Fraxinus  2023.01.05-dev+develop.0da12
An IGT application
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1 /*=========================================================================
2 This file is part of CustusX, an Image Guided Therapy Application.
4 Copyright (c) SINTEF Department of Medical Technology.
5 All rights reserved.
7 CustusX is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.
9 See Lisence.txt ( for details.
10 =========================================================================*/
11 #include "cxBranchList.h"
12 #include "cxBranch.h"
13 #include "cxMesh.h"
14 #include "cxVector3D.h"
15 #include <vtkPolyData.h>
16 #include <vtkCardinalSpline.h>
17 #include "cxLogger.h"
18 #include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp> // isnan
20 typedef vtkSmartPointer<class vtkCardinalSpline> vtkCardinalSplinePtr;
22 namespace cx
23 {
26 {
28 }
32 {
33  // for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
34  // mBranches[i]->~Branch();
35 }
38 {
39  mBranches.push_back(b);
40 }
43 {
44  if(b->getParentBranch())
45  b->getParentBranch()->deleteChildBranches();
47  for( int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++ )
48  {
49  if (b == mBranches[i])
50  {
51  mBranches.erase(mBranches.begin() + i);
52  return;
53  }
54  }
55 }
58 {
59  mBranches.clear();
60 }
62 std::vector<BranchPtr> BranchList::getBranches()
63 {
64  return mBranches;
65 }
67 void BranchList::selectGenerations(int maxGeneration)
68 {
69  std::vector<int> branchNumbersToBeDeleted;
70  for( int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++ )
71  {
72  int generationCounter = 1;
73  BranchPtr currentBranch = mBranches[i];
74  while (currentBranch->getParentBranch()){
75  generationCounter++;
76  currentBranch = currentBranch->getParentBranch();
77  if (generationCounter > maxGeneration)
78  {
79  branchNumbersToBeDeleted.push_back(i);
80  break;
81  }
82  }
84  }
86  for ( int i = branchNumbersToBeDeleted.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
87  deleteBranch(mBranches[branchNumbersToBeDeleted[i]]);
88 }
91 {
92  BranchPtr trachea = this->getBranches()[0];
93  if(trachea)
95 }
98 // recursive function on all child branches
99 {
100  if(!branch->getParentBranch())
101  branch->setBronchoscopeRotation(0);
102  else
103  {
104  double parentRotation = branch->getParentBranch()->getBronchoscopeRotation();
105  Eigen::MatrixXd branchOrientations = branch->getOrientations();
106  Vector3D branchOrientationStart = branchOrientations.leftCols(std::min(25, (int) branchOrientations.cols())).rowwise().mean();
107  Eigen::MatrixXd parentBranchOrientations = branch->getParentBranch()->getOrientations();
108  Vector3D parentBranchOrientationEnd = parentBranchOrientations.rightCols(std::min(50, (int) parentBranchOrientations.cols())).rowwise().mean();
110  Vector3D bendingDirection = calculateBronchoscopeBendingDirection(parentBranchOrientationEnd, branchOrientationStart);
111  double bronchoscopeRotation = bendingDirectionToBronchoscopeRotation(bendingDirection, parentBranchOrientationEnd, parentRotation);
113  branch->setBronchoscopeBendingDirection(bendingDirection);
114  branch->setBronchoscopeRotation(bronchoscopeRotation);
115  }
117  branchVector childBranches = branch->getChildBranches();
118  for(int i=0; i<childBranches.size(); i++)
119  calculateBronchoscopeRotation(childBranches[i]);
120 }
122 double bendingDirectionToBronchoscopeRotation(Vector3D bendingDirection, Vector3D parentBranchOrientation, double parentRotation)
123 {
124  double bronchoscopeRotation;
126  Vector3D xVector = Vector3D(1,0,0);
127  Vector3D up = cross(parentBranchOrientation, xVector).normalized();
128  if(up(1) > 0)
129  up = -up;
131  bronchoscopeRotation = acos( );
133  Vector3D N = cross(up, bendingDirection).normalized();
135  if( < 0)
136  bronchoscopeRotation = -bronchoscopeRotation;
138  double rotationDifferenceFromParent = bronchoscopeRotation - parentRotation;
140  //Make sure rotation difference is between -180 and 180 deg.
