Fraxinus  16.5.0-fx-rc7
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Visualization classes. More...


 Representations that visualize Data entities in a View.


class  cx::SlicedImageProxy
 Helper class for slicing an image given a SliceProxy and an image. More...
class  cx::CameraData
class  cx::CameraControl
class  cx::InteractiveClipper
class  cx::InteractiveCropper
class  cx::LayoutRepository
class  cx::Navigation
class  cx::RepContainer
class  cx::DataViewProperties
class  cx::ViewGroupData
 Container for data shared between all members of a view group. More...
class  cx::ViewService
 Visualization services. More...
class  cx::VisServices
class  cx::GraphicalAxes3D
 Visualization for one 3D coordinate axis triplet. More...
class  cx::GraphicalDisk
class  cx::GraphicalPolyData3D
 Helper for rendering a a polydata in 3D. More...
class  cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData
 Helper for rendering a a glyph in 3D. More...
class  cx::GraphicalPoint3D
 Helper for rendering a point in 3D. More...
class  cx::GraphicalLine3D
 Helper for rendering a line in 3D. More...
class  cx::GraphicalArc3D
 Helper for rendering a line in 3D. More...
class  cx::GraphicalArrow3D
 Helper for rendering an arrow in 3D. More...
class  cx::Rect3D
 Helper for drawing a rectangle in 3D. More...
class  cx::FollowerText3D
 Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size. More...
class  cx::CaptionText3D
 Helper for rendering 3D text that faces the camera and has a constant viewed size, always on top. More...
class  cx::GraphicalTorus3D
 Helper for rendering a torus in 3D. More...
class  cx::ImageEnveloper
class  cx::ImageMapperMonitor
class  cx::SlicePlaneClipper
 Clip several 3D volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  cx::Texture3DSlicerProxy
 Helper class for GPU-based slicing. More...
class  cx::Texture3DSlicerProxyImpl
 Slice volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  cx::TextureSlicePainter
 Helper class for GPU rendering of slices. More...
class  cx::ToolTracer
 3D Graphics class for displaying the trace path traversed by a tool. More...
class  UltrasoundSectorSource
 Source for an Ultrasound sector. The output vtkPolyData contains a polygon plus texture coordinates. The output is given in space u: a xy vtk image space with origin in the lower-left corner,. More...
class  cx::VideoGraphics
 Wrap vtkActor displaying a video image, possibly clipped by a sector. More...
class  cx::VideoSourceGraphics
 Helper class for displaying a VideoSource. More...
class  cx::ViewFollower
class  cx::VolumeProperty
class  cx::RGBColor
 RGB color data. More...
class  cx::OffsetPoint
 Helper for drawing a point in 2D. More...
class  cx::LineSegment
 Helper for drawing a line in 2D. More...
class  cx::TextDisplay
 Helper for drawing text in 2D. More...
class  cx::CrossHair2D
 Helper for drawing a crosshair in 2D. More...
class  cx::Axes3D
 Helper for drawing a coordinate axis in 3D. More...
class  cx::DataMetricRep
 Base class for all Data Metric reps. More...
class  cx::DisplayTextRep
 Display a number of text strings. More...
class  cx::Rep
 Abstract interface for entities that can be added to a View. More...
class  cx::RepImpl
 Default implementation of Rep. More...
class  cx::CrossHairRep2D
 Display the Tool in 2D as a crosshair in the tool tip position. More...
class  cx::GeometricRep2D
 Display one Mesh in 2D. More...
class  cx::GuideRep2D
class  cx::OrientationAnnotationSmartRep
 A class that annotated 2D views with otientation information.The slice proxy is used to find the orientation of a slice in space r, which is assumed to be a valid DICOM space, and combinations of the letters Anterior - Posterior Left - Right Superior - Inferior are used. Combinations of the letters are used for oblique angles. More...
class  cx::OrientationAnnotationRep
 Display direction annotations in a 2D view. More...
class  cx::PointMetricRep2D
class  cx::SliceRepSW
 Display an image slice in 2D. More...
class  cx::SphereMetricRep2D
class  cx::ToolRep2D
 Display a Tool in 2D. More...
class  cx::AngleMetricRep
class  cx::AxesRep
 Representation for one 3D coordinate axis triplet. More...
class  cx::DistanceMetricRep
 Rep for visualizing a DistanceMetric. More...
class  cx::DonutMetricRep
class  cx::FiberBundleRep
 Display a DTI Fiber bundle (fiber tracks) in 3D. More...
class  cx::FrameMetricRep
class  cx::GeometricRep
 Display one Mesh in 3D. More...
class  cx::Image2DProxy
 Slice volumes using a SliceProxy. More...
class  cx::Image2DRep3D
 Display a 2D Volume in 3D. More...
class  cx::LandmarksSource
class  cx::PatientLandmarksSource
class  cx::ImageLandmarksSource
class  cx::LandmarkRep
class  cx::MetricNamesRep
class  cx::OrientationAnnotation3DRep
 Class for display of an orientation annotation cube in 3D. More...
class  cx::PickerRep
 Picking of points in an image. More...
class  cx::PlaneMetricRep
 Rep for visualizing a PlaneMetric. More...
class  cx::PointMetricRep
class  cx::SlicePlanesProxy
 Helper class for managing a set of slice planes. More...
class  cx::SlicePlanes3DRep
 Display a set of planes in 3D. More...
class  cx::SlicePlanes3DMarkerIn2DRep
 Display annotations for the SlicePlanesProxy planes in 2D. More...
class  cx::Slices3DRep
 Display several slices through volumes in 3D. More...
class  cx::SphereMetricRep
class  cx::Stream2DRep3D
 Display a stream as 2D in 3D. More...
class  cx::StreamRep3D
 Display a 3D stream in 3D. More...
class  cx::Texture3DSlicerRep
 Display overlayed image slices in 2D. More...
class  cx::ToolMetricRep
class  cx::ToolRep3D
 Display a Tool in 3D. More...
class  cx::VolumetricBaseRep
 Display a volume in 3D. More...
class  cx::VolumetricRep
 Display a volume in 3D. More...
class  cx::VideoFixedPlaneRep
 Display a VideoSource in a View. More...
struct  cx::LayoutPosition
struct  cx::LayoutRegion
struct  cx::LayoutViewData
class  cx::LayoutData
class  cx::View
class  cx::ViewCollectionWidget


