CustusX  16.5
An IGT application
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 Namespace for all CustusX production code.


class  cx::ActiveToolProxy
 Helper class for connecting to the active tool.By listening to this class, you will always listen to the active tool. More...
class  cx::DummyProbe
class  cx::DummyToolManager
 Implementation of a ToolManager used for testing. More...
class  cx::ManualTool
 A manual tool that is unconnected to any hardware. More...
class  cx::Probe
 US Probe interface. More...
class  cx::ProbeAdapterRTSource
 VideoSource that applies the parameters from a Probe to the VideoSource. More...
class  cx::ProbeDefinition
 Definition of characteristics for an Ultrasound Probe Sector. More...
class  cx::ProbeImpl
class  cx::ProbeSector
 Utility functions for drawing an US Probe sector. More...
class  cx::ApplyLUTToImage2DProxy
 Helper class for applying sscLUT2D to an image. More...
class  cx::SliceProxyInterface
class  cx::SimpleSliceProxy
class  cx::SliceProxy
 Provides a slice matrix based on definition and tool. More...
class  cx::Tool
 Interface to a tool, i.e. a pointer, US probe or similar. More...
class  cx::ToolImpl
 Common functionality for Tool subclasses. More...
class  cx::ToolNull
class  cx::ToolProxy
class  cx::TrackerConfiguration
class  cx::TrackingPositionFilter
class  cx::TrackingService
 Service providing tools and tracking systems. More...
class  cx::TrackingServiceNull
class  cx::TrackingServiceProxy
class  cx::TrackingSystemService
 Tracking System Service. More...
class  ProbeXmlConfigParser
 Class that works as a interface to a ProbeCalibConfigs.xml. More...
class  ProbeXmlConfigParserImpl
 Implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser Interface to ProbeCalibConfigs.xml. More...
class  ProbeXmlConfigParserMock
 Moc implementation of abstract interface ProbeXmlConfigParser All function return dummy values. More...


typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class ActiveToolProxy > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SimpleSliceProxy > 
typedef boost::shared_ptr
< class SliceProxy > 

Detailed Description

Tracking hardware, US probes and navigation pointers. Tool related interfaces and data classes.

See Also
Basic relation between the Tool interfaces.
Ultrasound Probe with Polaris tracking sensors attached.

Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class ActiveToolProxy > cx::ActiveToolProxyPtr

Definition at line 54 of file cxStatusBar.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr<class SimpleSliceProxy> cx::SimpleSliceProxyPtr

Definition at line 90 of file cxSliceProxy.h.

typedef boost::shared_ptr< class SliceProxy > cx::SliceProxyPtr

Definition at line 115 of file cxForwardDeclarations.h.