CustusX  22.04-rc2
An IGT application
cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget Class Referenceabstract

#include <cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h>

Inheritance diagram for cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget:
cx::RegistrationBaseWidget cx::BaseWidget cx::OptimizedUpdateWidget cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget cx::RMPCWidget cx::SeansVesselRegistrationWidget

Public Member Functions

 ICPRegistrationBaseWidget (RegServicesPtr services, QWidget *parent, QString uid, QString name)
virtual ~ICPRegistrationBaseWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cx::RegistrationBaseWidget
 RegistrationBaseWidget (RegServicesPtr services, QWidget *parent, QString objectName, QString windowTitle)
virtual ~RegistrationBaseWidget ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from cx::BaseWidget
 BaseWidget (QWidget *parent, QString objectName, QString windowTitle)
virtual ~BaseWidget ()
QWidget * createMethodWidget (QWidget *inputWidget, QWidget *outputWidget, QString methodname, bool inputChecked=false, bool outputVisible=true)
 Create a specialized widget for filters, with input/ouput, enable and options. More...
QGroupBox * createGroupbox (QWidget *widget, QString boxname)
 Create a group box with a given name. More...
QGroupBox * wrapInGroupBox (QWidget *base, QString name)
CXFramewrapInFrame (QWidget *base)
QAction * createAction2 (QObject *parent, QIcon iconName, QString text, QString tip, QLayout *layout=NULL, QToolButton *button=new QToolButton())
template<class T >
QAction * createAction (QObject *parent, QIcon iconName, QString text, QString tip, T slot, QLayout *layout=NULL, QToolButton *button=new QToolButton())
- Public Member Functions inherited from cx::OptimizedUpdateWidget
 OptimizedUpdateWidget (QWidget *parent=NULL)
virtual ~OptimizedUpdateWidget ()
void forcePrePaint ()

Protected Slots

void registerSlot ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void initializeRegistrator ()=0
virtual void onShown ()=0
virtual void applyRegistration (Transform3D delta)=0
virtual void setup ()=0
virtual double getDefaultAutoLTS () const
virtual void prePaintEvent ()
void onSpacesChanged ()
void onSettingsChanged ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cx::BaseWidget
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent *event)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from cx::OptimizedUpdateWidget
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event)

Protected Attributes

DoublePropertyPtr mLTSRatio
DoublePropertyPtr mMargin
BoolPropertyPtr mLinear
BoolPropertyPtr mAutoLTS
BoolPropertyPtr mDisplayProgress
BoolPropertyPtr mOneStep
DoublePropertyPtr mNumberOfIterations
DoublePropertyPtr mStopThreshold
DoublePropertyPtr mMaxTime
XmlOptionFile mOptions
SeansVesselRegPtr mRegistrator
boost::shared_ptr< class WidgetObscuredListenermObscuredListener
- Protected Attributes inherited from cx::RegistrationBaseWidget
RegServicesPtr mServices

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Slots inherited from cx::BaseWidget
void adjustSizeSlot ()
- Public Slots inherited from cx::OptimizedUpdateWidget
virtual void setModified ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from cx::BaseWidget
static QFrame * createHorizontalLine ()
 Creates a horizontal line which can be inserted into widgets. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for Widgets implementing registration using the ICP method. Subclass to perform e.g. I2I or I2P registration.

Note: mICPWidget will be created and initialized, but not added to a widget. Must be done by subclass.

Feb 21, 2011
Janne Beate Bakeng, SINTEF

Definition at line 49 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget ( RegServicesPtr  services,
QWidget *  parent,
QString  uid,
QString  name 

Definition at line 42 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::~ICPRegistrationBaseWidget ( )

Definition at line 48 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::applyRegistration ( Transform3D  delta)
protectedpure virtual

subclass must set the given registration delta into the registration manager.

Implemented in cx::RMPCWidget, cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget, and cx::SeansVesselRegistrationWidget.

virtual double cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::getDefaultAutoLTS ( ) const

Reimplemented in cx::RMPCWidget, and cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget.

Definition at line 75 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

virtual void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::initializeRegistrator ( )
protectedpure virtual

subclass must call mRegistrator->initialize() with proper input

Implemented in cx::RMPCWidget, cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget, and cx::SeansVesselRegistrationWidget.

void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::onSettingsChanged ( )

Definition at line 174 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

virtual void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::onShown ( )
protectedpure virtual

called when widget is shown. Subclass must update data if needed.

Implemented in cx::RMPCWidget, cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget, and cx::SeansVesselRegistrationWidget.

void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::onSpacesChanged ( )

Definition at line 161 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::prePaintEvent ( )

Implement to perform expensive operations that need only be called once per paint. Use setModified() to trigger this method.

Reimplemented from cx::OptimizedUpdateWidget.

Definition at line 52 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::registerSlot ( )

Definition at line 187 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.cpp.

virtual void cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::setup ( )
protectedpure virtual

subclass must implement to setup widget

Implemented in cx::RMPCWidget, cx::RMPCFromPointerWidget, and cx::SeansVesselRegistrationWidget.

Member Data Documentation

BoolPropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mAutoLTS

Definition at line 89 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

BoolPropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mDisplayProgress

Definition at line 90 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

ICPWidget* cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mICPWidget

Definition at line 97 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

BoolPropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mLinear

Definition at line 88 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

DoublePropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mLTSRatio

Definition at line 86 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

DoublePropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mMargin

Definition at line 87 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

DoublePropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mMaxTime

Definition at line 95 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

DoublePropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mNumberOfIterations

Definition at line 93 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

boost::shared_ptr<class WidgetObscuredListener> cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mObscuredListener

Definition at line 100 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

BoolPropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mOneStep

Definition at line 91 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

XmlOptionFile cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mOptions

Definition at line 98 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

SeansVesselRegPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mRegistrator

Definition at line 99 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

DoublePropertyPtr cx::ICPRegistrationBaseWidget::mStopThreshold

Definition at line 94 of file cxICPRegistrationBaseWidget.h.

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