CustusX  2023.01.05-dev+develop.0da12
An IGT application
All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Macros Modules Pages

All basic unrelated functionality. More...


 Namespace for all CustusX production code.


class  cx::Application
struct  cx::CoordinateSystem
 Identification of a Coordinate system. More...
class  cx::CustomMetaImage
 utility class for accessing metaheader files. More...
class  cx::CyclicActionLogger
struct  cx::DoubleRange
 Utility class for describing a bounded numeric range. More...
class  EnumConverter< ENUM, COUNT >
 Class for easy conversion between an enum and a QString. More...
class  cx::CachedImageData
class  cx::ImageDataContainer
class  cx::CachedImageDataContainer
class  cx::SplitFramesContainer
class  cx::FramesDataContainer
class  cx::Indent
 Formatting class for debug printing of the ssc library. More...
class  cx::OpenCLPrinter
 Utilities for printing information about OpenCL. More...
class  cx::OptionalValue< T >
class  cx::PlaneTypeCollection
class  cx::PlaybackTime
 Controller for historic time, playback etc. More...
class  cx::TimelineEvent
 Description of one event in time. More...
class  cx::PositionStorageReader
 Reader class for the position file. More...
class  cx::ProcessReporter
class  cx::ProcessWrapper
class  cx::SharedMemoryServer
 Shared Memory Server. More...
class  cx::SharedMemoryClient
 Shared Memory Client. More...
class  cx::SlicePlane
 A 2D slice plane in 3D. i,j are perpendicular unit vectors. More...
class  cx::SliceComputer
 Calculates a slice plane given a definition. More...
class  cx::SpaceListener
 Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes. More...
class  cx::SpaceListenerImpl
 Class that listens to changes in a coordinate system, and emits a signal if that system changes. More...
class  cx::SpaceProvider
class  cx::SpaceProviderImpl
class  cx::TimeKeeper
class  cx::TransformFile
 File format for storing a 4x4 matrix.The read/write methods emit error messages if you dont use the ok flag. More...
class  cstring_cast_Placeholder
class  cx::ViewportListenerBase
 Base class for listening to a vtkRenderer. More...
class  cx::ViewportListener
 Listens to changes in viewport and camera matrix. More...
class  cx::ViewportPreRenderListener
 Listens to the start render event in a vtkRenderer. More...
class  cx::VLCRecorder
 Lets you use the third party application VLC to record a video of the screen. More...
class  cx::XmlFileHandler
 Helper class for reading and writing an XML file. More...
class  cx::XMLNodeAdder
class  cx::XMLNodeParser
class  cx::XmlOptionItem
 Helper class for storing one string value in an xml document. More...
class  cx::XmlOptionFile
 Helper class for xml files used to store ssc/cx data. More...
class  cx::SeansVesselReg


#define report_gl_error()   really_report_gl_errors(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0)
#define report_gl_error_text(text)   really_report_gl_errors(__FILE__, __LINE__, text)


typedef boost::shared_ptr< CachedImageData > cx::CachedImageDataPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ImageDataContainer > cx::ImageDataContainerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class CachedImageDataContainer > cx::CachedImageDataContainerPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ProcessWrapper > cx::ProcessWrapperPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< class VLCRecorder > cx::VLCRecorderPtr


