTime | Controller for historic time, playback etc |
CPlaybackTool | A tool used during playback |
CPlaybackWidget | Widget interface to PlaybackTime |
CPluginFrameworkManager | |
CPluginFrameworkWidget | |
CPlusConnectWidget | |
CPNGImageReader | Reader for portable network graphics .png files |
CPNNReconstructionMethodService | |
CPNNReconstructionPluginActivator | |
CPointMetric | Data class that represents a single point |
CPointMetricRep | |
CPointMetricRep2D | |
CPointMetricWrapper | |
CPolyDataMeshReader | Reader for .vtk files |
CPopupButton | |
CPopupToolbarWidget | |
CPositionFilter | |
CPositionStorageReader | Reader class for the position file |
CPositionStorageWriter | Writer class for the position file |
CPostOpControllWorkflowState | |
CPreferencesDialog | Set application preferences |
CPreferenceTab | |
CPreOpPlanningWorkflowState | |
CPrepareVesselsWidget | Widget for extracting a segment from a image and finding a centerline from that segment |
CPresets | Base class for a group of presets in the system |
CPresetWidget | Base class for preset handling. Takes care of making a uniform preset system. Contains a preset selector, functionality for resetting to a default preset, saving new presets and deleting presets |
CProbe | US Probe interface |
CProbeAdapterRTSource | VideoSource that applies the parameters from a Probe to the VideoSource |
CProbeConfigWidget | Widget that displays/edits a probe configuration |
CProbeDefinition | Definition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector |
CProbeDefinitionFromStringMessages | |
CProbeImpl | |
CProbeSector | Utility functions for drawing an US Probe sector |
CProcessedUSInputData | |
CProcessReporter | |
CProcessWrapper | |
CProfile | |
CProfileManager | |
CProperty | Superclass for all data adapters |
CPropertyNull | |
CQ_OBJECTExportDataTypeWidget | |
►CReconstructCore | Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes |
CInputParams | |
CReconstructionExecuter | |
CReconstructionMethodService | Abstract interface for reconstruction algorithm |
CReconstructionWidget | |
CReconstructParams | Collection of reconstruction parameters |
CReconstructPreprocessor | Algorithm part of reconstruction - no dependencies on parameter classes |
CRecordSession | |
CRecordSessionWidget | |
CRecordTrackingWidget | |
CRect3D | Helper for drawing a rectangle in 3D |
CRegionOfInterest | |
CRegionOfInterestMetric | |
CRegionOfInterestMetricRep | Rep for visualizing a RegionOfInterestMetric |
CRegionOfInterestMetricWrapper | |
CRegisteredService | |
CRegisterI2IWidget | Widget for performing the registration between two vessel segments |
CRegistrationApplicator | |
CRegistrationBaseWidget | |
CRegistrationGUIExtenderService | |
CRegistrationGUIPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationHistory | A history of registration events |
CRegistrationHistoryGUIExtenderService | |
CRegistrationHistoryNull | |
CRegistrationHistoryWidget | |
CRegistrationImplService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodBronchoscopyPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCenterlineImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodCenterlinePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCommandLinePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodCommandLineService | |
CRegistrationMethodFastLandmarkImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodLandmarkPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualImageTransformService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualPatientOrientationService | |
CRegistrationMethodManualPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodManualService | |
CRegistrationMethodPlateImageToPatientService | |
CRegistrationMethodPlatePluginActivator | |
CRegistrationMethodService | Registration Method services |
CRegistrationMethodVesselImageToImageService | |
CRegistrationMethodVesselPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationPluginActivator | |
