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An IGT application
Name | Description |
Patient | The patient is the collection of all data related to a single patient study, such a MR/CT/US volumes, segmentations based on the volumes, and relations between these. All patients in CustusX are anonymous. |
Clinical Application | A system wide setting that specifies which clinical domain the system is to be used in. Options are Neurology, Laparoscopy etc. This affects the available tools and slice orientations. |
Data set | Either a volume, surface, or other data displaying 3D information of a patient. |
Metaheader | Volumetric data format. Consists of two files: .mhd and .raw. |
View | A window inside CustusX displaying volume data in either 2D or 3D. |
View Group | A group of views that display the same data, althoug in different ways. |
Layout | One configuration of all visible Views. |
Tool | A tracking device, usually from Polaris. Can be a navigation pointer, a surgical device, or an ultrasound probe. Used to navigate within the volumes. |
Manual Tool | A special Tool that is controlled by the mouse. Otherwise is is treated like a physical tool. Is is the default Pointer when tracking is disabled (when starting the system, for example) |
Slice | A 2D slice through a 3D volume. Custus uses several definitions for its slicing, primarily ACS (Axial, Coronal, Sagittal), but also Anyplanes, which are attached to the Tool. Customize using layouts. |
IGT | Image Guided Therapy |
Navigation Pointer | A Tool used for pointing. |