template<class ENUM >
ENUM string2enum (const QString &val)
template<class ENUM >
QString enum2string (const ENUM &val)
bool cx::removeNonemptyDirRecursively (const QString &dirName)
bool cx::copyRecursively (QString sourceDir, QString destinationDir, bool overWriteDirectory)
QFileInfoList cx::getDirs (QString path)
QStringList cx::getAbsolutePathToFiles (QString path, QStringList nameFilters, bool includeSubDirs)
QStringList cx::getAbsolutePathToXmlFiles (QString path, bool includeSubDirs)
void cx::forceNewlineBeforeEof (QString path)
void really_report_gl_errors (const char *file, int line, const char *text)
vtkPolyDataPtr cx::polydataFromTransforms (TimedTransformMap transformMap_prMt, Transform3D rMpr)
void cx::loadMeshFromToolTransforms (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, TimedTransformMap transforms_prMt)
std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo (MeshPtr mesh)
 cx::PlaybackTime::PlaybackTime ()
virtual cx::PlaybackTime::~PlaybackTime ()
void cx::PlaybackTime::initialize (QDateTime start, qint64 length)
void cx::PlaybackTime::forward (qint64 msecs)
 jump forward in ms More...
void cx::PlaybackTime::rewind (qint64 msecs)
 jump backward in ms More...
bool cx::PlaybackTime::isPlaying () const
void cx::PlaybackTime::setTime (QDateTime time)
QDateTime cx::PlaybackTime::getTime () const
void cx::PlaybackTime::setOffset (qint64 val)
 set time as an offset from start More...
void cx::PlaybackTime::moveOffset (qint64 delta)
 change the offset with an amount More...
qint64 cx::PlaybackTime::getOffset () const
qint64 cx::PlaybackTime::getLength () const
 length of recording in ms More...
QDateTime cx::PlaybackTime::getStartTime () const
void cx::PlaybackTime::setSpeed (double val)
 set speed as a ratio of real time. 1 is real time, less is slower, more is faster. More...
double cx::PlaybackTime::getSpeed () const
void cx::PlaybackTime::setResolution (qint64 val)
 set resolution in ms (signals are emitted with this spacing) More...
double cx::PlaybackTime::getResolution ()
 cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent ()
 cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent (QString description, double start, double end)
 cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent (QString description, double time)
bool cx::TimelineEvent::isInside (double time, double tol_ms=0) const
bool cx::TimelineEvent::isSingular () const
bool cx::TimelineEvent::isOverlap (const TimelineEvent &rhs) const
bool cx::TimelineEvent::operator< (const TimelineEvent &rhs) const
 cx::ProcessWrapper::ProcessWrapper (QString name="executable", QObject *parent=NULL)
virtual cx::ProcessWrapper::~ProcessWrapper ()
QProcess * cx::ProcessWrapper::getProcess ()
void cx::ProcessWrapper::launchWithRelativePath (QString executable, QStringList arguments=QStringList())
bool cx::ProcessWrapper::launch (QString executable, QStringList argument=QStringList())
bool cx::ProcessWrapper::isRunning ()
qint64 cx::ProcessWrapper::write (const char *data)
bool cx::ProcessWrapper::waitForStarted (int msecs=30000)
bool cx::ProcessWrapper::waitForFinished (int msecs=30000)
void cx::ProcessWrapper::turnOffReporting ()
void cx::requireUnique (int use_count, QString objectName)
template<class T >
void cx::requireUnique (const boost::shared_ptr< T > &object, QString objectName)
QString cx::timestampSecondsFormat ()
QString cx::timestampSecondsFormatNice ()
QString cx::timestampMilliSecondsFormat ()
QString cx::timestampMilliSecondsFormatNice ()
double cx::getMicroSecondsSinceEpoch ()
double cx::getMilliSecondsSinceEpoch ()
QString cx::toMillisecondsFormatNice (double secondsSinceEpoch)
template<class T >
std::string string_cast (const T &val)
template<class T >
QString qstring_cast (const T &val)
template<class T >
cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast (const T &val)
cxResource_EXPORT cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast< QString > (const QString &val)
cxResource_EXPORT cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast< QVariant > (const QVariant &val)
cxResource_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &str, const QString &qstring)
cxResource_EXPORT std::vector< double > convertQString2DoubleVector (const QString &input, bool *ok=0)
template<class T >
QString streamXml2String (T &val)
cxResource_EXPORT QString streamXml2String (QString &val)
cxResource_EXPORT QString color2string (QColor color)
cxResource_EXPORT QColor string2color (QString input, QColor defaultValue=QColor("green"))
template<class ITER >
std::ostream & cx::stream_range (std::ostream &s, ITER begin, ITER end, char separator=' ')
double cx::constrainValue (double val, double min, double max)
int cx::constrainValue (int val, int min, int max)
int cx::sign (double x)
QString cx::changeExtension (QString name, QString ext)
void cx::sleep_ms (int ms)
VLCRecorder * cx::vlc ()
 Shortcut for accessing the vlc recorder. More...
vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageData (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const unsigned char initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataUnsignedShort (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const unsigned short initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataSignedShort (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, const short initValue, int components)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataDouble (Eigen::Array3i dim, Vector3D spacing, double initValue)
void cx::fillShortImageDataWithGradient (vtkImageDataPtr data, int maxValue)
ImagePtr cx::createDerivedImage (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, QString uid, QString name, vtkImageDataPtr raw, ImagePtr parent)
ImagePtr cx::convertImageToUnsigned (PatientModelServicePtr dataManager, ImagePtr image, vtkImageDataPtr suggestedConvertedVolume, bool verbose)
std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo (ImagePtr image)
std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo (vtkImageDataPtr image)
void cx::printDisplayFriendlyInfo (std::map< std::string, std::string > map)
int cx::calculateNumVoxelsWithMaxValue (ImagePtr image)
 Find number of voxels containing max scalar value. More...
int cx::calculateNumVoxelsWithMinValue (ImagePtr image)
 Find number of voxels containing min scalar value. More...
DoubleBoundingBox3D cx::findEnclosingBoundingBox (std::vector< DataPtr > data, Transform3D qMr)
DoubleBoundingBox3D cx::findEnclosingBoundingBox (std::vector< ImagePtr > images, Transform3D qMr)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertImageDataToGrayScale (vtkImageDataPtr image)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertFrom4To3Components (vtkImageDataPtr image)
vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertImageDataTo8Bit (vtkImageDataPtr image, double windowWidth, double windowLevel)
 Have never been used or tested. Create a test for it. More...
void cx::setDeepModified (vtkImageDataPtr image)