CRegistrationService | Registration services |
CRegistrationServiceNull | Null Object Pattern for Registration service |
CRegistrationServiceProxy | Always provides a RegistrationService |
CRegistrationTransform | A registration event and its transform |
CRegistrationTypeWidget | |
CRegistrationWidget | |
CRegistrationWorkflowState | |
CRegServices | |
CRemoteAPI | |
CRemoveDataType | |
CRenderLoop | |
CRenderWindowFactory | Use to create all vtkRenderWindows, and store a single shared render window |
CRep | Abstract interface for entities that can be added to a View |
CRepContainer | |
CRepImpl | Default implementation of Rep |
CReplacableContentWidget | |
CRepManager | Rep caching and utilities |
CReporter | |
CReporterThread | |
CRequestEnterStateEvent | Utility class for StateService states |
CRequestEnterStateTransition | Utility class for StateService states |
CResampleImageFilter | |
CRGBColor | RGB color data |
CRMPCFromPointerImageToPatientService | |
CRMPCFromPointerWidget | Register a point cloud to a surface |
CRMPCImageToPatientService | |
CRMPCPluginActivator | |
CRMPCWidget | |
CRootDicomModelNode | |
CRouteToTarget | |
CRouteToTargetFilter | |
CSamplerWidget | |
CSavingVideoRecorder | Recorder for a VideoSource |
CScalarInteractionWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CScreenShotImageWriter | |
CScreenVideoProvider | |
►CSeansVesselReg | |
CContext | |
CSeansVesselRegistrationWidget | I2I (image2image) ICP registration |
CSecondaryMainWindow | Experimental class for IPad usage.This detached main window can be moved onto a secondary screen. The use case was a IPad where scrolling etc could control the CustusX scene |
CSecondaryViewLayoutWindow | Experimental class for IPad usage |
CSectorInfo | |
CSelectClippersForDataWidget | Turn clippers on/off for a spesific data structure |
CSelectClippersForImageWidget | |
CSelectClippersForMeshWidget | |
CSelectColorSettingButton | |
CSelectDataStringPropertyBase | |
CSelectedDataListWidget | |
CSelectionGroupBox | |
CSelectRecordSession | |
CSender | |
CSenderImpl | |
CSeriesDicomModelNode | |
CServiceTrackerCustomizer | Notify changes in a service lifecycle |
CServiceTrackerListener | Helper class for listening to services being added, modified and removed |
CSessionStorageService | |
CSessionStorageServiceImpl | |
CSessionStorageServiceNull | |
CSessionStorageServiceProxy | |
CSettings | Customized interface for setting values in QSettings |
►CShaderCallback | Used to update information sent to our custom OpenGL shaders |
CShaderItem | |
CShadingWidget | |
CSharedContextCreatedCallback | |
CSharedDocuments | |
CSharedMemoryClient | Shared Memory Client |
CSharedMemoryServer | Shared Memory Server |
CSharedOpenGLContext | Shared OpenGL context |
Cshm_header | |
CShowDataTreeNodeBase | |
CShowSlice2DDataTreeNode | |
CShowSlice3DDataTreeNode | |
CShowVolumeDataTreeNode | |
CSimpleLogMessageDisplayWidget | |
CSimpleSliceProxy | |
CSimulatedStreamerService | Abstract class. Interface to Simulated Streamers |
CSingleConnectionTcpServer | |
CSingleMetricWidget | |
CSingleStreamerImpl | |
CSingleVolumePainterHelper | |
►CSliceAutoViewportCalculator | |
CReturnType | |
CSliceComputer | Calculates a slice plane given a definition |
CSlicedImageProxy | Helper class for slicing an image given a SliceProxy and an image |
CSlicePlane | A 2D slice plane in 3D. i,j are perpendicular unit vectors |
CSlicePlaneClipper | Clip several 3D volumes using a SliceProxy |
CSlicePlanes3DMarkerIn2DRep | Display annotations for the SlicePlanesProxy planes in 2D |
CSlicePlanes3DRep | Display a set of planes in 3D |
►CSlicePlanesProxy | Helper class for managing a set of slice planes |
CDataType | |
CPropertiesType | |
CSlicePropertiesWidget | |
CSliceProxy | Provides a slice matrix based on definition and tool |
CSliceProxyInterface | |
CSliceRepSW | Display an image slice in 2D |
CSlices3DRep | Display several slices through volumes in 3D |
CSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSliderRangeGroupWidget | |
CSmallLineEdit | |
CSmoothingImageFilter | |
CSocketClientConnector | |
►CSocketConnection | |
CConnectionInfo | |
CSocketConnector | |
CSocketServerConnector | |
CSonixProbeFileReader | |
CSoundSpeedConverterWidget | |
CSpaceEditWidget | Composite widget for string selection |
CSpaceListener | Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes |
CSpaceListenerImpl | Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes |
CSpaceProperty | |
CSpacePropertyBase | |
CSpaceProvider | |
CSpaceProviderImpl | |
CSpaceProviderNull | |
CSpaceTreeNode | |
CSphereMetric | Data class that represents a donut |
CSphereMetricRep | |
CSphereMetricRep2D | |
CSphereMetricWrapper | |
CSpinBoxAndDialGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxAndSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSpinBoxInfiniteSliderGroupWidget | Composite widget for scalar data manipulation |
CSplitFramesContainer | |
CsscFloatingWidget | A widget that floats above the other windows. Used as basis for the floating controls |
CStatePluginActivator | |
CStateService | Workflow states for CustusX |
CStateServiceImpl | |
CStateServiceNull | |
CStateServiceProxy | |
CStaticMutexVtkLocker | |
CStatusBar | Statusbar with extended functionality |
CStlMeshReader | Reader for STL files |
CStream2DRep3D | Display a stream as 2D in 3D |
CStreamedTimestampSynchronizer | |
CStreamer | |
CStreamerService | Abstract class. Interface to Streamers |
CStreamerServiceNull | Null implementation of the StreamerService |
CStreamerServiceProxy | Proxy for StreamerServices |
CStreamerServiceUtilities | |
CStreamPropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating TrackedStream properties |
CStreamRep3D | Display a 3D stream in 3D |
CStringListProperty | Represents one collection of strings |
CStringListSelectWidget | Composite widget for string list selection |
CStringProperty | Represents one option of the string type. The data are stored within a xml document |
CStringPropertyActiveData | |
CStringPropertyActiveImage | |
CStringPropertyActiveProbeConfiguration | |
CStringPropertyActiveTool | |
CStringPropertyActiveVideoSource | Property for controlling the active video source in cx::VideoService |
CStringPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal string-valued data |
CStringPropertyClipPlane | |
CStringPropertyDataModality | Adapter that selects the modality of the given Data |
CStringPropertyDataNameEditable | Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data |
CStringPropertyDataUidEditable | Adapter for displaying and changing name of a Data |
CStringPropertyFusedInputOutputSelectData | |
CStringPropertyGlyphColorArray | Adapter that selects the glyph color array |
CStringPropertyGlyphLUT | Adapter that selects the glyph color LUT |
CStringPropertyGlyphOrientationArray | Adapter that selects the glyph orientation array |
CStringPropertyImageType | Adapter that selects the image type of the given Data |
CStringPropertyParentFrame | Adapter that selects the parent frame of the given Data |
CStringPropertyRegistrationFixedImage | |
CStringPropertyRegistrationMovingImage | |
CStringPropertySelectCoordinateSystem | Adapter that selects and stores a coordinate systems. The coordinatesystem is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it |
CStringPropertySelectCoordinateSystemBase | |
CStringPropertySelectData | |
CStringPropertySelectImage | |
CStringPropertySelectMesh | |
CStringPropertySelectPointMetric | |
CStringPropertySelectRecordSession | |
CStringPropertySelectRecordSessionBase | |
CStringPropertySelectTool | Adapter that selects and stores a tool. The tool is stored internally in the adapter. Use setValue/getValue plus changed() to access it |
CStringPropertySelectTrackedStream | |
CStringPropertySetParentFrame | Adapter that force sets the parent frame of the given Data, i.e. overwriting history. Nice for initial definition |
CStudyDicomModelNode | |
CSyncedValue | |
