Fraxinus  18.10
An IGT application
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Tutorial: Customizing the User Interface


Select various layouts that display data in different ways.

  1. Change Layout: Layout->3D AnyDual.
  2. Change Layout: Layout->3D.
  3. Change Layout: Layout->3D ACS.

The layout changes between different modes. The difference between them is how the 2D and 3D views are combined to visualize data. The concept of View Groups are important here. Each group of Views show the same data.

As an example, we display two groups containing different data, 3D+ACS and ACS.

  • Group 0 displays A MR volume with an US overlay and segmented vessels.
  • Group 1 displays only the MR volume.

    3D+ACS, ACS

In addition to the predefined layouts, custom ones can be created in Layouts->New Layout.

Workflow Steps

The use of CustusX during a surgical procedure can be broken down into a series of steps:

  • Preoperative data acquisition
  • Planning
  • Registration
  • Navigation + Intraoperative data acquisition.
  • Postoperative analysis

This is the main workflow. Each step is named a Workflow Step. They are controlled from the toolbar, highlighted in the figure.

Workflow steps

Each step contains its own widget and layout configuration. In addition, the configuration can be customized by the user and stored for later use. Use WorkFlow->Save Desktop to store, and WorkFlow->Reset Desktop to go back to the default for that step.


Several features can be fine-tuned in the preferences widget.

  • The General Tab controls clinical application and patient files location.
  • The Performance Tab can save you from a slow system.
  • The Automation Tab determine if some actions are performed automatically when given critierions are fulfilled.
  • The Visualization Tab fine-tune some of the graphics.