const char * cx::TRACKING_SYSTEM_IMPLEMENTATION_IGTLINK = "openigtlink"
QString cx::TimelineEvent::mUid
QString cx::TimelineEvent::mDescription
double cx::TimelineEvent::mStartTime
double cx::TimelineEvent::mEndTime
QColor cx::TimelineEvent::mColor
QString cx::TimelineEvent::mGroup


void cx::PlaybackTime::changed ()
void cx::ProcessWrapper::stateChanged ()

Public Slots

void cx::PlaybackTime::start ()
 start playing. More...
void cx::PlaybackTime::stop ()
 stop playing and reset to start More...
void cx::PlaybackTime::pause ()
 pause playing More...

Detailed Description

All basic unrelated functionality.

Macro Definition Documentation

template<> \
boost::array<QString, NS::ENUM_SIZE> EnumConverter<NS::ENUM_NAME,NS::ENUM_SIZE>::mText = \
{ \
Class for easy conversion between an enum and a QString.

Use these macros to generate string<–>enum converter functions for an enum that has been instantiated with EnumConverter. Use in the cpp file after EnumConverter implementations, outside the namespace.



Definition at line 172 of file cxEnumConverter.h.

}; \
template<> QString enum2string<NS::ENUM_NAME>(const NS::ENUM_NAME& val) \
{ \
} \
template<> NS::ENUM_NAME string2enum<NS::ENUM_NAME>(const QString& val) \
{ \
} \
namespace NS \
{ \
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const ENUM_NAME& val) \
{ \
s << enum2string(val); \
return s; \
} \
} \
static QString enum2string(const ENUM &val)
static ENUM string2enum(const QString &val)
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const IntBoundingBox3D &data)
QString enum2string(const ENUM &val)

Definition at line 177 of file cxEnumConverter.h.

#define report_gl_error ( )    really_report_gl_errors(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0)

check for GL errors.

NOTE: Only call this function when a valid context exist (i.e vtkRenderWindow::GetNeverRendered() == false)

Definition at line 28 of file cxGLHelpers.h.

#define report_gl_error_text (   text)    really_report_gl_errors(__FILE__, __LINE__, text)

Definition at line 29 of file cxGLHelpers.h.

namespace NS \
{ \
EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const ENUM_NAME& val); \
} \
template<> \
EXPORT QString enum2string<NS::ENUM_NAME>(const NS::ENUM_NAME& val); \
template<> \
EXPORT NS::ENUM_NAME string2enum<NS::ENUM_NAME>(const QString& val); \
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const IntBoundingBox3D &data)

Helper macro for declaring the enum2string template specializations. Use this in an header file following the enum declarations. (outside the namespace). This macro allows setting the correct declspec when getting a 5217 link error on Windows.

Definition at line 146 of file cxEnumConverter.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr< CachedImageDataContainer > cx::CachedImageDataContainerPtr

Definition at line 27 of file cxSavingVideoRecorder.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<CachedImageData> cx::CachedImageDataPtr

Definition at line 57 of file cxImageDataContainer.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< ImageDataContainer > cx::ImageDataContainerPtr

Definition at line 24 of file cxUSFrameData.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ProcessWrapper > cx::ProcessWrapperPtr

Definition at line 41 of file cxMainWindow.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class VLCRecorder> cx::VLCRecorderPtr

Definition at line 29 of file cxVLCRecorder.h.