141  if ( rotationDifferenceFromParent > M_PI )
142  rotationDifferenceFromParent = rotationDifferenceFromParent - 2*M_PI;
143  else if ( rotationDifferenceFromParent < -M_PI )
144  rotationDifferenceFromParent = rotationDifferenceFromParent + 2*M_PI;
146  //Tilt down if needed rotation is less than maxRotationToTiltDown
147  if( rotationDifferenceFromParent < (MAX_ROTATION_TO_TILT_DOWN_DEGREES - 180)*M_PI/180 )
148  bronchoscopeRotation = bronchoscopeRotation + M_PI;
149  else if( rotationDifferenceFromParent > (180 - MAX_ROTATION_TO_TILT_DOWN_DEGREES)*M_PI/180 )
150  bronchoscopeRotation = bronchoscopeRotation - M_PI;
152  //Not allowing rotation above 180 deg
153  rotationDifferenceFromParent = bronchoscopeRotation - parentRotation;
154  if( rotationDifferenceFromParent > M_PI )
155  bronchoscopeRotation = bronchoscopeRotation - M_PI;
156  else if( rotationDifferenceFromParent < -M_PI )
157  bronchoscopeRotation = bronchoscopeRotation + M_PI;
161  //Sett rotasjon til samme som parent dersom endring er mindre enn 15?? grader
163  return bronchoscopeRotation;
164 }
167 {
168  A = A.normalized();
169  B = B.normalized();
170  Vector3D N = A.cross(B);
171  N = N.normalized();
172  Vector3D C;
174  C(2) = 1;
175  C(1) = - ( ( N(2) - N(0)*A(2)/A(0) ) / ( N(1) - N(0)*A(1)/A(0) ) ) * C(2);
176  if(boost::math::isnan(C(1)) || boost::math::isinf(C(1)))
177  C(1) = 0;
178  if( similar(A(0),0) )
179  C(0) = 0;
180  else
181  C(0) = - ( A(1)*C(1) + A(2)*C(2) ) / A(0);
183  C = C.normalized();
185  if ( < 0)
186  C = -C;
188  return C;
189 }
192 {
193  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
194  {
195  Eigen::MatrixXd orientations = mBranches[i]->getOrientations();
196  Eigen::MatrixXd newOrientations(orientations.rows(),orientations.cols());
197  int numberOfColumns = orientations.cols();
198  for (int j = 0; j < numberOfColumns; j++)
199  {
200  newOrientations.col(j) = orientations.block(0,std::max(j-2,0),orientations.rows(),std::min(5,numberOfColumns-j)).rowwise().mean(); //smoothing
201  newOrientations.col(j) = newOrientations.col(j) / newOrientations.col(j).norm(); // normalizing
202  }
203  mBranches[i]->setOrientations(newOrientations);
204  }
205 }
208 {
209  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
210  {
211  Eigen::VectorXd radius = mBranches[i]->getRadius();
212  Eigen::VectorXd newRadius(radius.rows(),radius.cols());
213  int numberOfPoints = radius.size();
214  for (int j = 0; j < numberOfPoints; j++)
215  {
216  newRadius[j] = radius.segment(std::max(j-2,0), std::min(5,numberOfPoints-j)).mean(); //smoothing
217  }
218  mBranches[i]->setRadius(newRadius);
219  }
220 }
223 {
224  BranchPtr branchWithLargestRadius = mBranches[0];
225  double largestRadius = mBranches[0]->getAverageRadius();
227  for (int i = 1; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
228  {
229  if (mBranches[i]->getAverageRadius() > largestRadius)
230  {
231  largestRadius = mBranches[i]->getAverageRadius();
232  branchWithLargestRadius = mBranches[i];
233  }
234  }
236  return branchWithLargestRadius;
237 }
239 void BranchList::interpolateBranchPositions(double resolution /*mm*/)
240 {
242  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
243  {
244  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = mBranches[i]->getPositions();
246  if (mBranches[i]->getParentBranch()) // Add parents last position to interpolate between branches
247  {
248  Eigen::MatrixXd parentPositions = mBranches[i]->getParentBranch()->getPositions();
249  Eigen::MatrixXd positionsResized(positions.rows(), positions.cols()+1);
250  positionsResized.col(0) = parentPositions.rightCols(1);
251  positionsResized.rightCols(positions.cols()) = positions;
252  positions = positionsResized;
253  }
255  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3d> interpolatedPositions;
256  for (int j = 0; j < positions.cols()-1; j++)
257  {
258  int interpolationFactor = static_cast<int>(std::ceil( ( positions.col(j+1) - positions.col(j) ).norm() / resolution ));
