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An IGT application
Functionality for clipping a volume.
Define clip planes in a volume. The interactive clipper is attached to the active tool, and clips the active volume according to a slice definition.
The current clip can also be saved along with the volume. This can be done several times.
Functionality for cropping a volume.
Lets you crop a volume by defining a bounding box along the volume axis. Everything outside the box is not shown.
How to use the bounding box:
To make the crop permanent, press the button to create a new volume from the crop. This will also hide the original volume and show the new volume.
Set volume shading properties.
Lets you set a transfer function on a 3D volume. It also lets you set window width and level, and right click on the bar to bring up the color selector.
Let you select a predefined transfer function.
Displays information about a selected volume.
Lets you set properties on a 2d image slice.
Displays information about a selected volume. Identical to Volume Information .
Allows setting 2D image properties by setting colors and window width and level. Right click on the bar to bring up the color selector.
Lets you set a transfer function on a 2D volume.
Let you select a predefined transfer function. Identical to Transfer Function Presets.
Allow visualizing several 2D slices in top of each other by making them partly transparent (alpha), or by making parts of the fully transparent (LLR).
Not working on Windows.
Tool offset: A virtual offset along the tool's local z axis.
Tool matrix: The transformation matrix between the tool tip and the selected space. Change the matrix to move and/or orient the tool. Tool offset is not applied to the matrix.
See Specific Spaces for more information on coordinate systems.
ToolManager debugging utilities.
Lets you test different aspects of the toolmanager.
Functionality for erasing parts of volumes. By changing the erase value it is also possible to draw. Using the eraser on meshes is not possible.