Function Documentation

cxResource_EXPORT int cx::calculateNumVoxelsWithMaxValue ( ImagePtr  image)

Find number of voxels containing max scalar value.

Definition at line 304 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT int cx::calculateNumVoxelsWithMinValue ( ImagePtr  image)

Find number of voxels containing min scalar value.

Definition at line 308 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::changeExtension ( QString  name,
QString  ext 

Definition at line 53 of file cxUtilHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString color2string ( QColor  color)

Definition at line 52 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT double cx::constrainValue ( double  val,
double  min,
double  max 

Constrain the input to the range |min,max|

Definition at line 28 of file cxUtilHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT int cx::constrainValue ( int  val,
int  min,
int  max 

Definition at line 37 of file cxUtilHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertFrom4To3Components ( vtkImageDataPtr  image)

Definition at line 365 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertImageDataTo8Bit ( vtkImageDataPtr  image,
double  windowWidth,
double  windowLevel 

Have never been used or tested. Create a test for it.

Definition at line 383 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::convertImageDataToGrayScale ( vtkImageDataPtr  image)

Definition at line 347 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ImagePtr cx::convertImageToUnsigned ( PatientModelServicePtr  dataManager,
ImagePtr  image,
vtkImageDataPtr  suggestedConvertedVolume,
bool  verbose 

Convert the input image to the smallest unsigned format.

CT images are always shifted +1024 and converted. Other images are shifted so that the smallest intensity is mapped to zero.

Either VTK_UNSIGNED_SHORT or VTK_UNSIGNED_INT is used as output, depending on the input range.

Convert an Image to its unsigned version.

The lowest value in image is found and the entire index range is shifted by this amount. Exception: CT images are always shifted by 1024.

The suggestedConvertedVolume is a pure optimization: Is set it will be used as the converted output instead of doing the conversion once more. Can be used when only the LUT should be updated.

Definition at line 169 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::vector<double> convertQString2DoubleVector ( const QString &  input,
bool *  ok = 0 

Helper function for converting a QString to a list of doubles. Useful for reading vectors/matrices.

Definition at line 34 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::copyRecursively ( QString  sourceDir,
QString  destinationDir,
bool  overWriteDirectory 

Possible race-condition mitigation?

Definition at line 23 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT ImagePtr cx::createDerivedImage ( PatientModelServicePtr  dataManager,
QString  uid,
QString  name,
vtkImageDataPtr  raw,
ImagePtr  parent 

Create a new image containing volume data from raw, but inheriting all properties from parent.

Definition at line 151 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

template<class T >
cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast ( const T &  val)

Convenience function that converts a type to its char* representation, provided it has defined operator << or is QString or QVariant

Definition at line 69 of file cxTypeConversions.h.

cxResource_EXPORT cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast< QString > ( const QString &  val)

Definition at line 17 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT cstring_cast_Placeholder cstring_cast< QVariant > ( const QVariant &  val)

Definition at line 21 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

template<class ENUM >
QString enum2string ( const ENUM &  val)
cxResource_EXPORT void cx::fillShortImageDataWithGradient ( vtkImageDataPtr  data,
int  maxValue 

Definition at line 115 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT DoubleBoundingBox3D cx::findEnclosingBoundingBox ( std::vector< DataPtr data,
Transform3D  qMr 

Definition at line 313 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT DoubleBoundingBox3D cx::findEnclosingBoundingBox ( std::vector< ImagePtr images,
Transform3D  qMr 

Definition at line 339 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::forceNewlineBeforeEof ( QString  path)

Open file, check if it ends with a newline, write newline if it doesn´t

Definition at line 123 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::forward ( qint64  msecs)

jump forward in ms

Definition at line 115 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageData ( Eigen::Array3i  dim,
Vector3D  spacing,
const unsigned char  initValue,
int  components 

Definition at line 84 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataDouble ( Eigen::Array3i  dim,
Vector3D  spacing,
double  initValue 

Definition at line 108 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataSignedShort ( Eigen::Array3i  dim,
Vector3D  spacing,
const short  initValue,
int  components 

Definition at line 100 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkImageDataPtr cx::generateVtkImageDataUnsignedShort ( Eigen::Array3i  dim,
Vector3D  spacing,
const unsigned short  initValue,
int  components 

Definition at line 92 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QStringList cx::getAbsolutePathToFiles ( QString  path,
QStringList  nameFilters,
bool  includeSubDirs 

Definition at line 101 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QStringList cx::getAbsolutePathToXmlFiles ( QString  path,
bool  includeSubDirs 

Definition at line 118 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QFileInfoList cx::getDirs ( QString  path)

Definition at line 93 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo ( MeshPtr  mesh)

Get information about a ssc mesh.