259  for (int k = 0; k < interpolationFactor; k++){
260  Eigen::Vector3d interpolationPoint;
261  interpolationPoint[0] = (positions(0,j)*(interpolationFactor-k) + positions(0,j+1)*(k) ) / interpolationFactor;
262  interpolationPoint[1] = (positions(1,j)*(interpolationFactor-k) + positions(1,j+1)*(k) ) / interpolationFactor;
263  interpolationPoint[2] = (positions(2,j)*(interpolationFactor-k) + positions(2,j+1)*(k) ) / interpolationFactor;
264  interpolatedPositions.push_back(interpolationPoint);
265  }
266  }
267  if (mBranches[i]->getParentBranch()) // Remove parents last position after interpolation
268  {
269  Eigen::MatrixXd positionsResized(positions.rows(), positions.cols()-1);
270  positionsResized = positions.rightCols(positionsResized.cols());
271  positions = positionsResized;
272  }
273  Eigen::MatrixXd interpolationResult(3 , interpolatedPositions.size());
274  for (int j = 0; j < interpolatedPositions.size(); j++)
275  {
276  interpolationResult(0,j) = interpolatedPositions[j](0);
277  interpolationResult(1,j) = interpolatedPositions[j](1);
278  interpolationResult(2,j) = interpolatedPositions[j](2);
279  }
280  mBranches[i]->setPositions(interpolationResult);
281  }
283 }
285 void BranchList::smoothBranchPositions(int controlPointDistance)
286 {
287  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
288  {
289  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = mBranches[i]->getPositions();
290  int numberOfInputPoints = positions.cols();
291  //int controlPointFactor = 10;
292  //int numberOfControlPoints = numberOfInputPoints / controlPointFactor;
293  double branchLength = (positions.rightCols(1) - positions.leftCols(1)).norm();
294  int numberOfControlPoints = std::ceil(branchLength/controlPointDistance);
295  numberOfControlPoints = std::max(numberOfControlPoints, 2); // at least two control points
297  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineX = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
298  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineY = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
299  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineZ = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
301  //add control points to spline
302  for(int j=0; j<numberOfControlPoints; j++)
303  {
304  int indexP = (j*numberOfInputPoints)/numberOfControlPoints;
306  splineX->AddPoint(indexP,positions(0,indexP));
307  splineY->AddPoint(indexP,positions(1,indexP));
308  splineZ->AddPoint(indexP,positions(2,indexP));
309  }
310  //Always add the last point to complete spline
311  splineX->AddPoint(numberOfInputPoints-1,positions(0,numberOfInputPoints-1));
312  splineY->AddPoint(numberOfInputPoints-1,positions(1,numberOfInputPoints-1));
313  splineZ->AddPoint(numberOfInputPoints-1,positions(2,numberOfInputPoints-1));
315  //evaluate spline - get smoothed positions
316  Eigen::MatrixXd smoothingResult(3 , numberOfInputPoints);
317  for(int j=0; j<numberOfInputPoints; j++)
318  {
319  double splineParameter = j;
320  smoothingResult(0,j) = splineX->Evaluate(splineParameter);
321  smoothingResult(1,j) = splineY->Evaluate(splineParameter);
322  smoothingResult(2,j) = splineZ->Evaluate(splineParameter);
323  }
324  mBranches[i]->setPositions(smoothingResult);
325  }
326 }
328 void BranchList::findBranchesInCenterline(Eigen::MatrixXd positions_r, bool sortByZindex)
329 {
330  if (sortByZindex)
331  positions_r = sortMatrix(2,positions_r);
333  Eigen::MatrixXd positionsNotUsed_r = positions_r;
335  // int minIndex;
336  int index;
337  int splitIndex;
338  Eigen::MatrixXd::Index startIndex;
339  BranchPtr branchToSplit;
340  while (positionsNotUsed_r.cols() > 0)
341  {
342  if (!mBranches.empty())
343  {
344  double minDistance = 1000;
345  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
346  {
347  std::pair<std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index>, Eigen::VectorXd> distances;