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class CameraData > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class InteractiveClipper > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class InteractiveCropper > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SyncedValue > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ViewGroupData > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalPolyData3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalGlyph3DData > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GraphicalPoint3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class GraphicalLine3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalArc3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< GraphicalArrow3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class Rect3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< FollowerText3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< CaptionText3D > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< LandmarksSource > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class PatientLandmarksSource > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ImageLandmarksSource > 


int cx::getPriority (DataPtr data)
bool cx::dataTypeSort (const DataPtr data1, const DataPtr data2)
 cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::GraphicalGeometricBase (vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr source=vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(), vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::~GraphicalGeometricBase ()
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setRenderer (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setSource (vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr source)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setBackfaceCulling (bool val)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setVisibility (bool visible)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setFrontfaceCulling (bool val)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setRepresentation ()
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setColor (double red, double green, double blue)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setColor (Vector3D color)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setPosition (Vector3D point)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setOpacity (double val)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setUserMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *matrix)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setPointSize (int pointSize)
void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setScalarVisibility (bool show)
vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getActor ()
vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getPolyData ()
Vector3D cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getPosition () const
vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getSource ()
virtual vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getMapper ()=0
 cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::GraphicalPolyData3D (vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr source=vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(), vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setIsWireFrame (bool val)
void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setRepresentation ()
void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setData (vtkPolyDataPtr data)
vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::getMapper ()
 cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::GraphicalGlyph3DData (vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr source=vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(), vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setData (vtkPolyDataPtr data)
void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setOrientationArray (const char *orientationArray)
void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setColorArray (const char *colorArray)
void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setLUT (const char *lut)
void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setScaleFactor (double scaleFactor)
vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::getMapper ()
 cx::GraphicalPoint3D::GraphicalPoint3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setRenderer (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::GraphicalPoint3D::~GraphicalPoint3D ()
void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setRadius (double radius)
void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setValue (Vector3D point)
Vector3D cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getValue () const
vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getActor ()
vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getPolyData ()
 cx::GraphicalLine3D::GraphicalLine3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setRenderer (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::GraphicalLine3D::~GraphicalLine3D ()
void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setValue (Vector3D point1, Vector3D point2)
void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setStipple (int stipple)
vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalLine3D::getActor ()
 cx::GraphicalArc3D::GraphicalArc3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::GraphicalArc3D::~GraphicalArc3D ()
void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setValue (Vector3D point1, Vector3D point2, Vector3D center)
void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setStipple (int stipple)
vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalArc3D::getActor ()
 cx::GraphicalArrow3D::GraphicalArrow3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::GraphicalArrow3D::~GraphicalArrow3D ()
void cx::GraphicalArrow3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::GraphicalArrow3D::setValue (Vector3D base, Vector3D normal, double length)
 cx::Rect3D::Rect3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer, QColor color)
 cx::Rect3D::~Rect3D ()
void cx::Rect3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::Rect3D::updatePosition (const DoubleBoundingBox3D bb, const Transform3D &M)
void cx::Rect3D::setLine (bool on, int width)
void cx::Rect3D::setSurface (bool on)
 cx::FollowerText3D::FollowerText3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::FollowerText3D::setRenderer (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::FollowerText3D::~FollowerText3D ()
void cx::FollowerText3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::FollowerText3D::setText (QString text)
void cx::FollowerText3D::setPosition (Vector3D pos)
void cx::FollowerText3D::setSize (double val)
void cx::FollowerText3D::setSizeInNormalizedViewport (bool on, double size)
vtkFollowerPtr cx::FollowerText3D::getActor ()
void cx::FollowerText3D::scaleText ()
 internal method More...
 cx::CaptionText3D::CaptionText3D (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
void cx::CaptionText3D::setRenderer (vtkRendererPtr renderer=vtkRendererPtr())
 cx::CaptionText3D::~CaptionText3D ()
void cx::CaptionText3D::setColor (QColor color)
void cx::CaptionText3D::setText (QString text)
void cx::CaptionText3D::setPosition (Vector3D pos)
void cx::CaptionText3D::setSize (double val)
vtkCaptionActor2DPtr cx::CaptionText3D::getActor ()
LayoutRegion cx::merge (LayoutRegion a, LayoutRegion b)


vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mSource
vtkPropertyPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mProperty
vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mActor
vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mData
vtkRendererPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mRenderer

Detailed Description

Visualization classes.

See Also

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CameraData > cx::CameraDataPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxViewWrapper.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CaptionText3D > cx::CaptionText3DPtr

Definition at line 310 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<FollowerText3D> cx::FollowerText3DPtr

Definition at line 281 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class GraphicalArc3D > cx::GraphicalArc3DPtr

Definition at line 211 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<GraphicalArrow3D> cx::GraphicalArrow3DPtr

Definition at line 229 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<GraphicalGlyph3DData> cx::GraphicalGlyph3DDataPtr

Definition at line 141 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< GraphicalLine3D > cx::GraphicalLine3DPtr

Definition at line 92 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< GraphicalPoint3D > cx::GraphicalPoint3DPtr

Definition at line 93 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<GraphicalPolyData3D> cx::GraphicalPolyData3DPtr

Definition at line 116 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageLandmarksSource > cx::ImageLandmarksSourcePtr

Definition at line 46 of file cxLandmarkImage2ImageRegistrationWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< InteractiveClipper > cx::InteractiveClipperPtr

Definition at line 73 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class InteractiveCropper > cx::InteractiveCropperPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxCroppingWidget.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<LandmarksSource> cx::LandmarksSourcePtr

Definition at line 72 of file cxLandmarkRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class PatientLandmarksSource> cx::PatientLandmarksSourcePtr

Definition at line 74 of file cxLandmarkRep.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class Rect3D > cx::Rect3DPtr

Definition at line 106 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SyncedValue > cx::SyncedValuePtr

Definition at line 51 of file cxViewGroup.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ViewGroupData > cx::ViewGroupDataPtr

Definition at line 50 of file cxViewGroup.h.

Function Documentation

cx::CaptionText3D::CaptionText3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 710 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cxResourceVisualization_EXPORT bool cx::dataTypeSort ( const DataPtr  data1,
const DataPtr  data2 


Sorts DataPtr in default display ordering, using getPriority().

Definition at line 166 of file cxViewGroupData.cpp.

cx::FollowerText3D::FollowerText3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 600 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getActor ( )

Definition at line 163 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getActor ( )

Definition at line 359 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalLine3D::getActor ( )

Definition at line 421 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalArc3D::getActor ( )

Definition at line 467 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkFollowerPtr cx::FollowerText3D::getActor ( )

Definition at line 678 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkCaptionActor2DPtr cx::CaptionText3D::getActor ( )

Definition at line 766 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

virtual vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getMapper ( )
protectedpure virtual
vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::getMapper ( )

Implements cx::GraphicalGeometricBase.

Definition at line 219 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkMapperPtr cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::getMapper ( )

Implements cx::GraphicalGeometricBase.

Definition at line 284 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getPolyData ( )

Definition at line 168 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getPolyData ( )

Definition at line 364 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

Vector3D cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getPosition ( ) const

Definition at line 158 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cxResourceVisualization_EXPORT int cx::getPriority ( DataPtr  data)

Define a priority for the input data. High means display on top, low means in the back.