Definition at line 72 of file cxMeshHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo ( ImagePtr  image)

Definition at line 232 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::map< std::string, std::string > cx::getDisplayFriendlyInfo ( vtkImageDataPtr  image)

Definition at line 266 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

qint64 cx::PlaybackTime::getLength ( ) const

length of recording in ms

Definition at line 173 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT double cx::getMicroSecondsSinceEpoch ( )

Microseconds since epoch (1970)

Definition at line 35 of file cxTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT double cx::getMilliSecondsSinceEpoch ( )

Milliseconds since epoch (1970)

Definition at line 44 of file cxTime.cpp.

qint64 cx::PlaybackTime::getOffset ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

QProcess * cx::ProcessWrapper::getProcess ( )

Definition at line 41 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

double cx::PlaybackTime::getResolution ( )

Definition at line 199 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

double cx::PlaybackTime::getSpeed ( ) const

Definition at line 189 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

QDateTime cx::PlaybackTime::getStartTime ( ) const

Definition at line 178 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

QDateTime cx::PlaybackTime::getTime ( ) const

Definition at line 135 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::initialize ( QDateTime  start,
qint64  length 

Definition at line 34 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::TimelineEvent::isInside ( double  time,
double  tol_ms = 0 
) const

Return whether time is inside event. The minimum length of the event if set to tol_ms.

Definition at line 216 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::TimelineEvent::isOverlap ( const TimelineEvent rhs) const

Definition at line 223 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::PlaybackTime::isPlaying ( ) const

Definition at line 50 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::ProcessWrapper::isRunning ( )

Definition at line 61 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

bool cx::TimelineEvent::isSingular ( ) const

Definition at line 222 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::ProcessWrapper::launch ( QString  executable,
QStringList  argument = QStringList() 

Definition at line 53 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

void cx::ProcessWrapper::launchWithRelativePath ( QString  executable,
QStringList  arguments = QStringList() 

Definition at line 46 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::loadMeshFromToolTransforms ( PatientModelServicePtr  dataManager,
TimedTransformMap  transforms_prMt 

Definition at line 59 of file cxMeshHelpers.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::moveOffset ( qint64  delta)

change the offset with an amount

Definition at line 125 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

bool cx::TimelineEvent::operator< ( const TimelineEvent rhs) const

Definition at line 231 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  str,
const QString &  qstring 

Helper function overload for streaming a QString to std::cout.

Definition at line 28 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

cx::PlaybackTime::PlaybackTime ( )

Definition at line 22 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT vtkPolyDataPtr cx::polydataFromTransforms ( TimedTransformMap  transformMap_prMt,
Transform3D  rMpr 

Definition at line 26 of file cxMeshHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::printDisplayFriendlyInfo ( std::map< std::string, std::string >  map)

Definition at line 292 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

cx::ProcessWrapper::ProcessWrapper ( QString  name = "executable",
QObject *  parent = NULL 

Definition at line 23 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

template<class T >
QString qstring_cast ( const T &  val)

Convenience function that converts a type to its QString representation, provided it has defined operator <<.

Definition at line 46 of file cxTypeConversions.h.

void really_report_gl_errors ( const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  text 

Definition at line 24 of file cxGLHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT bool cx::removeNonemptyDirRecursively ( const QString &  dirName)

Remove a nonempty folder recursively

jan 26, 2013

Definition at line 70 of file cxFileHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::requireUnique ( int  use_count,
QString  objectName 

Definition at line 18 of file cxSharedPointerChecker.cpp.

template<class T >
void cx::requireUnique ( const boost::shared_ptr< T > &  object,
QString  objectName 

Utility for checking the usage count of share_ptr's and reporting it.


Definition at line 37 of file cxSharedPointerChecker.h.

void cx::PlaybackTime::rewind ( qint64  msecs)

jump backward in ms

Definition at line 120 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::setDeepModified ( vtkImageDataPtr  image)

Call after the image contents has been changed throug GetScalarPointer()

Set modified on a vtkImageData and inner classes. This ensures that GetScalarRange() returns the correct value.