348  distances = dsearchn(positionsNotUsed_r, mBranches[i]->getPositions());
349  double d = distances.second.minCoeff(&index);
350  if (d < minDistance)
351  {
352  minDistance = d;
353  branchToSplit = mBranches[i];
354  startIndex = index;
355  if (minDistance < 2)
356  break;
357  }
358  }
359  std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double> dsearchResult = dsearch(positionsNotUsed_r.col(startIndex) , branchToSplit->getPositions());
360  splitIndex = dsearchResult.first;
361  }
362  else //if this is the first branch. Select the top position (Trachea).
363  startIndex = positionsNotUsed_r.cols() - 1;
365  std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd,Eigen::MatrixXd > connectedPointsResult = findConnectedPointsInCT(startIndex , positionsNotUsed_r);
366  Eigen::MatrixXd branchPositions = connectedPointsResult.first;
367  positionsNotUsed_r = connectedPointsResult.second;
369  if (branchPositions.cols() >= 5) //only include brances of length >= 5 points
370  {
371  BranchPtr newBranch = BranchPtr(new Branch());
372  newBranch->setPositions(branchPositions);
373  mBranches.push_back(newBranch);
375  if (mBranches.size() > 1) // do not try to split another branch when the first branch is processed
376  {
377  if ((splitIndex + 1 >= 5) && (branchToSplit->getPositions().cols() - splitIndex - 1 >= 5))
378  //do not split branch if the new branch is close to the edge of the branch
379  //if the new branch is not close to one of the edges of the
380  //connected existing branch: Split the existing branch
381  {
382  BranchPtr newBranchFromSplit = BranchPtr(new Branch());
383  Eigen::MatrixXd branchToSplitPositions = branchToSplit->getPositions();
384  newBranchFromSplit->setPositions(branchToSplitPositions.rightCols(branchToSplitPositions.cols() - splitIndex - 1));
385  branchToSplit->setPositions(branchToSplitPositions.leftCols(splitIndex + 1));
386  mBranches.push_back(newBranchFromSplit);
387  newBranchFromSplit->setParentBranch(branchToSplit);
388  newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit);
389  newBranchFromSplit->setChildBranches(branchToSplit->getChildBranches());
390  branchVector branchToSplitChildren = branchToSplit->getChildBranches();
391  for (int i = 0; i < branchToSplitChildren.size(); i++)
392  branchToSplitChildren[i]->setParentBranch(newBranchFromSplit);
393  branchToSplit->deleteChildBranches();
394  branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranchFromSplit);
395  branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranch);
396  }
397  else if (splitIndex + 1 < 5)
398  // If the new branch is close to the start of the existing
399  // branch: Connect it to the same position start as the
400  // existing branch
401  {
402  newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit->getParentBranch());
403  if(branchToSplit->getParentBranch())
404  branchToSplit->getParentBranch()->addChildBranch(newBranch);
405  }
406  else if (branchToSplit->getPositions().cols() - splitIndex - 1 < 5)
407  // If the new branch is close to the end of the existing
408  // branch: Connect it to the end of the existing branch
409  {
410  newBranch->setParentBranch(branchToSplit);
411  branchToSplit->addChildBranch(newBranch);
412  }
414  }
416  }
417  }
418 }
420 BranchListPtr BranchList::removePositionsForLocalRegistration(Eigen::MatrixXd trackingPositions, double maxDistance)
421 {
422  BranchListPtr retval = BranchListPtr(new BranchList());
423  BranchPtr b;
424  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
425  {
426  b = BranchPtr(new Branch());
427  b->setPositions(mBranches[i]->getPositions());
428  retval->addBranch(b);
429  }
431  std::vector<BranchPtr> branches = retval->getBranches();
432  Eigen::MatrixXd positions;
433  Eigen::MatrixXd orientations;
434  for (int i = 0; i < branches.size(); i++)
435  {
436  positions = branches[i]->getPositions();
437  orientations = branches[i]->getOrientations();
