An IGT application
This is the complete list of members for cx::NIfTIReader, including all inherited members.
canLoad(const QString &type, const QString &filename) | cx::NIfTIReader | inlinevirtual |
canLoadDataType() const | cx::NIfTIReader | inlinevirtual |
load(const QString &uid, const QString &filename) | cx::NIfTIReader | virtual |
loadVtkImageData(QString filename) | cx::NIfTIReader | virtual |
loadVtkPolyData(QString filename) | cx::DataReader | inlinevirtual |
NIfTIReader() | cx::NIfTIReader | |
readInto(DataPtr data, QString path) | cx::NIfTIReader | virtual |
readInto(ImagePtr image, QString filename) | cx::NIfTIReader | |
~DataReader() | cx::DataReader | inlinevirtual |
~NIfTIReader() | cx::NIfTIReader | inlinevirtual |