Definition at line 171 of file cxViewGroupData.cpp.

vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::getSource ( )

Definition at line 176 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

Vector3D cx::GraphicalPoint3D::getValue ( ) const

Definition at line 354 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalArc3D::GraphicalArc3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 430 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalArrow3D::GraphicalArrow3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 476 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::GraphicalGeometricBase ( vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr  source = vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(),
vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr() 

Definition at line 61 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::GraphicalGlyph3DData ( vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr  source = vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(),
vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr() 

Definition at line 228 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalLine3D::GraphicalLine3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 373 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalPoint3D::GraphicalPoint3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 293 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::GraphicalPolyData3D ( vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr  source = vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr(),
vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr() 

Definition at line 185 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cxResourceVisualization_EXPORT LayoutRegion cx::merge ( LayoutRegion  a,
LayoutRegion  b 

Definition at line 44 of file cxLayoutData.cpp.

cx::Rect3D::Rect3D ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer,
QColor  color 

Definition at line 528 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::scaleText ( )

internal method

Note: Internal method!

Scale the text to be a constant fraction of the viewport height Called from a vtk camera observer

Definition at line 689 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setBackfaceCulling ( bool  val)

Definition at line 101 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setColor ( double  red,
double  green,
double  blue 

Definition at line 116 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setColor ( Vector3D  color)

Definition at line 121 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 344 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 405 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 450 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalArrow3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 497 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::Rect3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 581 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 663 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::CaptionText3D::setColor ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 751 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setColorArray ( const char *  colorArray)

Definition at line 255 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setData ( vtkPolyDataPtr  data)

Definition at line 209 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setData ( vtkPolyDataPtr  data)

Definition at line 243 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setFrontfaceCulling ( bool  val)

Definition at line 106 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setIsWireFrame ( bool  val)

Definition at line 196 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::Rect3D::setLine ( bool  on,
int  width 

Definition at line 549 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setLUT ( const char *  lut)

Definition at line 268 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setOpacity ( double  val)

Definition at line 131 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setOrientationArray ( const char *  orientationArray)

Definition at line 250 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setPointSize ( int  pointSize)

Definition at line 141 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setPosition ( Vector3D  point)

Definition at line 126 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setPosition ( Vector3D  pos)

Definition at line 673 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::CaptionText3D::setPosition ( Vector3D  pos)

Definition at line 761 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setRadius ( double  radius)

Definition at line 339 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setRenderer ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 84 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setRenderer ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 324 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setRenderer ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 390 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setRenderer ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 614 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::CaptionText3D::setRenderer ( vtkRendererPtr  renderer = vtkRendererPtr())

Definition at line 725 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setRepresentation ( )

Definition at line 111 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPolyData3D::setRepresentation ( )

Definition at line 201 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setScalarVisibility ( bool  show)

Definition at line 147 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGlyph3DData::setScaleFactor ( double  scaleFactor)

Definition at line 278 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setSize ( double  val)

Definition at line 639 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::CaptionText3D::setSize ( double  val)

Definition at line 746 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setSizeInNormalizedViewport ( bool  on,
double  size 

Definition at line 645 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setSource ( vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr  source)

Definition at line 73 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setStipple ( int  stipple)

Definition at line 416 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setStipple ( int  stipple)

Definition at line 462 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::Rect3D::setSurface ( bool  on)

Definition at line 562 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::FollowerText3D::setText ( QString  text)

Definition at line 668 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::CaptionText3D::setText ( QString  text)

Definition at line 756 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setUserMatrix ( vtkMatrix4x4 *  matrix)

Definition at line 136 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalPoint3D::setValue ( Vector3D  point)

Definition at line 349 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalLine3D::setValue ( Vector3D  point1,
Vector3D  point2 

Definition at line 410 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalArc3D::setValue ( Vector3D  point1,
Vector3D  point2,
Vector3D  center 

Definition at line 455 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalArrow3D::setValue ( Vector3D  base,
Vector3D  normal,
double  length 

Definition at line 502 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::setVisibility ( bool  visible)

Definition at line 95 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

void cx::Rect3D::updatePosition ( const DoubleBoundingBox3D  bb,
const Transform3D M 

Definition at line 586 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::CaptionText3D::~CaptionText3D ( )

Definition at line 740 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::FollowerText3D::~FollowerText3D ( )

Definition at line 633 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalArc3D::~GraphicalArc3D ( )

Definition at line 444 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalArrow3D::~GraphicalArrow3D ( )

Definition at line 491 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::~GraphicalGeometricBase ( )

Definition at line 68 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalLine3D::~GraphicalLine3D ( )

Definition at line 385 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::GraphicalPoint3D::~GraphicalPoint3D ( )

Definition at line 319 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

cx::Rect3D::~Rect3D ( )

Definition at line 575 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.cpp.

Variable Documentation

vtkActorPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mActor

Definition at line 88 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

vtkPolyDataPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mData

Definition at line 89 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

vtkPropertyPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mProperty

Definition at line 87 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

vtkRendererPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mRenderer

Definition at line 90 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.

vtkPolyDataAlgorithmPtr cx::GraphicalGeometricBase::mSource

Definition at line 86 of file cxGraphicalPrimitives.h.