438  std::pair<std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index>, Eigen::VectorXd> distanceData;
439  distanceData = dsearchn(positions, trackingPositions);
440  Eigen::VectorXd distance = distanceData.second;
441  for (int j = positions.cols() - 1; j >= 0; j--)
442  {
443  if (distance(j) > maxDistance)
444  {
445  positions = eraseCol(j, positions);
446  orientations = eraseCol(j, orientations);
447  }
448  }
449  branches[i]->setPositions(positions);
450  }
451  return retval;
452 }
456  std::vector<BranchPtr> branchVector = this->getBranches();
457  for (int i = 0; i < branchVector.size(); i++)
458  {
459  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = branchVector[i]->getPositions();
460  Eigen::MatrixXd orientations = branchVector[i]->getOrientations();
462  for (int i = positions.cols()-2; i > 0; i--){
463  double distance = (positions.col(i) - positions.col(i+1)).norm();
464  if ( distance < minPointDistance )
465  {
466  positions = eraseCol(i,positions);
467  orientations = eraseCol(i,orientations);
468  }
469  }
470  branchVector[i]->setPositions(positions);
471  }
473 }
475 void BranchList::markLungLap(QString name, Vector3D position)
476 {
477  BranchPtr branch = findClosestBranch(position);
478  this->setLapName(branch, name);
479 }
481 //Recursive function. Setting lap name to branch and all sub-branches
482 void BranchList::setLapName(BranchPtr branch, QString name)
483 {
484  branch->setLap(name);
485  branchVector bv = branch->getChildBranches();
486  for(int i=0; i<bv.size(); i++)
487  setLapName(bv[i], name);
488 }
491 {
492  BranchPtr branch = findClosestBranch(position);
493  return branch->getLap();
494 }
497 {
498  double d0 = p1(0) - p2(0);
499  double d1 = p1(1) - p2(1);
500  double d2 = p1(2) - p2(2);
502  double D = sqrt( d0*d0 + d1*d1 + d2*d2 );
504  return D;
505 }
508 {
509  double minDistance = 100000;
510  BranchPtr minDistanceBranch;
511  for (int i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); i++)
512  {
513  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = mBranches[i]->getPositions();
514  for (int j = 0; j < positions.cols(); j++)
515  {
516  double D = findDistance(positions.col(j), targetCoordinate_r);
517  if (D < minDistance)
518  {
519  minDistance = D;
520  minDistanceBranch = mBranches[i];
521  }
522  }
523  }
525  return minDistanceBranch;
526 }
546 vtkPolyDataPtr BranchList::createVtkPolyDataFromBranches(bool fullyConnected, bool straightBranches) const
547 {
548  vtkPolyDataPtr retval = vtkPolyDataPtr::New();
549  vtkPointsPtr points = vtkPointsPtr::New();
550  vtkCellArrayPtr lines = vtkCellArrayPtr::New();
552  int positionCounter = 0;
553  for (size_t i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); ++i)
554  {
555  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = mBranches[i]->getPositions();
556  if(straightBranches)
557  {
558  ++positionCounter;
559  points->InsertNextPoint(positions(0,0),positions(1,0),positions(2,0));
560  points->InsertNextPoint(positions(0,positions.cols()-1),positions(1,positions.cols()-1),positions(2,positions.cols()-1));
561  vtkIdType connection[2] = {positionCounter-1, positionCounter};
562  lines->InsertNextCell(2, connection);
563  ++positionCounter;
564  }
565  else
566  {
567  for (int j = 0; j < positions.cols(); ++j)
568  {
569  ++positionCounter;
570  points->InsertNextPoint(positions(0,j),positions(1,j),positions(2,j));
571  if (j < positions.cols()-1)
572  {
573  vtkIdType connection[2] = {positionCounter-1, positionCounter};
574  lines->InsertNextCell(2, connection);
575  }
576  }
577  }
578  }
579  if(fullyConnected)
580  {
581  int this_branchs_first_point_in_full_polydata_point_list = 0;
582  for(size_t i = 0; i < mBranches.size(); ++i)
583  {
584  if(i>0)
585  {
586  if(!straightBranches)
587  this_branchs_first_point_in_full_polydata_point_list += mBranches[i-1]->getPositions().cols();
588  else
589  this_branchs_first_point_in_full_polydata_point_list += 2;
590  }
