13 #ifndef CXPROBESECTOR_H_ 14 #define CXPROBESECTOR_H_ 16 #include "cxResourceExport.h" 18 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> 20 #include "vtkSmartPointer.h" 60 bool clipRectIntersectsSector()
Transform3D Transform3D
Transform3D is a representation of an affine 3D transform.
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkPolyData > vtkPolyDataPtr
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > vtkPolyDataPtr
boost::shared_ptr< class ProbeSector > ProbeSectorPtr
Eigen::Vector3d Vector3D
Vector3D is a representation of a point or vector in 3D.
Definition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector.
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkPolyLine > vtkPolyLinePtr
vtkSmartPointer< class vtkImageData > vtkImageDataPtr
Utility functions for drawing an US Probe sector.
Namespace for all CustusX production code.