CTabbedWidget | Interface for making widgets with a hierarchy of tabs |
CTemporalCalibration | |
CTemporalCalibrationWidget | |
CTemporaryPausePlay | |
CTestClass | |
CTestVideoSource | Test video source generator |
CTextDisplay | Helper for drawing text in 2D |
CTexture3DSlicerProxy | Helper class for GPU-based slicing |
CTexture3DSlicerProxyImpl | Slice volumes using a SliceProxy |
CTexture3DSlicerRep | Display overlayed image slices in 2D |
CTextureSlicePainter | Helper class for GPU rendering of slices |
CThreadedTimedAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that wants to thread and time their execution. T is the return type of the calculated data in the thread |
CThreadedTimedReconstructCore | Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm |
CThreadedTimedReconstructPreprocessor | Threading adapter for the reconstruction algorithm |
CThreadMethodInvoker | |
CTimedAlgorithmProgressBar | Show progress for a TimedBaseAlgorithm |
CTimedBaseAlgorithm | Base class for algorithms that wants to time their execution |
CTimedPosition | One position with timestamp |
CTimeInfo | |
CTimeKeeper | |
CTimelineEvent | Description of one event in time |
CTimelineWidget | Widget for displaying a timeline for events |
CTool | Interface to a tool, i.e. a pointer, US probe or similar |
CToolConfigTab | Interface for selecting a tool configuration |
CToolConfigureGroupBox | Manage tool configurationsA widget for creating/modifying tool configurations. The user can select configs, and set name and which tools that are part of that config |
►CToolFileParser | Class for reading the files defining a CustusX tool |
CToolInternalStructure | A tools internal structure |
CTrackerInternalStructure | |
CToolFilterGroupBox | Widget for easily filtering tools based on clinical application and tracking system.Used in conjunction with ToolConfigureGroupBox, it is possible to drag tools from ToolFilterGroupBox and drop them into configurations in ToolConfigureGroupBox |
CToolImagePreviewWidget | Widget for displaying a tools image |
CToolImpl | Common functionality for Tool subclasses |
CToolListWidget | Class for displaying tool files that can be dragged and droppedSuperclass, not used directly |
CToolManagerWidget | Designed as a debugging widget for the cxToolManager |
CToolManualCalibrationWidget | |
CToolMetric | |
CToolMetricRep | |
CToolMetricWrapper | |
CToolNull | |
CToolPositionMetadata | |
CToolPropertiesWidget | |
CToolProxy | |
CToolRep2D | Display a Tool in 2D |
CToolRep3D | Display a Tool in 3D |
CToolTipCalibrateWidget | |
CToolTipCalibrationCalculator | |
CToolTipSampleWidget | |
CToolTracer | 3D Graphics class for displaying the trace path traversed by a tool |
CToolTreeNode | |
CToolUsingIGSTK | Class representing the tools a navigation system can recognize |
CTopTreeNode | |
CTrackedStream | A data set for video streams (2D/3D) |
CTracker | |
►CTrackerConfiguration | |
CConfiguration | |
CTool | |
CTrackerConfigurationImpl | |
CTrackerConfigurationNull | |
CTrackingImplService | Interface towards the navigation system |
CTrackingPluginActivator | |
CTrackingPositionFilter | |
CTrackingService | Service providing tools and tracking systems |
CTrackingServiceNull | |
CTrackingServiceProxy | |
CTrackingSystemBronchoscopyService | Interface towards a bronchoscopy navigation tracking system.Wraps another tracking system, enabling playback of the tools in that system |
CTrackingSystemDummyService | Interface towards a dummy tracking system |
CTrackingSystemIGSTKService | Interface towards one tracking system |
CTrackingSystemPlaybackService | Interface towards a playback tracking system.Wraps another tracking system, enabling playback of the tools in that system |
CTrackingSystemService | Tracking System Service |
CTrackPadWidget | Widget for controlling the camera in the 3D view.This widget is designed for use on a touchpad device. Example is to use iPad/iPhone as a secondary screen with this widget on |
CTrainingGUIExtenderService | |