591  int parent_index_in_branch_list = mBranches[i]->findParentIndex(mBranches);
593  if(parent_index_in_branch_list > -1)
594  {
595  int parent_branch_last_point_in_full_polydata = 0;
596  for(int j = 0; j <= parent_index_in_branch_list; ++j)
597  {
598  if(!straightBranches)
599  parent_branch_last_point_in_full_polydata += mBranches[j]->getPositions().cols() - 1;
600  else
601  parent_branch_last_point_in_full_polydata += (1 + j*2);
602  }
603  vtkIdType connection[2] = {parent_branch_last_point_in_full_polydata, this_branchs_first_point_in_full_polydata_point_list};
604  lines->InsertNextCell(2, connection);
605  }
607  }
609  }
610  retval->SetPoints(points);
611  retval->SetLines(lines);
613  return retval;
614 }
616 Eigen::MatrixXd sortMatrix(int rowNumber, Eigen::MatrixXd matrix)
617 {
618  for (int i = 0; i < matrix.cols() - 1; i++) {
619  for (int j = i + 1; j < matrix.cols(); j++) {
620  if (matrix(rowNumber,i) > matrix(rowNumber,j)){
621  matrix.col(i).swap(matrix.col(j));
622  }
623  }
624  }
625  return matrix;
626 }
630 Eigen::MatrixXd eraseCol(int removeIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
631 {
632  positions.block(0 , removeIndex , positions.rows() , positions.cols() - removeIndex - 1) = positions.rightCols(positions.cols() - removeIndex - 1);
633  positions.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, positions.cols() - 1);
634  return positions;
635 }
637 std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double> dsearch(Eigen::Vector3d p, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
638 {
639  Eigen::MatrixXd::Index index;
640  // find nearest neighbour
641  (positions.colwise() - p).colwise().squaredNorm().minCoeff(&index);
642  double d = (positions.col(index) - p).norm();
644  return std::make_pair(index , d);
645 }
647 std::pair<std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index>, Eigen::VectorXd > dsearchn(Eigen::MatrixXd p1, Eigen::MatrixXd p2)
648 {
649  Eigen::MatrixXd::Index index;
650  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index> indexVector;
651  Eigen::VectorXd D(p1.cols());
652  for (int i = 0; i < p1.cols(); i++)
653  {
654  // find nearest neighbour
655  (p2.colwise() - p1.col(i)).colwise().squaredNorm().minCoeff(&index);
656  D(i) = (p2.col(index) - p1.col(i)).norm();
657  indexVector.push_back(index);
658  }
659  return std::make_pair(indexVector , D);
660 }
662 std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd,Eigen::MatrixXd > findConnectedPointsInCT(int startIndex , Eigen::MatrixXd positionsNotUsed)
663 {
664  //Eigen::MatrixXd branchPositions(positionsNotUsed.rows(), positionsNotUsed.cols());
665  Eigen::MatrixXd thisPosition(3,1);
666  std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> branchPositionsVector;
667  thisPosition = positionsNotUsed.col(startIndex);
668  branchPositionsVector.push_back(thisPosition); //add first position to branch
669  positionsNotUsed = eraseCol(startIndex,positionsNotUsed);; //remove first position from list of remaining points
671  while (positionsNotUsed.cols() > 0)
672  {
673  std::pair<Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double > minDistance = dsearch(thisPosition, positionsNotUsed);
674  Eigen::MatrixXd::Index index = minDistance.first;
675  double d = minDistance.second;
676  if (d > 3) // more than 3 mm distance to closest point --> branch is compledted
677  break;
679  thisPosition = positionsNotUsed.col(index);
680  positionsNotUsed = eraseCol(index,positionsNotUsed);
681  //add position to branch
682  branchPositionsVector.push_back(thisPosition);
684  }
686  Eigen::MatrixXd branchPositions(3,branchPositionsVector.size());
688  for (int j = 0; j < branchPositionsVector.size(); j++)
689  {
690  branchPositions.block(0,j,3,1) = branchPositionsVector[j];
691  }
693  return std::make_pair(branchPositions, positionsNotUsed);
694 }
696 /*
697  smoothBranch is smoothing the positions of a centerline branch by using vtkCardinalSpline.