Definition at line 408 of file cxVolumeHelpers.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::setOffset ( qint64  val)

set time as an offset from start

Definition at line 162 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::setResolution ( qint64  val)

set resolution in ms (signals are emitted with this spacing)

Definition at line 194 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::setSpeed ( double  val)

set speed as a ratio of real time. 1 is real time, less is slower, more is faster.

Definition at line 183 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::setTime ( QDateTime  time)

Definition at line 130 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT int cx::sign ( double  x)

Definition at line 46 of file cxUtilHelpers.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT void cx::sleep_ms ( int  ms)

Definition at line 70 of file cxUtilHelpers.cpp.

template<class ITER >
std::ostream& cx::stream_range ( std::ostream &  s,
ITER  begin,
ITER  end,
char  separator = ' ' 

stream the range |begin,end> to the ostream. insert separator between each element..

Definition at line 32 of file cxUtilHelpers.h.

template<class T >
QString streamXml2String ( T &  val)

Helper function template for streaming an object to string. The streamed object must support the method void addXml(QDomNode).

Definition at line 89 of file cxTypeConversions.h.

cxResource_EXPORT QString streamXml2String ( QString &  val)
cxResource_EXPORT QColor string2color ( QString  input,
QColor  defaultValue = QColor("green") 

Definition at line 64 of file cxTypeConversions.cpp.

template<class ENUM >
ENUM string2enum ( const QString &  val)
template<class T >
std::string string_cast ( const T &  val)

Convenience function that converts a type to its string representation, provided it has defined operator <<.

Definition at line 37 of file cxTypeConversions.h.

cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent ( )

Definition at line 95 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent ( QString  description,
double  start,
double  end 

Definition at line 96 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

cx::TimelineEvent::TimelineEvent ( QString  description,
double  time 

Definition at line 97 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::timestampMilliSecondsFormat ( )

Definition at line 22 of file cxTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::timestampMilliSecondsFormatNice ( )

Definition at line 30 of file cxTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::timestampSecondsFormat ( )

A standard format for use when converting between QDateTime and QString Usage: QDateTime().toString(timestampSecondsFormat()); QDateTime().fromString(text, timestampSecondsFormat())

Definition at line 18 of file cxTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::timestampSecondsFormatNice ( )

A more human-readable version of the above formatter.

Definition at line 26 of file cxTime.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT QString cx::toMillisecondsFormatNice ( double  secondsSinceEpoch)

Definition at line 57 of file cxTime.cpp.

void cx::ProcessWrapper::turnOffReporting ( )

Definition at line 81 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT VLCRecorder * cx::vlc ( )

Shortcut for accessing the vlc recorder.

Definition at line 23 of file cxVLCRecorder.cpp.

bool cx::ProcessWrapper::waitForFinished ( int  msecs = 30000)

Definition at line 76 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

bool cx::ProcessWrapper::waitForStarted ( int  msecs = 30000)

Definition at line 71 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

qint64 cx::ProcessWrapper::write ( const char *  data)

Definition at line 66 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

cx::PlaybackTime::~PlaybackTime ( )

Definition at line 45 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

cx::ProcessWrapper::~ProcessWrapper ( )

Definition at line 35 of file cxProcessWrapper.cpp.

Variable Documentation

QColor cx::TimelineEvent::mColor

Definition at line 102 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

QString cx::TimelineEvent::mDescription

Definition at line 99 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

double cx::TimelineEvent::mEndTime

Definition at line 101 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

QString cx::TimelineEvent::mGroup

Definition at line 103 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

double cx::TimelineEvent::mStartTime

Definition at line 100 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

QString cx::TimelineEvent::mUid

Definition at line 98 of file cxPlaybackTime.h.

cxResource_EXPORT const char * cx::TRACKING_SYSTEM_IMPLEMENTATION_IGSTK = "igstk"

Definition at line 16 of file cxDefinitions.cpp.

cxResource_EXPORT const char * cx::TRACKING_SYSTEM_IMPLEMENTATION_IGTLINK = "openigtlink"

Definition at line 17 of file cxDefinitions.cpp.


void cx::PlaybackTime::changed ( )
void cx::ProcessWrapper::stateChanged ( )

Public Slots

void cx::PlaybackTime::pause ( )

pause playing

Definition at line 71 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::start ( )

start playing.

Definition at line 55 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.

void cx::PlaybackTime::stop ( )

stop playing and reset to start

Definition at line 64 of file cxPlaybackTime.cpp.