CTrainingPluginActivator | |
CTrainingWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DColorWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DOpacityWidget | |
CTransferFunction2DWidget | |
CTransferFunction3DWidget | |
►CTransferFunctionAlphaWidget | |
CAlphaPoint | Internal placeholder for a function point |
►CTransferFunctionColorWidget | |
CColorPoint | Internal placeholder for a color point |
CTransferFunctionPresetWidget | |
CTransferFunctions3DPresets | Handles transfer function presets |
CTransferFunctionWidget | |
CTransform3DWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating an affine matrix, i.e. a rotation+translation matrix |
CTransformFile | File format for storing a 4x4 matrix.The read/write methods emit error messages if you dont use the ok flag |
CTreeItemModel | |
CTreeNode | |
CTreeNodeImpl | |
CTreeRepository | |
CUnsignedDerivedImage | Class that holds an unsigned version of a base Image |
CUSAcquisition | Handles the us acquisition process.The USAcquisition object attaches itself to an input Acquisition object and records ultrasound data when the Acquisiton records |
CUSAcquisitionVideoPlayback | Handler for playback of US image data from a US recording session |
CUSAcqusitionWidget | |
CUSFrameData | Helper class encapsulating a 2S US data set |
CUSReconstructInputData | |
CUSReconstructInputDataAlgorithm | |
CUsReconstructionFileMaker | Handles writing files in the format the us reconstruction algorithm wants them |
CUsReconstructionFileReader | Reader class for the US Acquisition files |
CUsReconstructionGUIExtenderService | Us Reconstruction framework with widgets |
CUsReconstructionImplService | Manager for the us reconstruction process |
CUsReconstructionPluginActivator | |
CUsReconstructionService | |
CUsReconstructionServiceNull | |
CUsReconstructionServiceProxy | |
CUSSavingRecorder | Record and save ultrasound data.Use the start/stop pair to record video from the input streams during that period. A cancel instead of stop will clear the recording |
CVBGUIExtenderService | |
CVBPluginActivator | |
CVBWidget | |
CVector3DComponentProperty | |
CVector3DProperty | Represents one option of the double type |
CVector3DPropertyBase | Abstract interface for interaction with internal Vector3D-valued data |
CVector3DPropertyNull | |
CVector3DWidget | Widget for displaying a Vector3D |
CVideoConnection | Represent one video grabber connection |
CVideoConnectionWidget | GUI for setting up a connection to a video stream |
CVideoFixedPlaneRep | Display a VideoSource in a View |
CVideoGraphics | Wrap vtkActor displaying a video image, possibly clipped by a sector |
CVideoImplService | |
CVideoPluginActivator | |
CVideoRecorder | Recorder for a VideoSource |
►CVideoRecorderSaveThread | |
CDataType | |
CVideoService | Provides access to all video sources in the system, and connection stuff for the sources |
CVideoServiceBackend | |
CVideoServiceNull | |
CVideoServiceProxy | |
CVideoSource | Video source interface |
CVideoSourceGraphics | Helper class for displaying a VideoSource |
CVideoSourceSHM | VideoSource for connecting to shared memory |
CVideoTab | Various parameters related to ultrasound acquisition and reconstruction |
CView | |
CViewCache | |
CViewCollectionImageWriter | |
CViewCollectionWidget | |
CViewCollectionWidgetMixed | |
CViewCollectionWidgetUsingViewContainer | |
CViewContainer | |
CViewFollower | |
CViewGroup | |
►CViewGroupData | Container for data shared between all members of a view group |
COptions | |
CViewGroupPropertiesWidget | |
CViewGroupTreeNode | |
CViewImplService | Creates a pool of views and offers an interface to them, also handles layouts on a centralwidget |
CViewItem | |
CViewLinkingViewContainerItem | |
CViewLinkingViewWidget | |
CViewportListener | Listens to changes in viewport and camera matrix |
CViewportListenerBase | Base class for listening to a vtkRenderer |
CViewportObserverPrivate | |
CViewportPreRenderListener | Listens to the start render event in a vtkRenderer |
