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An IGT application
This is the complete list of members for cx::ReporterThread, including all inherited members.
callInLogThread(ThreadMethodInvoker::ActionType action) | cx::LogThread | protected |
cleanupMessage(Message message) | cx::LogThread | protected |
emittedMessage(Message message) | cx::ReporterThread | signal |
executeSetLoggingFolder(QString absoluteLoggingFolderPath) | cx::ReporterThread | protectedvirtual |
installObserver(MessageObserverPtr observer, bool resend) | cx::LogThread | virtual |
logMessage(Message msg) | cx::ReporterThread | virtualslot |
LogThread(QObject *parent=NULL) | cx::LogThread | |
mRepository | cx::LogThread | protected |
processMessage(Message msg) | cx::LogThread | protectedslot |
ReporterThread(QObject *parent=NULL) | cx::ReporterThread | |
setLoggingFolder(QString absoluteLoggingFolderPath) | cx::LogThread | virtual |
startQtMessages() | cx::ReporterThread | |
stopQtMessages() | cx::ReporterThread | |
uninstallObserver(MessageObserverPtr observer) | cx::LogThread | virtual |
~LogThread() | cx::LogThread | inlinevirtual |
~ReporterThread() | cx::ReporterThread | virtual |