698  The degree of smoothing is dependent on the branch radius and the shape of the branch.
699  First, the method tests if a straight line from start to end of the branch is sufficient by the condition of
700  all positions along the line being within the lumen of the airway (max distance from original centerline
701  is set to branch radius).
702  If this fails, one more control point is added to the spline at the time, until the condition is fulfilled.
703  The control point added for each iteration is the position with the larges deviation from the original/unfiltered
704  centerline.
705 */
706 std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > smoothBranch(BranchPtr branchPtr, int startIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd startPosition)
707 {
708  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineX = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
709  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineY = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
710  vtkCardinalSplinePtr splineZ = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCardinalSpline>::New();
712  double branchRadius = branchPtr->findBranchRadius()/2;
714  //add control points to spline
716  //add first position
717  Eigen::MatrixXd positions = branchPtr->getPositions();
718  splineX->AddPoint(0,startPosition(0));
719  splineY->AddPoint(0,startPosition(1));
720  splineZ->AddPoint(0,startPosition(2));
722  // Add last position if no parent branch, else add parents position closest to current branch.
723  // Branch positions are stored in order from head to feet (e.g. first position is top of trachea),
724  // while route-to-target is generated from target to top of trachea.
725  if(!branchPtr->getParentBranch())
726  {
727  splineX->AddPoint(startIndex,positions(0,0));
728  splineY->AddPoint(startIndex,positions(1,0));
729  splineZ->AddPoint(startIndex,positions(2,0));
730  }
731  else
732  {
733  Eigen::MatrixXd parentPositions = branchPtr->getParentBranch()->getPositions();
734  splineX->AddPoint(startIndex,parentPositions(0,parentPositions.cols()-1));
735  splineY->AddPoint(startIndex,parentPositions(1,parentPositions.cols()-1));
736  splineZ->AddPoint(startIndex,parentPositions(2,parentPositions.cols()-1));
737  }
739  //Add points until all filtered/smoothed positions are minimum 1 mm inside the airway wall, (within r - 1 mm).
740  //This is to make sure the smoothed centerline is within the lumen of the airways.