CViewRepCollection | |
CViewService | Visualization services |
CViewServiceNull | |
CViewServiceProxy | |
CViewServiceTreeNode | |
CViewWidget | |
CViewWrapper | Superclass for ViewWrappers |
CViewWrapper2D | |
CViewWrapper3D | |
CViewWrapperVideo | |
CVirtualCameraRotationWidget | |
CVisServices | |
CVisualizationPluginActivator | |
CVisualizationTab | |
CVLCRecorder | Lets you use the third party application VLC to record a video of the screen |
►CVNNclAlgorithm | |
C__frameBlock_t | |
CVNNclPluginActivator | |
CVNNclReconstructionMethodService | |
CVolumeInfoWidget | Widget for displaying various volume information |
CVolumePropertiesWidget | Widget for displaying and manipulating various 3D Volume properties |
CVolumeProperty | |
CVolumetricBaseRep | Display a volume in 3D |
CVolumetricRep | Display a volume in 3D |
CWebServerGUIExtenderService | |
CWebServerWidget | |
CWebServerWidgetBase | |
CWidgetObscuredListener | |
CWidgetTypeRepository | |
CWirePhantomWidget | Probe accuracy measurements using the Wire Phantom |
CWorkflowState | State in a WorkflowStateMachine |
CWorkflowStateMachine | State Machine for the Workflow Steps |
CXmlFileHandler | Helper class for reading and writing an XML file |
CXMLNodeAdder | |
CXMLNodeParser | |
CXmlOptionFile | Helper class for xml files used to store ssc/cx data |
CXmlOptionItem | Helper class for storing one string value in an xml document |
CXMLPolyDataMeshReader | Reader for .vtp files |
CZoom2DHandler | |
►Ncxtest | |
CDirectSignalListener | Listen for signals using Qt::DirectConnection |
CJenkinsMeasurement | |
CProbeFixture | |
CQueuedSignalListener | Object that waits for a signal to arrive from a given QObject. If this takes longer than a given time, it will time out. The signal connection is of type Qt::QueuedConnection |
CSphereSyntheticVolume | |
CSyntheticReconstructInput | |
CSyntheticVolumeComparer | |
CTestSender | |
CTestUtilities | |
CUtilities | |
►Nitk | |
CBinaryThinningImageFilter3D | This filter computes one-pixel-wide skeleton of a 3D input image |
CImageToVTKImageFilter | Converts an ITK image into a VTK image and plugs a itk data pipeline to a VTK datapipeline |
CVTKImageToImageFilter | Converts a VTK image into an ITK image and plugs a vtk data pipeline to an ITK datapipeline |
►Nsnw | |
CSyntaxHighlighter | Provides syntax highlighting for sonowand log files |
C_close_plane | |
C_output_volume_type | |
CAngular_less | |
CcisstTestParameters | |
CCommandIterationUpdate | |
Ccstring_cast_Placeholder | |
CCXFrame | |
CCXNoBorderToolButton | |
CCXQVTKWidget | QVTKWidget displays a VTK window in a Qt window |
CCXSmallToolButton | |
CCXToolButton | |
CcxViewCollectionVideoSource | |
CcxViewServicePropertiesWidget | |
CDockWidgets | Handles dock widgets for main window |
CEnumConverter | Class for easy conversion between an enum and a QString |
CHackTPSTransform | |
Cigtl_sonix_status_message | |
Cigtl_us_status_message | |
CIGTLinkImageMessage | |
CLandmarkImageRegistrationWidget | Widget for adding image landmarks, used by landmark based image registration methods |
CLandmarkTranslation | |
COrderedQDomDocument | |
►CProbeXmlConfigParser | Class that works as a interface to a ProbeCalibConfigs.xml |
CConfiguration | < a easy-to-work-with struct for a specific xml configuration |
CProbeXmlConfigParserImpl | Implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser Interface to ProbeCalibConfigs.xml |
CProbeXmlConfigParserMock | Moc implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser All function return dummy values |
CQVTKWidget3 | |
CShaderCallback | |
CSonixHelper | Support Qt support for vtkSonixVideoSource |
CSoundSpeedConversionWidget | |
CUltrasoundSectorSource | Source for an Ultrasound sector. The output vtkPolyData contains a polygon plus texture coordinates. The output is given in space u: a xy vtk image space with origin in the lower-left corner, |
Cvtkfixture | |
CvtkSonixVideoSource | |
CvtkSonixVideoSourceCleanup |