An IGT application
This is the complete list of members for Catch::MethodTestCase< C >, including all inherited members.
addRef() const | Catch::SharedImpl< ITestCase > | inlinevirtual |
invoke() const | Catch::MethodTestCase< C > | inlinevirtual |
m_rc | Catch::SharedImpl< ITestCase > | mutable |
MethodTestCase(void(C::*method)()) | Catch::MethodTestCase< C > | inline |
NonCopyable() | Catch::NonCopyable | inlineprotected |
release() const | Catch::SharedImpl< ITestCase > | inlinevirtual |
SharedImpl() | Catch::SharedImpl< ITestCase > | inline |
~IShared() | Catch::IShared | virtual |
~ITestCase() | Catch::ITestCase | protectedvirtual |
~NonCopyable() | Catch::NonCopyable | protectedvirtual |