741  double maxAcceptedDistanceToOriginalPosition = std::max(branchRadius - 1, 1.0);
742  double maxDistanceToOriginalPosition = maxAcceptedDistanceToOriginalPosition + 1;
743  int maxDistanceIndex = -1;
744  std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > smoothingResult;
746  //add positions to spline
747  while (maxDistanceToOriginalPosition >= maxAcceptedDistanceToOriginalPosition && splineX->GetNumberOfPoints() < startIndex)
748  {
749  if(maxDistanceIndex > 0)
750  {
751  //add to spline the position with largest distance to original position
752  splineX->AddPoint(maxDistanceIndex,positions(0,startIndex - maxDistanceIndex));
753  splineY->AddPoint(maxDistanceIndex,positions(1,startIndex - maxDistanceIndex));
754  splineZ->AddPoint(maxDistanceIndex,positions(2,startIndex - maxDistanceIndex));
755  }
757  //evaluate spline - get smoothed positions
758  maxDistanceToOriginalPosition = 0.0;
759  smoothingResult.clear();
760  for(int j=0; j<=startIndex; j++)
761  {
762  double splineParameter = j;
763  Eigen::Vector3d tempPoint;
764  tempPoint(0) = splineX->Evaluate(splineParameter);
765  tempPoint(1) = splineY->Evaluate(splineParameter);
766  tempPoint(2) = splineZ->Evaluate(splineParameter);
767  smoothingResult.push_back(tempPoint);
769  //calculate distance to original (non-filtered) position
770  double distance = dsearch(tempPoint, positions).second;
771  //finding the index with largest distance
772  if (distance > maxDistanceToOriginalPosition)
773  {
774  maxDistanceToOriginalPosition = distance;
775  maxDistanceIndex = j;
776  }
777  }
778  }
780  return smoothingResult;
781 }
783 }//namespace cx
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > smoothBranch(BranchPtr branchPtr, int startIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd startPosition)
std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::MatrixXd > findConnectedPointsInCT(int startIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd positionsNotUsed)
virtual ~BranchList()
Vector3D ceil(const Vector3D &a)
Definition: cxVector3D.cpp:84
Eigen::MatrixXd eraseCol(int removeIndex, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
QString findClosestLungLap(Vector3D position)
boost::shared_ptr< class BranchList > BranchListPtr
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkCellArray > vtkCellArrayPtr
double bendingDirectionToBronchoscopeRotation(Vector3D bendingDirection, Vector3D parentBranchOrientation, double parentRotation)
BranchListPtr removePositionsForLocalRegistration(Eigen::MatrixXd trackingPositions, double maxDistance)
Vector3D calculateBronchoscopeBendingDirection(Vector3D A, Vector3D B)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPoints > vtkPointsPtr
boost::shared_ptr< class Branch > BranchPtr
void calculateBronchoscopeRotation(BranchPtr branch)
void addBranch(BranchPtr b)
void deleteAllBranches()
BranchPtr findClosestBranch(Vector3D targetCoordinate_r)
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkCardinalSpline > vtkCardinalSplinePtr
Vector3D cross(const Vector3D &a, const Vector3D &b)
compute cross product of a and b.
Definition: cxVector3D.cpp:41
void findBranchesInCenterline(Eigen::MatrixXd positions_r, bool sortByZindex=true)
void findBronchoscopeRotation()
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkCardinalSpline > vtkCardinalSplinePtr
Definition: cxAccusurf.cpp:17
vtkPolyDataPtr createVtkPolyDataFromBranches(bool fullyConnected=false, bool straightBranches=false) const
BranchList::createVtkPolyDataFromBranches Return a VtkPolyData object created from the branches in th...
Definition: cxBranchList.h:26
void markLungLap(QString name, Vector3D position)
void interpolateBranchPositions(double resolution)
void smoothBranchPositions(int controlPointDistance)
std::vector< BranchPtr > getBranches()
void excludeClosePositionsInCTCenterline(double minPointDistance)
BranchPtr findBranchWithLargestRadius()
void deleteBranch(BranchPtr b)
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > vtkPolyDataPtr
Eigen::Vector3d Vector3D
Vector3D is a representation of a point or vector in 3D.
Definition: cxVector3D.h:42
class org_custusx_registration_method_bronchoscopy_EXPORT Branch
Definition: cxBranch.h:27
void setLapName(BranchPtr branch, QString name)
bool similar(const CameraInfo &lhs, const CameraInfo &rhs, double tol)
void selectGenerations(int maxGeneration)
Eigen::MatrixXd sortMatrix(int rowNumber, Eigen::MatrixXd matrix)
std::pair< std::vector< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index >, Eigen::VectorXd > dsearchn(Eigen::MatrixXd p1, Eigen::MatrixXd p2)
double findDistance(Vector3D p1, Vector3D p2)
void smoothOrientations()
#define M_PI
std::pair< Eigen::MatrixXd::Index, double > dsearch(Eigen::Vector3d p, Eigen::MatrixXd positions)
std::vector< BranchPtr > branchVector
Definition: cxBranch.h:28
Namespace for all CustusX production code.