NorMIT-nav  22.09
An IGT application
Route-to-Target Filter

Airways-From-Centerline is used in bronchoscopy navigation. It makes artificial airway tubes around the input centerline. The radius of the tubes is decided by the generation number, based on Weibel's model of airways. n contradiction to the model, it is set a lower boundary for the tube radius (2 mm) making the peripheral airways larger than in reality, which makes it possible to virtually navigate inside the tubes. The airways are generated by adding a sphere to a volume (image) at each point along every branch. The output is a surface model generated from the volume.


  • Airway centerline tree generated in the airways filter (Linux verions only).


  • Airway tube surface model
  • A smoothed version of the input centerline used to generate the tubes

Algorithm developed by Erlend F. Hofstad.