Fraxinus  18.10
An IGT application
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Tutorial: DICOM Import

The standard format for medical images is DICOM. This part of the tutorial assumes that you have access to a DICOM data set containing at least one volume. A volume is, in DICOM terms, a series consisting of several 2D images arranged in a 3D grid. Such a volume can be imported.

  • Open the DICOM Widget
    • Main Menu -> Window -> Utility -> DICOM
  • Move and enlarge the widget if necessary.
  • Press the Open button and select a DICOM folder. All DICOM data inside this folder and subfolders will now be imported into the widget, but not into CustusX itself.
  • Select a series containing a volume.
    • Optionally use the Images column to check if a particular series contains enough images to count as a volume.
    • Optionally use the preview to inspect the images.
    • Optionally use theView button to inspect the raw DICOM tags.
  • Press the Import button to import the selected series into CustusX as a volume.
  • Display the volume in the views to verify that the import succeeded.
DICOM Widget