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cx::USSavingRecorder Class Reference

Record and save ultrasound data.Use the start/stop pair to record video from the input streams during that period. A cancel instead of stop will clear the recording. More...

#include <cxUSSavingRecorder.h>

Inheritance diagram for cx::USSavingRecorder:


void saveDataCompleted (QString mhdFilename)
 emitted when data has been saved to file More...

Public Member Functions

 USSavingRecorder ()
virtual ~USSavingRecorder ()
void startRecord (RecordSessionPtr session, ToolPtr tool, ToolPtr reference, std::vector< VideoSourcePtr > video)
void stopRecord ()
void cancelRecord ()
void setWriteColor (bool on)
void set_rMpr (Transform3D rMpr)
USReconstructInputData getDataForStream (QString streamUid)
void startSaveData (QString baseFolder, bool compressImages)
size_t getNumberOfSavingThreads () const
void clearRecording ()

Detailed Description

Record and save ultrasound data.

Use the start/stop pair to record video from the input streams during that period. A cancel instead of stop will clear the recording.

After stopping, use

Use clearRecording() to free memory and temporary files (this can be a lot of disk space).

Intended to be a unit-testable part of the USAcquisition class.

April 17, 2013

Definition at line 77 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cx::USSavingRecorder::USSavingRecorder ( )

Definition at line 55 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

cx::USSavingRecorder::~USSavingRecorder ( )

Definition at line 60 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void cx::USSavingRecorder::cancelRecord ( )

Definition at line 119 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::clearRecording ( )

Definition at line 184 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

USReconstructInputData cx::USSavingRecorder::getDataForStream ( QString  streamUid)

Retrieve an in-memory data set for the given stream uid.

Definition at line 125 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

size_t cx::USSavingRecorder::getNumberOfSavingThreads ( ) const

Definition at line 192 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::saveDataCompleted ( QString  mhdFilename)

emitted when data has been saved to file

void cx::USSavingRecorder::set_rMpr ( Transform3D  rMpr)

Definition at line 74 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::setWriteColor ( bool  on)

Definition at line 69 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::startRecord ( RecordSessionPtr  session,
ToolPtr  tool,
ToolPtr  reference,
std::vector< VideoSourcePtr video 

Start recording

Definition at line 79 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::startSaveData ( QString  baseFolder,
bool  compressImages 

Start saving all data acquired after a start/stop record. A separate saveDataCompleted() signal is emitted for each completed saved stream.

Definition at line 168 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

void cx::USSavingRecorder::stopRecord ( )

Definition at line 106 of file cxUSSavingRecorder.cpp.

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