NorMIT-nav  22.09
An IGT application

The virtual patient. More...


class  cx::ActiveData
 Provides the last active data of warious types. More...
class  cx::ActiveImageProxy
 Helper class for connection the active image. More...
class  cx::AngleMetric
 Data class that represents an angle between two lines. More...
class  cx::CustomMetric
 Data class that represents a custom. More...
class  cx::Data
 Superclass for all data objects. More...
class  cx::DataFactory
class  cx::DataMetric
 Base class for all Data Metrics. More...
class  cx::DistanceMetric
 Data class that represents a distance between two points, or a point and a plane. More...
class  cx::FrameForest
 A graph combining Space dependencies between all Data. More...
class  cx::FrameMetric
 Data class that represents a single frame (transform). More...
class  cx::FrameMetricBase
 Abstract base class for frame metric. More...
class  cx::GPUImageDataBuffer
 Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts). More...
class  cx::GPUImageLutBuffer
 Helper class for sharing GPU memory over several Views (GL contexts). More...
class  cx::GPUImageBufferRepository
 Repository for GPU buffers. More...
class  cx::Image
 A volumetric data set. More...
class  cx::ImageDefaultTFGenerator
class  cx::ImageLUT2D
 Handling of color and opacity for 2D slices. More...
class  cx::ImageParameters
class  cx::ImageTF3D
 Handler for the transfer functions used in 3d image volumes. More...
class  cx::ImageTFData
 Data class for Transfer Function info, either 2D or 3D. More...
class  cx::Landmark
 One landmark, or fiducial, coordinate. More...
class  cx::Mesh
 A mesh data set. More...
class  cx::MetricReferenceArgumentList
 Collection of Metric arguments that refer to another metric. More...
class  cx::NavigatedVideoImage
 Image subclass for live updated 2D images tied to a tool. More...
class  cx::PlaneMetric
 Data class representing a plane. More...
class  cx::PointMetric
 Data class that represents a single point. More...
class  cx::RegionOfInterest
class  cx::RegionOfInterestMetric
class  cx::RegistrationTransform
 A registration event and its transform. More...
class  cx::DonutMetric
 Data class that represents a donut. More...
class  cx::SphereMetric
 Data class that represents a donut. More...
class  cx::ToolMetric
class  cx::TrackedStream
 A data set for video streams (2D/3D). More...
class  cx::TransferFunctions3DPresets
 Handles transfer function presets. More...
class  cx::UnsignedDerivedImage
 Class that holds an unsigned version of a base Image. More...
class  cx::PatientModelService
 The virtual patient. More...
class  cx::PatientModelServiceNull
 Null Object Pattern for Registration service. More...
class  cx::PatientModelServiceProxy
 Always provides a PatientModelService. More...
class  cx::Presets
 Base class for a group of presets in the system. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ActiveImageProxycx::ActiveImageProxyPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class AngleMetriccx::AngleMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CustomMetriccx::CustomMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DataMetriccx::DataMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DistanceMetriccx::DistanceMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GPUImageDataBuffercx::GPUImageDataBufferPtr
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class GPUImageDataBuffercx::GPUImageDataBufferWeakPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GPUImageLutBuffercx::GPUImageLutBufferPtr
typedef boost::weak_ptr< class GPUImageLutBuffercx::GPUImageLutBufferWeakPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PlaneMetriccx::PlaneMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PointMetriccx::PointMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RegionOfInterestMetriccx::RegionOfInterestMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DonutMetriccx::DonutMetricPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SphereMetriccx::SphereMetricPtr


GPUImageDataBufferPtr cx::createGPUImageDataBuffer (vtkImageDataPtr volume)
GPUImageLutBufferPtr cx::createGPUImageLutBuffer (vtkUnsignedCharArrayPtr lut)
GPUImageBufferRepositorycx::getGPUImageBufferRepository ()

Detailed Description

The virtual patient.

A model of the patient. Data sets of various modalities, fiducials and labels are described in relation to each other.

See also
Basic relation between the Data interfaces and classes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ActiveImageProxyPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ActiveImageProxy > cx::ActiveImageProxyPtr

Definition at line 29 of file cxDataInterface.h.

◆ AngleMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class AngleMetric > cx::AngleMetricPtr

Definition at line 33 of file cxAngleMetric.h.

◆ CustomMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CustomMetric > cx::CustomMetricPtr

Definition at line 29 of file cxCustomMetric.h.

◆ DataMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DataMetric > cx::DataMetricPtr

Definition at line 73 of file cxDataMetric.h.

◆ DistanceMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DistanceMetric > cx::DistanceMetricPtr

Definition at line 67 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ DonutMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class DonutMetric > cx::DonutMetricPtr

Definition at line 29 of file cxShapedMetric.h.

◆ GPUImageDataBufferPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< GPUImageDataBuffer > cx::GPUImageDataBufferPtr

Definition at line 53 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ GPUImageDataBufferWeakPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ GPUImageLutBufferPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< GPUImageLutBuffer > cx::GPUImageLutBufferPtr

Definition at line 55 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ GPUImageLutBufferWeakPtr

typedef boost::weak_ptr< GPUImageLutBuffer > cx::GPUImageLutBufferWeakPtr

Definition at line 56 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ PlaneMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class PlaneMetric> cx::PlaneMetricPtr

Definition at line 34 of file cxPlaneMetric.h.

◆ PointMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class PointMetric > cx::PointMetricPtr

Definition at line 84 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

◆ RegionOfInterestMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class RegionOfInterestMetric > cx::RegionOfInterestMetricPtr

Definition at line 58 of file cxRegionOfInterestMetric.h.

◆ SphereMetricPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SphereMetric > cx::SphereMetricPtr

Definition at line 22 of file cxDataRepContainer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ createGPUImageDataBuffer()

cxResource_EXPORT GPUImageDataBufferPtr cx::createGPUImageDataBuffer ( vtkImageDataPtr  volume)

Definition at line 373 of file cxGPUImageBuffer.cpp.

◆ createGPUImageLutBuffer()

cxResource_EXPORT GPUImageLutBufferPtr cx::createGPUImageLutBuffer ( vtkUnsignedCharArrayPtr  lut)

Definition at line 380 of file cxGPUImageBuffer.cpp.

◆ getGPUImageBufferRepository()

cxResource_EXPORT GPUImageBufferRepository * cx::getGPUImageBufferRepository ( )

Definition at line 592 of file cxGPUImageBuffer.cpp.